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Joined 1 years ago

empress is sadly the only current person who can crack denuvo DRM

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I doubt it, they've posted stuff like this before and she's just pure insane

they are owned by a umbrella company which owns multiple big name VPN providers so I wouldnt really trust them anymore

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its very much wanted, I dont want to have to create new accounts on every gitlab instance for all different projects like KDE, GNOME and others when I want to report a bug or something

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I didnt even think about that lmao

I think theres another group that can but they only crack fifa

I love how literal devs had to come in and ask them to stop lmao

yeah epic might have a chance if they actually tried to make their launcher and client good and have similar features as steam

You can have exit nodes, called out proxies on I2P they just have to be manually setup

Some will make their way here, there are alot of tankies on and who somehow love Russia and China

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From what I saw it was quite left leaning when I used it

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I mean, isnt everything musk does half assed?

Gabe seems to actually respond to emails, so maybe send one asking about this

There are exit nodes, called out proxies but routers have to set them up themselves

its not me not being bothered, its just annoying having to create an account for 1 issue I'll probably never use again so its a waste of time

isnt signal a nonprofit? not a corporation

I think cinny is waiting to implement voip when group calls get merged into the spec, currently group calls are done via jitsi

If you can find the torrents you want on I2P, it's sadly alot smaller then clearnet for torrents currently

not all games on steam use the DRM

There's a beta you can try using a test branch app on their staging servers, you'll need to make a new account with your number again and there has been issues where its leaked your number

Matrix is working to be the protocol that all messengers will be mage to talk

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Would that not be possible in every other client? Or is it just the easiest to do with BiglyBT?

Yeah that's one big hurdle to get past sadly, it's like getting people to switch to a new chat app "no ones on it I talk to so I'm not bothering"

Your not congesting the network, when you run a router to access I2P you also help the network

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give conduit a try its a homeserver implementation written in rust and is alot more lightweight then synapse which is the first HS implementation for matrix

I'll be very shocked if Ragnarok doesnt come to PC eventually

Framework probably

Never torrent over Tor, torrent over I2P it actually supports it and has its own torrent client i2psnark

Slowly but surely playing through xenoblade chronicles 3 and X4 with the interworlds mod

didnt the silk road guy use his IRL name for it somewhere and was bragging about it in someway, I remember reading that he didnt have any opsec at all

Depends which hard left, I know hard/far left people who hate them

Spaces are similar to discords servers/guilds yeah, but rooms don't have to be in a space and they can be in as many spaces as anyone wants

For matrix it depends on how big rooms you join, the way matrix federates the more servers in a room the more resources it'll take to join it and send messages in it since you send a message to every server in a room, conduit is a much more efficient homeserver implementation compared to synapse

You can use matrix for groups easily, it's what I mainly use it for

Where did I say anything like that?

it takes alot of users to do that not just 1 account posting on there

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That doesn't go into detail on the "server network reliability" and it's used by multiple government agencies around the world and they likely paid for private audits before they picked it

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They both talk the same protocol but are different softwares mainly different UI's really I think

I think the plan is to start work on that once element call which is native group calls gets merged into the spec

The proxy is needed until sliding sync is finalised and merged into the spec and implemented into clients