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Joined 10 months ago

Such an unfortunate name choice. 🤦

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As others stated a small portion of that was due to over-hiring, some to follow the layoff trend and some to make the earnings call look good.

But from what some experts are saying; there's also another factor, which is even worse.

There's a looming threat of a recession hitting in a few months (which is said to be a much bigger recession than the post-Covid one). And this recession will be tied to the Commercial Real-Estate Bubble.

They are saying that it will be like the 2009 Mortgage Crisis and will be very disruptive.

There's this theory that companies are reducing their headcount to prepare for this recession by reducing their expenses to the minimum. Which makes sense.

For the companies without savings that is a must but the ugly part is that you see big names with huge amounts of money in the bank laying off people as well.

Well, because they don't want to invest that money on the people, they will use all that money to buy smaller companies when the recession hits. All big tech with enough money in the bank is rooting for the recession to happen so they can buy everything for very cheap and grow even more.

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I wonder what's gonna be the next shit they will try to pull. They are acting like a spoiled child.

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No, it won't stop the genocide. Most likely nothing will. But all of these will be evidence in the future to label these countries as supporters of genocide. A stain that will never wash off.

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Such a great article. Also the images, videos and animations are so beautiful.

For me:

  • Awesome stickers with very good custom sticker support.
  • You can use a nickname to chat, you don't need to share your GSM number with anyone which was an incredibly stupid idea in the first place. On that account , better privacy than Signal or ShitsApp.
  • You can use simultaneously on multiple web AND mobile devices.
  • You don't lose your chat history when you login from another mobile device like in ShitsApp.
  • Stores your media server-side. So you always have your full chat with all the media in it. Of course this requires care about what you share with other.
  • Forwarding messages between chats has a lot of flexibility.
  • Message editing. Which ShitsApp finally copied. 🤣
  • Constantly improved. They are always adding more features.
  • The channel support is really good..
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Exactly. The entertainment value of it is very similar to the early MTV. When you find the right creators for you it's very rewarding.

And on top of that for me YouTube's music recommendations are always spot on. Sometimes it insists that I check a music video on the landing page. Every time showing me the same thing. And most of the times it turns out to be a very good discovery. So it's a very good medium to discover new music. Funny enough, YouTube Music's recommendations are always sub-par.

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This. Also if I have to change jobs every 2-3 years to get a market level salary why would I even bother. This is the reality they created.

Most likely they couldn't figure out anything else to charge him hence the "drilling the wall" thing.

At CNET — where Priestley previously worked, according to LinkedIn —

Say no more 🤮

As if there wasn't enough hatred towards USA from the Middle East, these actions are showing seeds of hatred towards USA for generations to come. Which can be easily radicalized in the future.

I worked in both small and big companies.

That "micromanaging CEO" can also happen in big companies as your skip-manager doing that. So, being in a big company isn't a safe bet against it.

I would say there are more pros than cons in working for a small company. Especially if you're at the beginning of your career.

What you should make absolutely clear is that what you'll be working on i.e. products & technologies.


  • You may learn a lot of things. Not only on the tech side but also about how to deal with people, how a project is managed, how business is translated into tech.
  • It's easier to be seen and heard. You see a problem with a business initiative, you can convince the managers and change it to avoid a certain disaster. Your achievements will be recognized more.
  • Less bureaucracy. Big companies move very slowly. Also with your career development. You will have to jump through many many loops to just get a pay raise as much as the inflation. In small companies salary adjustments and promotions are much faster.
  • You may rise up quite fast. With the allure of big companies stealing talent from small companies there may be many opportunities to grow into different roles in the company.
  • Small companies need to retain their employees more than the big companies. It's an expensive and time consuming process to hire. So a smart small company will try their best to retain its employees. If the financials of that company are good it means you will have better job security.
  • Less playing politics. In big companies there are a lot of times you have to play politics against other teams to get something done. That's tedious and time consuming. You may see the work you spent so much time on to be "postponed" to another quarter just because some other team "wasn't ready yet".
  • In big companies there are a LOT of legacy, badly written, big riddled, failing code present. Most likely you will have to maintain code like that alongside new code. In small companies it's less likely to encounter very bad legacy stuff.


  • If there's a micromanaging CEO (especially without tech experience) this may drive you crazy. The same applies for an incompetent direct manager.
  • It may be unbearable if you don't "vibe" with the people. Especially if they are rude or insulting. In big companies how people shall interact with each other is defined and enforced. May not be the case in a small company.
  • The salary may be lower than what you'll get in a big company. But if you're early in your career that shouldn't be the most important point.
  • After 2 - 3 years most likely you'll learn everything in the company and it won't feel challenging. Then you'll need to change jobs as the things you can learn at a small company are limited to what they are using anyway.
  • There will be a lot of focus shifts and last minute changes. Things will (almost) never go according to the plan. What you have been working on may be shelved due to changes in business requirements.
  • Related to the previous point you may need to work overtime.

Exactly this. Also it used to be that you would buy a subscription and that would increase the rate and quality of your matches. That's no longer the case. Now it's all transaction based. You have to pay for boosts, special swipes and shit to be seen.

Yes, this is not about Palestine but the (planned) escalation of the war to neighboring countries.

True. But every nation has its downfall. It's only a matter of time.

First of all, it's very common for a woman to say they like tall guys. Just like most guys would say they like girls with big breasts. But at the end of the day no one can get their ideal person. It's either looks or personality. Everyone has to compromise.

But if your crush is obsessed with height then she's a dispecable human being who doesn't deserve anyone's attention or love. If it's any consolation there are a lot of tall fuck boys that will use and dump those kind of height obsessed women. And those guys will only pick the best of the best for romantic partners. All other women will be devoid of happiness and forever keep on searching. So scratch all women like that off your list!!

