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They should have just taken the chance to detain him there, but no one seems to care because there's too much powerful support for genocide in the West.

Why do I feel like this is another manifestation of the "dominion over all" mentality? This seems to be a core value for those that practice Christianity and that hold misogynistic ideals. It's just such a slippery slope to Authoritarian/Christian Nationalism from there.

(Alternate Title) Chapter 6: The 6th Mass Extinction Event on Earth

I'm not surprised Cornell is taking this stance and employing this hasty methodology. They have a reputation for being a major business that benefits from massive money flow. It stands to reason that they care more about money than supporting students... Unless they have lots of money.

Do. Not. Trust. The. Police.

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This, 100%. Did I have a hard time being called a weird kid growing up? Absolutely. I feel how this might make someone very uncomfortable. I embrace being called weird now after much struggle, and use it as a badge of honor. And currently, that exact flippant energy being used at people who can only parrot hateful things? That's my bread and butter now, baby.

It's true that scientists were expecting that tropical cyclones would evolve like this with climate change, and I'm hoping we can expand on building those mutual aid networks needed post-storm in the most vulnerable communities. Between the threat of storm surge and the flooding due to torrential rains and monsoons, it's gonna be a doozy of a task to deal with all this moisture. If we can't manage storm water and waste water systems, or keep installing permeable surfaces, planting mangrove forests, and other mitigation/adaptation measures, we're going to see a major public health crisis erupt from lack of access to resources, mold that causes airborne illness, wastewater exposure, and more. Not to be negative, but I just don't see much support for addressing this because there's so much political theater that jams airways. Anyone that could help from a governmental standpoint with grants and incentives to mitigate are too busy with bickering and personal gain.

It's time we take matters into our own hands and establish mutual aid networks ourselves. This means getting to know your neighbors, where to share resources, how to gain access to water filtration and rain water collection, establishing community gardens, clean/renewable energy generation, transportation, communication, and ensuring elderly and differently-abled persons have an action plan when these events happen... and they will more often.

I hope to use this platform and social media in this way. We must start planning to take care of ourselves and our communities, and do away with "every person for themselves" because that just doesn't work anymore.

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At a time, white supremacy tactics thrived in elected positions, from local to Fed. No longer are we going to allow this to continue.

Keep educating citizens on their rights to hold office, in school boards, state positions, and the presidency, and this kind of shit will finally die like it should have ages ago.

Hilariously, I have about the same number saved. It's all kinds of places that I've been, want to go to, or just want to keep saved as reference, from all over the world. They just kinda built up over the years and I'm thankful for this thread because I want to make the switch.

It may not unseat them, but it will be a matter of record that this action was introduced. It all hinges on getting the votes from Congress, if I understand this process correctly, and it seems very unlikely unless there is increased pressure on legislators (but we all saw how they've regularly ignored their constituents on the current genocide in Palestine, among other major issues).

I think this comic is supposed to be based in the future.

Seems pretty relevant now as well. Just ask the brave environmental activists with RICO charges in Atlanta, for starters.

RIP Tortuguita

I love this concept. Now make fossil fuel companies and billionaires match the royalties!

It's so impossible for me to understand how this is an endorsed action. I know cruelty is the point, but has society been so brainwashed that we're here? I don't believe the majority of us are so morally bankrupt.

Thank you for this education. My goal is always centered in respect for all and I appreciate you. In the spirit of the point of mutual aid networks, what do disabled folks need in times of crisis or extreme weather, in your opinion? I know the spectrum of needs is vast and varied, but I'm always seeking to learn more, should you or others wish to share!

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100%. I imagine this dude was just begging for a moment like this to shoot someone. Very reminiscent of the young girl that was murdered by the upstate NY homeowner when they turned on to the wrong driveway. This is so awful. I hope that young boy and his friend are okay, and I hope the shooter catches prison time.

Everything you've said here resonates with me. I'm also all for reclaiming words used to harm and repurposing for empowerment. One community that is really good at doing this is the drag/LGBTQ+ folx. Love this!

Imo, if we want ethical and green, then billionaires should be taxed more heavily for the good of us all.

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In an alternate timeline, the title to this post could refer to the amount of relief for student loan debt, or state grants for humanely addressing the homelessness, lack of healthcare accessibility, and climate crisis, for starters.

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Lots of corp-friendly entities are making big moves in the courts lately, and it feels like previous efforts by Republicans to install conservative judges everywhere are showing. The time needed to undo this damage could take years.

