1 Post – 161 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a dad with a sysadmin hobby ... leaving reddit

Following that logic if you’re sovereign then it’s not really a riot or insurrection. It’s another nation engaging in war with another nation. The election wasn’t any of their business to begin with since they’re sovereign.

That “sovereign citizen” just lost a war against arguably the most powerful nation on the globe.

Fucking moron. I hope he’s able to grow and learn from this experience in a positive way. 🤷‍♂️

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Meh, realistically I don't think Jon does it because he needs money.

He seems like the kind of person who does things because it's the right thing to do. So taking away his platform isn't going to make him go away or shut him up.

It might take a while for him to get another one but I'm confident this guy will be on his deathbed telling people in power they suck & should do better.

We need more people like him

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From what I understand Greg Kroah-Hartman would take over

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That’s … actually pretty neat.

Makes a lot of sense given the amount of power needed to run a data centers like that. Definitely cleaner in the long run too.

They’ll still need backup power/generators but they’ll need a lot less of them and they’ll mostly be needed for the nuclear parts.

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Add another card, in my case I used a virtual card, then you can remove that card. If you use a virtual card you can invalidate that card when you’re done.

It’s about damn time!!

I think as more gen z enters the workforce we’re going to start seeing more breaches because they’re not going to give a shit when they see someone in the csuite making 1000x what an average person makes. Especially when they can barely afford to eat and need 5 roommates.

If these places want to stop that from happening the best way is to pay your staff EXTREMELY well and setup things like pensions and profit sharing.

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That’s what IPFS is for. It’s ideal for that kind of stuff

Since it’s a work phone they’re responsible for backing it up and managing it. That’s not something you should be doing at all. If they need you to have more than the standard 5G iCloud storage then they can purchase it for your work iCloud account. Don’t backup your work data onto a personal device. If they get sued do you really want to give over your personal computer as evidence? You’re opening yourself to a lot of liability so don’t do that.

Since you’re not going to listen 😂

The short answer is no. Longer answer is use a vm, best answer is use a Mac.

Even though I have a MacBook I don’t use it to backup my iPhone. It’s just not worth it, imo, to spend the time and storage. You can’t even restore it effectively without iCloud either so it kinda defeats the purpose. The only way I could see it being an option to consider is if you have very limited internet access and/or bandwidth.

What an aggressive traffic cone of a human being…

Voyager allows you to do that and since it a PWA you can use it and/or install it on any platform.

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Thanks for being upfront and clear about things. I know it’s not easy.

If you don’t have anyone on the team who has great soft skills I’d suggest you put out a call for “community managers.” Mostly for things like this.

Keep up the great work! I’m glad to see how everything is coming together. 🍻

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I’m still upset that it didn’t take off like email did. It is/was the best federated instant messaging platform ever.

However with things like discord and to a lesser extent matrix, I don’t see it ever making a comeback and being widely used. I think google dropping it and going full hangouts was the final nail in its coffin 😞

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“emotional support firearms”

That's horrible, poor dude should just have lived his truth. Damn same he felt that this was the only way forward/out.

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I’m assuming you don’t want to tinker with things? I’m also assuming you do not have experience with things like ZFS. So….

Unless you’re running multiple drives (or special options) zfs & btrfs aren’t going to give you much. For instance btrfs (unless it’s set to DUP) isn’t going to protect from bitrot or other data corruption. Same goes for ZFS. It will throw an error when something doesn’t match the checksum though.

Your best option is to either use ext4 or xfs for your 4tb storage. If you’re working with a lot of large files xfs has some advantages but overall you’re not going to notice that much of a difference in your uses.

For your ssd, btrfs has the advantage over ext4 and xfs. Although so does f2fs. In practical uses for what you’re describing it’s not going to make that much of a difference.

Unless you have a specific reason to use something other than ext4 then just stick with that. It’s simple and just works. Make sure you’re keeping backups eg restic, borg, rsync, duplicity, etc etc. and follow the 3,2,1 rule where possible and you’ll be fine.

If it were me setting up that system I’d mirror the drives and use btrfs. Which is pretty much what I did on my PC. But that double the costs of storage.

The only place (at home) I use ZFS is on my NAS. I have Rocky8 setup and all it does is handle storage. I use mirrored pairs on my important data and Z1 on everything else. But that’s a topic for another post

If you REALLY want some of the features of zfs or btrfs eg snapshots, I’d lean on your backup software for that but if you can use LVM to take snapshots in a similar fashion. See STRAIS for another example too. However that’s beyond the scope of this post.

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This is the best response I’ve seen. Abso-fucking-lutely made it clear why it’s impossible to trust meta in anyway shape or form. Thanks!

So why is it important to not federate (or block) with Thread? Asking seriously. I read the article and while those are valid and real concerns. What is the net gain of that action? How does it help the fediverse? I cant see any way that it helps and lots of ways it hurts. At this point it seems like a lot of what ifs.