Now, you mentioned money to get attention of women. Although that would work to some extent, most of the attention you'd get would be from gold diggers. They are experts of manipulation and gaslighting, they would take all your money and will leave you in a worse mental situation than before. And no, it's not that easy to spot a golddigger. Again, they are experts in their craft.

But there are some things you can do:

  • As others mentioned, grooming and looking your best. I won't go into depth here.
  • Being funny. Women really are more inclined to like a guy that makes them laugh. The trick is to find the right amount of funny. You shouldn't be a clown. Smart and a bit of sarcastic goes a long way. If you can also be able to make fun of yourself (a healthy amount) that will also show confidence. And confidence is always a winning feat.
  • Success / Passion. One of the reasons (besides golddiggers) that women like men with money is that it's a form of being successful. Be passionate about something and try to be good at it. Creative endeavors like art and music will attract a lot of attention. Make you more interesting. Yes, that won't help out with all women but quite a sizeable amount of women. Also keep in mind that to some level everyone likes to show off their partners. A tall but boring accountant wouldn't be as good as a partner than a short king who creates art, puts up exhibitions, being passionate about his subject, fun to talk to.
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I think from her part it was more about planting the seeds of a censorship tool than pleasing economic powers. Right-wing scum always attack freedom of speech first.


The thing is; now it doesn't matter if your job has been done properly by AI or not, what matters is that it's just cheaper. And when all companies jump on this bandwagon of enshittification for profit it becomes the standard. This already happened with customer support. It's nearly impossible to get a human when you call for support. All customers hate it, make their life harder. But still all companies do it and with no alternative you just have to accept it. From what I see, the adoption to AI happens in two ways: either you want to make your human driven processes better by utilizing AI or for cheaper with AI but with 'passable' quality. And it looks like companies are mostly in the second camp. So I don't think besides some exceptional cases and industries the quality of work will be a determining factor.

But with decision making that can affect peoples' lives and livelihoods, we need to be damn sure the computer is going to make the right decision every time or not trust it to have full controls at all.


Yes, dystopia already arrived and we will all going to suffer. Here are just a few simple examples of blind trust of algorithms which ruined people's lives. And day by day more are coming.

Before AI:

After AI:

I didn't mean to say it's going to be as big as the 2008 crisis but the idea was that it's gonna create a similar domino effect.

Here are some stuff about this.

I'm not an Economist but from what I understand the argument is like this:

1- Covid changed the work culture and made remote work viable

2- This in turn reduced the value of Commercial Real-Estate

3- There's a lot of investment of Comm. real estate. And investors & owners wanted to keep the value of their assets high.

4- So there was the RTO mandates. Which was initially pushed by the investors.

5- Ukraine war creates inflation and raised interest rates. The time of free money is over.

6- Now investors push for companies to turn profit instead of growth.

7- Companies try to cut costs to please the investors. Mass layoffs happening. Startups going bankrupt.

8- Since the interest rates are still high and investors saw that turning growth into profit wasn't that easy they are shy to put in money into new investments. Especially IT (AI excluded)

9- Investments dried up which means there's less growth potential for companies meaning even less demand for Commercial Real-Estate. Which means whoever invested heavily (with loans) into comm. Real-Estate will go under when it's time to pay back.

10- The banks who are heavily invested in Comm. Real-Estate will get affected meaning there will be even less money for investment causing an economic recession.

Surely. AI is definitely a factor. But at the same time it's a fad right now. It's what Blockchain was a few years ago. Everyone is trying to jump into the AI bandwagon as it's the new cool hip thing. Sadly unlike Blockchain this is getting people fired instead of getting hired.

Even though AI creates remarkable results I don't think it's as mature enough as companies really think it's to be. They are kinda gambling on that it will be able to cover the human work force before the effects of layoffs are felt by the customers.

On that account I think the number one issue is about the cost, uninformed companies think that what they are paying today is the real cost of AI. But in reality all AI offerings are actually burning money to lure customers, to make them get rid of their workforce to get them really dependent on their AI. And when they achieve enough dependency the prices will increase, then the companies will see the real cost of AI. Basically the exact same thing that happened with Streaming Services.

Another downside that people will notice after great adoption of AI may be that the variations of the results will start to look the same. If all of us use the same AI tool, giving similar prompts for our Ad campaign then most likely our Ad campaigns will look very similar, beating the most important necessity of an Ad campaign; recognition. To beat that AI should be used as a tool by capable people to ease their job and not to do their entire job.

I think it will take a few years for companies to really realize that.

With deep packet inspection they can detect a VPN protocol connection attempt and drop it. There are already countries utilizing this method.

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Exactly this. If not utilized by companies most of these office buildings will be sunken investment.

There's a very informational video here detailing the challenges of converting office buildings into residential.

I predict that "career" as we know it today will disappear shortly. We will have to change careers every 5 to 10 years. Depending on where the wind is blowing from and if there will be any vacant jobs. Being an expert in a field will not have much of a value as that expertise will be stolen by AI during one's employment anyway. What can be helpful in this dystopia waiting for us would be analytic problem solving skills, creativity, constant learning and curiosity. But no matter what, we will all end up with minimum wage.

Yes, finally. But I would say a bit late to the party. And a privacy focused IM not thinking about this for years blows my mind.

Yes, my point is that banning protocols will kill all the commercial VPN offerings. Restricting a big size of the population. Obscure protocols like X-Ray can work but not everyone can set it up.

And I think you can also raise some suspicion if you use too much bandwidth on that connection. GBs of data consumption from can raise eyebrows. And that would be the only thing needed for a court notice or a visit by the police, depending upon the country. And in anti-democratic countries you're guilty until proven innocent anyway.