1 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The inability to self-soothe and therefore outburst when you have emotions is an executive dysfunction that is definitely part of ADHD. As others have said, the degree to which you feel the emotions may have other components, but the inability to quell or redirect your emotions is definitely a normal ADHD symptom.

Dr Russell Barkley, a respected researcher in the field of ADHD, basically states that there is a chemical deficiency in your brain that makes it physically impossible for it to simply 'be' better, and that things like behavior modification have been shown to be helpful... almost exclusively when the subject is also on medication. And even when environmental changes can make a difference, it tends to fall on those close to the ADHDer to help set up those accommodations, at least with children. However, with adults there exist the same struggles, just to a /slightly/ lesser extent.

Yeah, like mounting plates for cameras…. Um, I think that’s the only place I’ve appreciated a slot screw

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Dr Russell Barkley seems to be pretty against the idea of not taking meds. ADHD affects all parts of your life, and just because you don't have school doesnt mean you dont have ADHD. Your brain works better on the drugs, you can be more responsible, put more effort into your hobbies, and take better care of yourself if youre on your meds.

Unless theyve got some real reason for suggesting that, you should probably get a new dr.

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The best programmers are, 80/20 is life

Gotta love a power trip

Yeah man, these fucking minorities need to pick themselves up by their great great grandparents bootstraps.


The author of "The Phoenix Project" would argue that you gotta just take the L for a minute while you reorganize. Because a lynchpin like ernest is never going to have a good moment to stop and reorganize, you just gotta do it now.

I've largely done those things too until I got diagnosed, at 27. Since then I did adderall on and off, it works decently for me, however, the effects on my mood as it drains out of my system are not great. Mostly, I become extremely irritable. Lately I've been reading and watching more about ADHD, and Russell Barkley really changed the way I see the issue. I, now more than ever, see ADHD as a chemical shortcoming of my brain and I'm really pursuing the right drug or combination of drugs to deal with issues I've been failing to overcome for decades.

There was a really solid tower defense game on fdroid that I played a ton when I had an android

According to Dr Russell Barkley, there are genetic tests that can really help identify which drugs you are likely to respond to.

Brave is chromium based, along with basically all other browsers that arent firefox or safari.

Do you want one? Will you use it? Could that money bring you more happiness in the long run used in some other way?

These are the kinds of questions I ask myself before spending >$50, usually prevents me from regret.

I'm curious where you got that notion, hadn't seen that around.

I want to replace my iPhone 11 Pro bc the faceid scanner is broke. (Someone didn’t close the drybag properly and some water got into the phone through the earpiece)

But as annoying as no faceid is, I just can’t fully justify getting a new phone. I tried to get it fixed by apple ($550 for a replacement phone) and by iPad Rehab (said they can’t fix it)

So, idk….

Yeah, maybe even too seamless. But I like it still

Why did you get banned? Did you post them to /r/Noise ?
You can't just DoS their servers like that, but feel free to contribute noise to the appropriate sub.

I don't get the 'ad' justification. Because, if they wanted to make up for the lost ad revenue, they just needed to charge around 100th of what they decided. Huffman stated they're aware of AI people training with reddit data, and I think it's clear that they're pricing the API to capitalize on AI training, everyone else be damned.

I did make a microblog on that boston community, and it showed up on lemmy.

Based on the state of lemmy, I'm guessing the microblog->post issue is on the lemmy side of things.

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As far as funding goes, Diaspora (Fedi facebook, I think) runs off of an ?$8? a year model.

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If its true... then who is the republican nominee?

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What's their deal? Doesn't seem open source. Isn't federated. Who owns it? Whats their business model?
UI looks clean, polished even. But I don't wanna buy-in on another closed system that may degrade in the same way.

Might it have something to do with the type of content?
I noticed, looking in your profile that KBin refers to your boston content as a 'thread' while lemmy calls such things posts.
There are 'posts' in kbin, so maybe you need to make a new 'post' on kbin.

Just guessing

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This makes sense, I read somewhere recently that there actually is no evidence that people’s attention span is getting shorter, it’s just crap people say.