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Joined 1 years ago

Someone who ordered oat milk to begin with shouldnt have any troubles navigating the world of milk.

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Pick one? They all look like red flags to me. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©

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I donā€™t understand how unity has any legal standing to retroactively charge new fees to developers who have already made their games. Youā€™re only required to abide by terms agreed to in a deal as it was written at the time of agreement. Isnā€™t that literally how EVERYTHING works?

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Some graphic designer thought he was so clever. This is atrocious

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I was hoping from the title that this meant that Graphene could run on the car. Theyā€™re still a huge privacy concern.

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If Iā€™ve ever seen this message, I donā€™t remember it. Crazy what uBlock Origin can do for oneā€™s peace of mind.

When a meme has exactly zero layers of irony and doesnā€™t even have a punchline while also being a thinly veiled ad.

Canā€™t force people to have kids. When the environment simply canā€™t support a population, it stops growing. Itā€™s in basic biology. People canā€™t afford it anymore, weā€™re at a limit.

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Making cities even more anti-human hellscapes is why nobody wants to be in a city in the first place. There needs to be MORE of the things you want to get rid of. Youā€™ll be more likely to visit their diner if walking past the diner, and the cafe, and the pub is a pleasant experience. Local business dies when places become destinations spread out by a concrete mile of car infrastructure because you canā€™t window shop from a car. Other countries figured it out a long time ago.

ā€œThe number is significant in that wages housing prices increasingly have been recognized as a driving force in inflation.ā€


Youtube is known for AB testing and regional rollout. I was fine on firefox + ubo until i wasnā€™t anymore. Until ubo kills it for good, a daily manual filter update fixes it.

Honestly AI doesnā€™t think much at all. Theyā€™re scary clever in some ways but also literally donā€™t know what anything is or means.

I mean I canā€™t prove that there ISNā€™T a shark just out of my sight at all times.

Unfortunately there arenā€™t active hobby magazines here now. I also struggle to find new magazines or much activity still.

reddit users were famously the least profitable group of users on the internet.

thatā€™s us. the ones that left.

I already couldnā€™t imagine paying a subscription for an app, but for that money to be going to reddit after the shit they pulled is unthinkable. Iā€™m surprised users even want to support it at all. I do wish them well though, as Narwhal served me well for years.

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Looking at Unity and thought ā€œI could do you one betterā€.

Mostly because there isnā€™t much bicycle infrastructure in the US.

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How hard could it be to etch a circuit into one of these wrappers capable of running doom? Sounds like some good youtube content.

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Now that I know where it is itā€™s fine, but I really hope they move the subscribed view to the main tab somewhere like oldreddit. Subscribed is like my home page and it should be easy to find.

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Iā€™m kind of surprised the sensor picked that up. Thatā€™s like a seismometer detecting up your house creaking from a block down the street.

Thanks for all the hard work!

Youā€™re on mastodon? Iā€™m on kbin! Wow!

Not sure if something is just wrong with their end or if kbin just isnā€™t working yet, but Iā€™ve been trying to subscribe to ! on kbin. The 3D Printing subreddit mod set it up and the subscribers to that subreddit really dogpiled on him for doing it for some reason (youā€™d think 3d printer owners would be techie enough to care about the protests)

Anyway I wanted to support it but I literally canā€™t on kbin. Am I doing it wrong? Iā€™ve tried it with and without ! and @ in front of the magazine name, according to the conflicting advice here.

Also because people are just really fucking rude about it when you ask any question on that site.

You could try the mod-dev channel in the modded minecraft discord. Thereā€™s some tutorial info in the pinned comments and you might be able to find some people who can answer your questions if youā€™re respectful. As someone who has just barely read into where to start, they really assume you are already familiar with development with java, as as half the work in getting started is just setting up the coding environment. Made my head spin.

Commenting because I want to be the change I want to see on the internet.

I try to revisit Kingdom Hearts every few years. Same goes for Metal Gear Solid 3. I play F Zero GX pretty frequently (on Dolphin emulator now, self ripped from a modded Wii). Iā€™ve almost completed every challenge there is on there, only a few staff ghosts left. The speedrun tech in it is pretty compelling. I also ā€œā€ā€ā€speedrunā€ā€ā€ā€ Super Metroid on my laptop in hotel rooms late at night when Iā€™m traveling. Iā€™m not very fast šŸ˜„. Iā€™ve been playing versions of Minecraft for most of my life now, I started on version 1.3 ish. My mind was blown when they invented the hopper, so many features in one block. Iā€™ve played vanilla and heavily modded, java and bedrock, alone and with my girlfriend. Itā€™s a special game that will never get old.

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Yea the title here is confusing.

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All the wasted space is part of the reason why car traffic, public transit, walkability, and road quality suck so bad here. Zoning laws are basically forcing us to build single family household suburbs. We need dense, mixed use cities that have work and shops closer to homes, with many options for public transit servicing every street. Instead, weā€™re paying to build and maintain roads to connect homes that are orders of magnitude less dense, meaning itā€™s more expense per land area and less income from its users as well. Suburbias needs to turn into downtowns, and we need to build bike lanes, trains, subways, streetcars, and bus lines instead of more car lanes.

Iā€™ve become a cabbage hater. Cabbage soup smells like cabbage farts and it actually makes me gag.

I think the numbers that go up when you level resistance were supposed to go up more than they do.

Why would anyone use an unmodded console for emulating? Rooted devices and PCs are the way to go.

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Cosmetic gene therapy when?

Is this real? Thatā€™s hilarious.

To be fair, the search engines of today have lost the war against SEO garbage. 10 years ago google actually gave answers.

I donā€™t understand what everyone else is talking about, this is just a horny gif post.

Seems clear to me that they only reason theyā€™re even bothering to pay lip service is that theyā€™re trying (poorly) to damage control the HORRIBLE pr disaster of screwing over a bunch of disabled people. They didnā€™t even know blind people existed. The problem isnā€™t disappearing and reddit is panicking because they canā€™t have their good pr for the blind cake and eat the 3rd party apps go away cake too.

Oooo, thanks :)

Iā€™m with you on this one. I had to push through a bunch of initial confusion and learning curve to even figure out how to find things on this site. Subscribing to magazines from other instances is a chore that seems to require some trial and error? What? Subscribing to subreddits is one click. Iā€™m patient enough to deal with it and I like it here now, but this place needs to be idiot proof soon if federated reddit is going to take off.

Glad someone is calling this out. Came from a link elsewhere and the headline just screamed no fucking way. Users wonā€™t tolerate buying a machine only to stream the fucking OS from elsewhere. Sounds more like when I had to stream a desktop from AWS to access my schools licensed Adobe suite.