1 Post – 24 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Half the posts are also just people specualting about activity on lemmy.

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The option still seems pretty nice to have.

Avelon. A native iOS app with a decently active developer. Has all features i would expect from a Lemmy app at this point.

I also tried Voyager, but it seemed a bit off to me.

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Fair. No reason making fun of this other people like.

But it does appear that way. And they probably didn’t get any “real” confirmation that the video is real.

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Can someone tell me where this man was on September 11th 2001?

It seems like a lot of Lemmy users are slightly radical american "leftists". This is an example of this on It seems that some users see Lemmy as a forum for politicly "left"-leaning americans, not a general purpose forum. Maybe some people prefer an echo chamber?

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The post is satire, but I remember being ~8-9 and trying to create a "game" in Microsoft Word with hyperlinks between documents and nothing else. I had hundreds of documents (each representing a game state) before I got tired of that project.

Imagine the survival rate without precautions. (e.g. look at Italy 2020)

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That makes just about 100% then.

I for one like an open and public forum that allows for opinions I don't agree with. A diversity of opinion definitely seems like a big plus to me.

Honestly inflation seems preferable to deflation to me, as long as it isn’t a very fast inflation.

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This man is willing to pay for a search engine, but not willing to pay for entertainment lmao

One thing Lemmy is missing is a way to join that doesn't require you to understand the fediverse - currently the barrier of entry is quite high. Also, there aren't any great user interfaces yet, which makes the platform difficult to use.

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It might have to do with the release of the app "Boost for Lemmy".

Another tip is asking literally any human.

Edit: the instrument board should also issue a warning.

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One thing I could use is a good desktop web frontend. On desktop I’d much rather browse Reddit(old+res) than any of the clients I have found. All of the clients are missing usable keyboard navigation, or the interface is too clunky for my monitor.

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Cool answer, but ignores the question, no?

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AFAIK Lemmy counts active users as users who “engage”, meaning they post, comment or vote. Falling DAU/MAUs could be due to users not feeling obligated to engage, and instead engaging when they feel like it.

Avelon on iOS, mlmym on web at the moment. Still looking for a UI that let's me show the local feed of another instance while still being signed in.

For me it’s laziness.

Thanks. That’s definitely the best frontend available for me.

Is Apple not going to allow sideloading in the EU soon?

MAUs are counted by commenters and posters. The stats could just as well show that there are fewer people engaging for the sake of engagement, which was a huge problem last summer.