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Thank you for this. I also found an app that scans barcodes for products supporting genocide called "No Thanks!". I'm unsure how often it's updated but it seems like it gets them regularly.

Hell yeah! I hope they continue to get 'TUF' on bad housing policy... 😎

The fact that so many international companies have decided to side with a major aggressor during this terrible event in history is one of the most awful things I didn't expect to witness. We all know that big business and money shapes world politics, but damn... This is straight up horrible. It could be any of us for any reason moving forward.

I love everything you said, but badmouthing pigeons by comparing them to the far right loonies makes me sad lol. Pigeons are lovely, smart(ish), and sweet creatures!

Throwing my hat in the ring to represent the people fighting stupid policies that keep cars as our preferred mode of transport. We need to advocate at the local level for safe, separate bike lanes, multi modal transportation infrastructure, tax on privately owned heavier vehicles across the board, and a ban on lobbyist influencing when we're seeing such damning evidence of the multitude of health/environmental hazards such as pedestrian deaths and tire pollution. What we have now is pure negligence and a preference for cars/driver rights over human life.

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Supporting the student, faculty, and public demonstrators!

I share your frustration as I'm from a red state. Say you didn't have such selfish and unfortunately ignorant neighbors - would you feel differently about engaging them?

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So how do I opt out? I'm assuming we are all automatically opted in.

Good. Next, we divest from all fossil fuel subsidies, make oil companies pay for all the mitigation and adaptation costs to deal with climate change around the world, outlaw all forms of fossil fuel lobbying (so much more work to do around this in other sectors too), freeze their assets, and make fossil company decision makers pay for their crimes against humanity and the planet at large. What have I missed?

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I really appreciate your points and this comparison, but the pictures are giving me Attack on Titan vibes lol

Same here! It's been lovely to learn from all of you, and I'd love to keep doing exactly that.

That kind of mentality is so dense. For those people that are economically minded, just remind them that walkable areas typically generate a ton of revenue for the city through business and tourism by attracting people that will hang around and enjoy the area for a while.

People in cars are always in a hurry to get in and get out, so they won't be spending much time there. Plus, infrastructure for cars is spatially wasteful, so you have fewer occupants in the area to patronize businesses overall.

For all the want for money, you'd think villages, towns, and cities everywhere would zone and ordinance the hell outta public places to support this, but 🤷🏽‍♀️

It's peculiar that when we have mega farms and industrial agriculture, the practices we use to maximize output and profit always lead to the demise of all the surrounding affected land and species. It's almost as if capitalistic principles are non sustainable and harming the planet...

Thank you for the actual source link. This assessment is spot on, and it really irked me to see a white dwarf star be called a "frog star" like, wtf no one says anything like that cause it's not a thing.

Exactly all of this.

Thank you for saying this. If you're not in a swing state, it feels like a waste to donate (although I wouldn't donate to her campaign anyways because of her policies). I don't support the duopoly and would prefer to see someone that needs the money actually receive it.

Truth. Furthermore, accidents involving a bike and a car have mostly happened because of a lack of infrastructure and options for safe travel on bikes. Public residential streets, for example, are for all modes of transportation, not just cars. Car brains are hysterical and don't like that, and my life has been threatened many times while riding my bike on residential streets. I even had an older woman match my speed, roll down her window, and say "Next time I see you I'm running you over." Cyclists do absolutely nothing to deserve this, and even if they're holding up traffic, it's no excuse for homicide.

Love this write up! Heat pumps and geothermal are here to stay. Weatherization and air sealing makes it a dream, and paired with solar panels, so cost effective (after the investment). I can't wait to have a home to go full electrification! Probably need a panel box upgrade though.

So if they weren't already protecting capital instead of people, this is the literal nail in the coffin for community protection by any law enforcement group that takes money this way. What are they gonna do, bite the hand that feeds? This is why we as people do not trust the police.

I'm honestly super into this mentality, and love this thread -- Kindness in order to maintain the hope that remains in all of us that care about each other and our world!

I've never felt unsafe on the subway. Sure, I'm always looking around to be aware of my surroundings, but the only thing I see is people just trying to live, get from A to B, entertain, (have unexpected bodily functions), argue, and actually be good to each other. It's actions like you would find in any other major city, but NYC has such density that people generally live and let live. The article is absolutely spot on and reinforced my experiences that perception is driving this frivolous law enforcement spending, not statistics.