1 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I've had this thought many times, glad I'm not alone. Also makes you wonder if possibly everyone's "favorite" color is the same color, we just all call it different things because of how we individually perceive it.

This is a fun thought, but I can disprove this myself easily enough due to having had my favorite color change multiple times in my lifetime. Currently enjoying green.

October 7th, 1999. Was a miserable date. Early snow. Sucked.

Unfortunately not everyone

For real, it's the musk's that are the dangerous ones.

Usually bs like "good Christian values", which are ultimately so anti-christian that it's almost humorous.

Right, it's especially rich because that the demographic that's overwhelmingly "Christian" despite consistently voting against policies that align with "Christ's" teachings.

For guns, I've recently run into a point of view that I think is valid: the above structure (insurance/license) disproportionately favors the wealthy. Ultimately it just adds a barrier for the poor.

I fully understand that the stats show that gun control laws DO indeed decrease GUN violence. However violent crime in general doesn't really change. The ONLY statistically effective way that guarantees a reduction of violence on the whole is lifting people out of poverty. The less poor we have, the less violent crime. Social programs can lift us out of so many issues.

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I like the sentiment, but I think it's been peddled so long that I think it would take too much time to dispel. It's one of those things that I feel was said so many times over the years that even people with more sense started to believe it.

I think they're meeting people where they are, in hopes to pull some people from the other side. Because obviously the people who understand that the whole thing is BS are already voting for Harris because the alternative is insane.

It's the principle of the thing. These companies keep overreaching all the time.

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Of course! Here he is:

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Appreciate the comment, another commenter mentioned parasitic fly. And to me it looks exactly like the butt end of a botfly larvae, and the shape under the skin seems to match too. Does your wife have any experience with that or think this could potentially be the culprit? Gonna try smothering with something unbreathable as soon as I can either way.

I wish you did. If everyone who thought like you do, started caring and voting and participating, the whole world would be better.

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I thought that picture was a screenshot of the movie District 9. Now making a parallel, even those alien guys were treated better than Palestinians.

Man, Travolta got himself really..... Caged in.....

That's the thing though. They know nobody would ever do this voluntarily.

That would be funny, but probably just best to ignore the creep

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Holy shit, looks almost exactly like a botfly.... Going to try this for sure... Don't think I have any jelly. I'll see what I have on hand.

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While I agree, how sad is it that we live in a world where this kind of trash isn't abnormal

That is, in fact, all they seem to think it takes.

This is promising. Trump just lies (surprised face), Biden just exaggerates or makes small speaking errors. (Among all the brain farts and studdering)

I watched some of it. Super embarrassing for Biden. Added all the fodder Fox needs to make edits and clips until the end of time.


Just wish we could use Wii controls. That was the best way to play prime. The switch remaster was okay, but not as good.

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Good news, just a benign growth. Vet isn't concerned. Said some fancy medical terms and said it's nothing to worry about in the short term, just keep an eye on it monthly to see if it's growing.

Thanks everyone!

This Elmo?!

Sorry about that dude! This doesn't help with the pain right now, but they've just started human trials on a new therapy that re-enables your tooth buds, allowing you to grow a new set of adult teeth. Maybe it'll be available soonish 🤞

Have an appointment for this afternoon. Will update when I know!

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Yeah kinda thinking the same (going to the vet), don't want to cause it to be worse. I just moved and haven't found a vet yet. I'll try and get him to one as soon as possible, thanks for the input!

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For real, I've heard some recordings, and the only similar thing I heard was "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free".

I think it's important to note as well, nearly ALL chants in most protests rhyme, so "... sea, Palestine will be Arab" just doesn't sound like something anyone would be saying.

He is 10 years old. I'm sure cysts are gonna be pretty common at this point.

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He's probably racist, or sexist, or both. People love to assume everyone else has their same crappy views.

As an ex-mormon, I feel I should point out that they don't believe they're claiming the dead whom they're baptizing. They're providing an opportunity for the dead person to choose and accept the baptism.

That said, f#*# organized religion. The Mormon church especially.

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Dude, you've made your point on virtually every comment on this thread. We get it, you don't trust them. The world has given all of us every reason not to blindly trust this sort of thing. But I've done enough digging that I'M happy with the security, and the fact they're not feeding my private content to the AI monster.

Please, for the love of the flying spaghetti monster, don't keep spamming EVERYONE with the same 3 points you've already made elsewhere.

I seem to recall something about how she was pretty crappy or made some bad moves while she was DA, but I can't say for certain 🤷 honestly her VP record seems pretty good. It's a pretty invisible position, but if you look up stuff specifically she's been doing a lot of good.

I agree, just checking first to see if anyone else has seen this before.

For real, had they not vetoed the ceasefire in the first place, how many innocent lives might have been saved?

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Unless they're a family vlogger. Screw those people.

Ultimately, the adoptee might still be in a "better position" in terms of food and shelter, but they lose privacy and anonymity, and are often treated like shit off camera (sometimes on)

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*Warning: you will get texted so use your disposable number

When I filled it out, email was required, phone was not.

Also, I use, and they have a really nice email masker, so you can generate throwaway email addresses, which is nice!

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Oooo thanks. Looking into that.

Sad but true

I 100% believe that. But might it have done some good anyway? Just because "they'll just do it anyway" is a terrible excuse not to try to better the situation.