1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

My dad's re-learning Python coding for work rn, and AI saves him a couple of times; Because he'd have no idea how to even start but AI points him in the right direction, mentioning the correct functions to use and all. He can then look up the details in the documentation.

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“The number of births is the first indicator of the hope of a people,” Francis told an annual gathering of pro-family groups on Friday.

Hope comes first, births comes second.

You can't fake an indicator and hope for the situation to improve.

I bet he now expects the remaining employees to work overtime because they're "understaffed".

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I swear, it's no longer possible to distinguish satire from reality.

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I would laugh if it wasn't so painfully true.

Just maybe with a bit less sex appeal?

Counter point: sex appeal is fine.

It's the people who are pushy irl who are the problem. IMO you can still be very "sexy" and as long as you don't push it, that's not a problem.

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Damn Biden's on a roll.

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Short question: how would they enforce that? What if I use some obscure messenger that nobody has ever heard of? What if I simply use telnet or netcat to send messages to other people?

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I personally prefer

doing nothing is good for my soul



flying squid

the cooler mia


gandalf der 12

ygthur (or sth)

and a lot of german home instance ones (ranslite, nudel, kühe, ...)

and probably a few i forgot rn

No map in the entire article? Or did I miss it?

You shouldn't feel pressured into making a wish.

It's like a dead tree. The material and volume is still there, but it's dead anyways.

There's nobody that I don't like

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From the link:

A species of oceanic squid can fly more than 30 metres (100 feet) through the air at speeds faster than Usain Bolt if it wants to escape predators, Japanese researchers said Friday.

So, what's chasing you?

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"you're pretty"

I'm worried that Maps will be hit by the enshittification next. We need a good quality maps alternative. OpenStreetMap seems ok, but it lacks a few features, including trip planning.

Same with people who say solar panels can't ever work. They haven't tried them in the last few years.

Yeah, jumping to extremes is indeed a problem for serious, honest discussions.

IMO there's just too much money that "news" sources make by being polarizing. They know it increases their view-counts. And to them, that's all that matters.

I think we need neutral, neutrally-financed news sources. Question is just, how do we organize that?

I guess a part is that science seems to meticulously avoid the question "why do we live", in a non-technical way, in a way that actually gives people a sense of meaning.

That and mental inertia, i.e. some things change very slowly.

Yeah, the question "when to ban something" is indeed a tricky one.

I propose that all good-faith arguments must be allowed, no matter whether they advocate for sovjet communism (so called tankies) or ultra-liberal capitalism or what.ever.

The only reason to ban something is if it's personally insulting (e.g. non-sarcastic name-calling) or having the direct intention to hurt someone.

This sounds like the typical plot of a story from The Codeless Code.

Edit: How about this story specifically?

From the link:

It’s a squid-eat-squid world down there.

Sounds pretty capitalistic to me.

Do you have a minute to talk about socialism?

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wearing makeup or earrings

turns out i just don't like that

I have always wondered how do you do it: How do you fly?

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It would technically work, yes.

But also, you're wasting a lot of storage space that way, especially if you do it often. You really only should backup your home directory, it contains all your data. You can simply re-install the rest from the internet.

And Windows 13 will be a single stick.

The animal and human dichotomy seems mostly religious in nature.

Agreed, and interestingly, it can be interpreted in one of two ways:

  • Religion says that animals and humans are different.
  • Religion is the difference between humans and other animals, i.e. other animals don't have religion.

I guess both are true.

The same could be asked with smartphones.

Why don't smartphones include solar panels on the back side of the phone?

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Well, it lays on tables a lot, with the backside facing up.

I disagree.

this is about having a robust supply chain which is important for everyone

It is not. If we buy solar panels today, and the supply chain crashes tomorrow, that won't bother us at all. Solar panels are a very durable product, and once bought, can last at least 20 years. So we would have more than enough time to find a proper replacement. So, having unreliable supply chains is not a problem with solar panels.

I'm introducing the theory of an "r-factor" that measures how capitalistic a country is.

r = 0 means pure socialism. Everybody gets the same amount of universal basic income, and earns nothing when they work hard.

r = 1 means pure capitalism. there is no social support programs, and what you earn depends entirely on your labour/wages.

in-between them, there's a linear interpolation.

(i invented that "r-factor" as a thought experiment yesterday, and now i like it.)

i'm for r = 0.5 btw.

The truth is that nobody ever really cared about anyone else

That is not true. I care about people. Please don't make overly generalizations like that. It's not fair.

Hi there, I'd like to share my viewpoint.

(let me say up first that I'm not a conservative, not in the US, but still try to give good-faith understandings)

So I think a major pain point for conservatives in the US is that the traditional lifestyle (being a farmer, traditional family, ...) are harder to uptain today than they were in the past.

Another issue is that conservatives don't like that their children are being taught non-conservatives viewpoints in schools. Consider: how would you like it if your children are required to go to school by law, but then the schools don't teach them "your" way of life, but a totally different one. It makes you angry.

Crazy. I've been a long-term Musk supporter (because of meaningful business targets: EVs and Mars colonization), but these recent events I cannot support. Laying off employees while not at the same time demanding Universal Basic Income on a state level (so that no single corporation is disadvantaged) is a death sentence to the worker population, and that, I cannot support. I'm out.

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