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I really thought the idea was, "You like mecha? You like kids piloting mecha? This is how it'd go down." I loved it so much. Shinji's a broken, abused shell child. He lives with a broken human who drowns her sorrows in drink. His father is just evil. He'd have to be to let his kid pilot the mecha.

The only real father figure we ever see for shinji is a spy. Who gets killed. He's in love with a girl that hates him. Because he's broken. But he has no one else. Except those friends at school who I think they take away. Don't remember. And that angel who he has to kill or something. Damn, it's been like 25 years. I have no idea what happened. But in my memory it's terrible. Wonderful stuff.

Thanks. I remember one of these had people being excited about it and I felt bad that I couldn't try it. But Linux is hard and we are all so grumpy. I get it.

Is that the Mac only one?

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We knew spooks were all up in the phone network. They'd show up and ask installers to run them some cables and configure ports in a certain way. I was friends with folks who were friends with the installers.

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I work on software for finding things and summarizing stuff. We were one of those Apache 2 -> other relicenses a while back.

I can't really talk about specifics. But we all have a working imagination though. I think about it a lot. But I still do the job. There are good folks doing good things with it.

It's not my favorite but it's fine.

I'm reasonably sure compilers can shift the if out. I believe it's called "loop invariant code motion". Won't work in call cases, but in the variable case it should.

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The sky above the port.

I've been listening to the Andy Serkis reading it lately. First experience since I was a kid. It's surprisingly nuanced for something so old and so baked into the popular culture. It's kind of amazing how flattened my memory of it from childhood is.

Dune as well. And Snowcrash too

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The only surefire way is to read it all. And understand it all. That ain't happening though. So you decide how much to do.

You should figure out how many people are landing patches and get a rough sense of why. Same for folks filing issues or talking about the project in general. Maybe you trust one of the contributors for some reason. Either way, you want to know how alive the project is.

You could land a patch.

You could spot check parts of the code.

You could run vulnerability scanners on it.

I dunno. It's hard.

I don't believe you have to specify the condition at compile time. I think that optimization would fall under dead code elimination.

For the invariant code motion stuff the comparison just has to be invariant from start to finish. At least, that's been my experience. The compiler will just shift the if stement.

But, like, there are totally times when it can't figure out that the thing is invariant. And sometimes it's just more readable to move the if statement out of the loop.

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I put googly eyes on things.

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I had this one weekend when I was in tenth grade where I did nothing but write code on a fun project. Then I decided I didn't like writing code. I don't know why. Kids are weird.

I decided then I couldn't make it my job. I managed not to program for three years. It turns out I'm bad at everything else. Miserable.

That was 22 years ago. That's still all I'm good at.

I was never a fan either. Doki Doki Literature Club was good though.

I believe they were referring to this:

The last project I fell in love with was Elasticsearch. About ten years ago. I was building a search and everything was wrong with solr. I switched to elasticsearch and it was smooth. They had built so much of what I needed. And at the time they were apache licensed which was amazing for us. The world's kind of moved a long way since then. I'd love to fall in love like that again. I just don't haveany opportunities.

I was bored on an airplane a while back and discovered a Japanese movie adaptation of A Door Into Summer:

It'd been 25 years since my mom read the story to me so I can't tell you how accurate the adaptation is but it hit the parts I remembered.

Windows -> RedHat -> Windows -> Gentoo -> Ubuntu -> RHEL -> Ubuntu -> Debian -> Arch

Chrono Trigger. The Magus Fight. The music.

FF6. Magitech Factory. Also music.

Metal Gear Solid. Psycho Mantis. Late at night. Tired.

Eternal Sonata. Last Fight. Intro line.

Hades. Final boss. Extreme measures 4.

NES Tetris. Crashing.

Five minutes of googling says some folks thing stone mason. Some copy and paste response says unskilled tradesman. Other response says translation is just "learned" so maybe they could read.

I'd never heard of this before so seeing that there is disagreement is a fun new thing for me. Especially interesting to see this "learned" response.

I spent a few minutes looking to see if a name I trust said any of this. Ultimately I don't have the background to evaluate it and lots of folks spend their lives about historical Jesus. I didn't see anything from anyone I recognized but, like I said, I don't know much about this area.

I hate the smell of some ground coffee. Others smell good.

We ask algorithm questions and I feel bad about it. But a nontrivial portion of the job really is adapting these algorithms to novel scenarios. Not most of the job, but maybe the hardest part.

Start with animation for fun. Watch Grave of the Fireflies.

Now you are ready for Spirited Away or, my favorite, Porco Rosso. It's not the best. It's just my favorite.

Now Schindler's List. Then The Usual Suspects.

Pair Treasure Planet with Muppets Treasure Island. You deserve the break.

Maybe do The Matrix next. Pair with IP Man I guess.

Seriously half of the IMDB top 100 movies are from this time range. They aren't all going to fit you. They don't fit me. But they are worth watching for what they bring.

Saw it twenty five years ago. Never again.

Sorry. I wasn't clear. If the conditional is constant a compile time you get the dead code optimization. The path not taken is removed. If it's not constant at you may get the loop invariant movement. But only if the compiler can tell that it's invariant.

My point wasn't that you should always rely on this behavior. At least, I didn't mean to say that. I suppose what I should have said is more like "in many cases you won't see any performance difference because the compiler will do that for you anyway."

I suppose I have value judgements around that like "generally you should do the thing that is more readable and let the compiler take care of stuff like moving the loop invariant". That's been mostly true for me. But only mostly.

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I wonder what my last commit at each job was. I'll bet it was boring. About 10% of my commit messages are genuinely interesting.

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I had this silly thing kicking around in me head forever. I'v always had a generally positive view of Gore and now is the time to square that circle. Thanks for your comment. It made me read more. The guy was on Futurama. He deserves that.

Apparently he pushed for money for bringing more mass adoption of the Internet. It looks like as a senator he recognized the value of the Internet before stuff like gopher existed. Presumably because of papers from the NSF. So he was important.

In some question on the news he flubbed words and said something like, "I took the initiative in developing the Internet." That's not a lie so far as I can tell, but boy does it sound like bullshit. It's super close to "I invented the Internet".

I got all this from one source so maybe it's bullshit, but hey:

The point of the license combination they use is to allow the enterprise version to be open and live in the same repo as everything else. Dunno if that's what they do, but that's why the elastic license exists.

I'm bad at everything else.

I use it for work so to entirely leave it they'd have to move away. That seems unlikely.

I don't believe Prometheus supports geospatial data. Two minutes of googling though, so I could be wrong.

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I'm a pretty good engineer. Not the best I've ever met by a long shot, but I'm good. But I'm very outgoing for an engineer.

Ironically, that'd describe both my parents too.

That's why I hate Ferris wheels. Every time.

I review a ton of code and have a bunch reviewed in turn. I don't remember that last time I've had this come up. Either direction really. I guess I'm lucky. We just split naturally in similar places.

I think it's a bad analogy because it'll distract some people.

Pre-merge code review should stop that kind of thing. I honestly haven't seen anything like this in years.

I like this video with it.

I've been using a sonicare for years now. I think it was expensive but it's lasted forever and does a great job.

I'm not sure I'd attach any meaning to real names online. There's a whole group of us whose online names are just things they thought were neat when they were 12. And they've just stuck forever. There's lot of reasons.

But otherwise, yeah. I'll spend ten minutes looking up someone's online profile. Mostly for GitHub if I can find it. If someone's commenting on public prs and seems nice that's a big signal.