If you need the reasons why to block Threads (meta) I think the answers below explain it better than most!

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Fines mean legal for a price and it's only effective if it costs more to pay it than the profit made from it

I think there’s just not enough people who run them. I think the closest you’ll find is the nixos crowd.

I’ve wanted to give silverblue a go, but I know how to manage my fedora install pretty well and don’t feel like taking on a new project like that when at the end of the day I just want to load up steam and decompress. I have a feeling that the majority people who want to try it are in same place I am.

Though it’s getting more and more tempting to switch since the vast majority of my data and packages are installed in my home.

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Abso-fucking-lutely. There’s almost no reason there wouldn’t be any.

Are we likely to meet them? no.

If we did meet them now the best case is a childhood’s end situation.

That being said it’s likely we might find something on Europa or Titan if we’re correct about those moons. But that’s a long shot at best.

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Agreed. The letter of the law vs the spirt of the law. So legal but not right

People shouldn’t have to not use or rip out their infotainment systems to have privacy. The automakers know that people are just going to take the path of least resistance and know that people aren’t going to read the fine print

What is the advantage of using this over restic?

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Love it! I’m happy to keep supporting this endeavor and community.

So from one sysadmin to another great job! Keep it up and I can’t wait to see where this goes! 🍻

Fucking poor people!! Have they tried NOT being poor!? Bunch of lazy entitled poors!! /s

Disappointing but not surprising

Yeah, pretty much

Even a broken clock is right twice a day or something like that… still feel really awkward when I find myself agreeing with him. He’s gotta a couple of other things right too. Don’t like the man at all but I can give credit where/when it’s due.

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And when that happened I stoped watching prime and just put on my eye patch & tricorn 🏴‍☠️…

Though I’m still paying for the content I just watch it differently than intended 🤷‍♂️

Likewise! Once I finally started making real money I tried to buy software I pirated early on. Even if I don’t currently use it.

That’s pretty neat! I’m not a chemistry expert by any stretch of the imagination, so I’m curious how those salts work. The article does an okay job at explaining it but I’d like more information because it’s super interesting!

Depends on server loads and scaling.

If the engineer(s) and admin(s) running things can handle the costs associated with growth then I think it should stay open. However at a certain point the load on the infrastructure, sysadmins, and cost make that untenable.

It’s not cheap to run this kind of stuff. I know that first hand because of my career running HPC clusters and running them in cloud environments.

I’ve got a pretty solid idea of what this must be costing and I’m really thankful that someone is putting in the thankless labor of love. That’s why I canceled my Reddit premium and started donating to this instance to help with that in some way. The only other way I could help is donating my time & experience. But I think they need money more than engineers lol

The TL;DR is that if we want to keep these things online we need to donate money (and/or time/labor).

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Yeap! That’s most of the reasons why, IMO, we didn’t see the adoption of SUSE like we did with RedHat based stuff.

I’ve been a huge supporter of RH over the years. After IBM bought them I was cautious but believed that RH would continue mostly the same. Then they killed CentOS. I understood the reasons and the arguments that Stream made sense for them. I was highly annoyed and disappointed with that decision but Rocky showed up and it was okay.

This final round of fuckery really shows me that the RH we all supported is gone. They burned down nearly all the good will they built up. Locking the source behind a paywall was just the final insult as far as I’m concerned.

I don’t know how much this will hit their bottom line but I suspect it’s going to have some kind of financial impact just from the number of people like me who used CentOS/Rocky as a gateway to RHEL in prod. I suspect they know and just don’t care.

With that being said I’m looking at how they react to over the next year or so. If they’re going to be more of an asshat then I’ll start retooling for another distribution. I here nix is pretty good these days…

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lol, yeah that’s an important asterisk for sure!

Meh, I assume I’m always on camera anywhere I’m in public. I don’t like it and I really don’t want to be recorded. I’m also realistic and understand that public spaces are… well public.

I understand privacy fears because there’s nothing stopping someone in my private space from recording me now other than mutual respect and consent. If all it takes is the ease of use of some fashionable frames then it’s time to rethink your relationships.

This also applies to semi-private spaces. So think at the office or a cozy booth in a coffee shop. Assume all public places are recorded (because they often are) and establish boundaries within your relationships.

Are you saying that because a person could earn more than a million dollars more over their career than a high school educated person that they're rich? Or are you saying that a person who is college educated is already rich to start with?

Either way is confusing, so I'm hoping you'll clarify. Seems a lot like you're implying that a possibility is the same as having a million dollars in your bank account? Like just because I have lotto ticket I'm a millionaire even though the numbers haven't been drawn yet.

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Samsung, Ubisoft, Epic, Chiquita, Dole, Apple, ...

Pretty much any big corp is gonna be really shitty...

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Reminds me of my ex with BPD…

Why would you think that?

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