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Joined 1 years ago

In fact, files end up corrupted,

Backup often and check the backups.

data is improperly transferred

Backup often.

hard drives fail

Backup often.

formats change

Use an open format. For extra sure, make sure it doesn't carry DRM.

work simply vanishes.

Uuuuh don't be corrupt?

Like, really, it's not like one's asking too much.

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"Piracy is Difficult to Compete Against"

Have you tried

Not Enshittifying


14 more...

lol. lmao. What am I even reading?

The CSS is literally openly served along with the website. One line change in the HTML (in allows you to make your own CSS for a site. There's a world of difference between that and "Google's new trusted web bullshit". And you know who sits much closer to Google than HTML and CSS?

Javascript. That's who.

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Pipewire: works.

Pulseaudio: worksn't.

Really, it's as simple as that. Pulseaudio tried to be the systemd of sound and failed succeeded pretty horribly. Even its packaging was horrible, back when it was first put into Fedora and I tried uninstalling, it threatened taking down Libreoffice and Gedit with it.

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Yes but IMO the merge conflict PPV would work and be awesome, and the straight-up bribery already works.

Damn, I had my hopes on this one. Two misses in one month is a pretty bad record.

Of all the things I expected to enshittify during 2024 I certainly didn't expect we'd start with the Pi.

What? No HTML?

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reverse immigration

So... like... emigration?

Do journalists even complete high school these days?


uuuuh since G5 the Pokémon plots are rehashed and banalised as heck, and there's almost never any sensation of valuable risk or conflict to the plot. G6 literally makes the first arc of the plot "join this bunch of loser schoolers and do nothing".

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"I can't tunnel the ring in TCP mister Frodo, but I can tunnel you."

HTML + CSS. No need for any of that newfangled "*script" bloatware / malware.

You ok? Boomerang lashing at some capitalist bullying you've suffered?

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There’s no Wayland protocol for custom angle rotation, and I don’t expect anyone to create a protocol extension without a use-case.

Puh-lease. It's Wayland; the devs fully and honestly expect every app developer (eg.: calc, Libreoffice, notepad.exe) to implement custom angle rotation on their own.

Cocksucking cabin is over there -->

How hard is it for these organizers to actually reach out to women developers

What? You want men coders to somehow make up the gall to


to a woman?

There's always the chance that compatibility / breadth can be a factor. I don't know how much more demanding 265 is than 264 but if it is "noticeable" / "enough", if it means someone can't play the content in their (smart) TV set or on their phone, it makes sense then to release for the more compatible option / avoid a dual release.

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CTRL+F "CCP intelligentsia copypasta"

0 results

Come on reddit lemmy, we can do better.

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Only after the researchers tried a Bayesian analysis

If I remember my college classes right, this basically means "we invented data to fit the curve we want", right?

Capitalism never chooses the best path, but neither does any other system. We haven’t invented a perfect system, and it’s probably impossible. Sounds like a strange critique since we’ll never reach perfection

Just because nothing is perfect doesn't mean we can't call out stuff for not being it. Sounds like a strange critique since we're supposed to improve on things.

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...isn't the good idea here to not enhance visibility of disinformation?

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Little instance-birds dying and exploding in spectacular fashion, all to a comfy jingle and a soothing narration of how the Internet is Doomed Regardless.

Kurzgesagt — in a Nutshell.

Disregarding the fallacy in your opening, and calling things for what they are:

If a conditional basic income started today with the stipulation that I had to put 40 hrs/week towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems,

I would spend them by becoming a politician and implementing true Universal Basic Income.

From an ethical standpoint, in the modern world, not teaching your children how to pirate is being an irresponsible parent. Not just because the "download stuff for free" aspect of piracy, but because piracy is associated to a number of moral and ethical decisions and tenets that also form important ideologies. Getting ready access to information, and being capable to redistribute information, for example, is a key element to anti-fascism ideologies which is why eg.: punk places an emphasis on radio. Being able to fight your own fights instead of only trading on the currency (digital or otherwise) other people impose on you is a core element of both digital and physical sovereignty, which is one of the reasons why stuff like KYC laws or banning of sex workers in economic operations have to be fought against.

I'm not sure I buy it. Just because content producers wall+jerk themselves off doesn't mean you have to enshittify your own product, not when you are winning. Besides, Netflix already became a content producer themself partly as an answer to that.

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Watership Down/10.

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The Mozilla / Brave options are barely that.

You mean "The Mozilla option". Brave is just Yet Another Chrome Reskin.

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As someone who has a V1, I'd say: only if you can somehow get it for free or for a very low price. (you mention €300, I'd say I wouldn't pay more than €180 for it in 2024).

The hardware is dated (the GPU was half-deprecated when it came out, and that's the only part of the hardware the scene got to break through), your SD card port is going to have a notoriously low life expectancy so you'll be relying on a PC or an Android with USB to perform any important adjustments, who knows what conditions the unboxed ones have been kept in since the Old Times, and for jailbreaking it you have to check that you can get one on low enough firmware to jailbreak software-only. Otherwise you're having to get into modchips, RCM clips et al.

Hahahahaha lol, I wish it had gone unnoticed a bit more. Scamming techbros and cryptobros sounds cool.

That and the weird aversion to introducing new or useful keywords, or even extending the symbol set that doesn't even use full ASCII.

is the fact that participation requires yet another account.

You can literally connect most active forum engines to eg.: OpenID, XMPP, email or any/most kinds of online identifiers. Worst case scenario you can literally enable "sign in with Google".

only half an hour

no information on the internet connection quality

Minetest I guess. Can't trust that I can get Retroarch plus the cores and games I want on time, and it's not worth the hassle for only 3 hrs drive.

the URL is the id in the database

Who was the idiot that decided to use for a database ID an identifier that almost entirely depends on external (and, for fediverse purposes, usually antagonistic) entities?

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Thats IMO one of the worst engineering decisions in the protocol, besides all the others, but this one (making identity depend on domains, meaning on third parties antithetical to decentralization) is... laughable. Who was responsible for it?

Always has been.

See about:profiles and the --profile ${directory} switch.

There's currently no external forces that can defeat capitalism.

We have to do it on our own. Eat the rich. Guillotine the techno-feudal lords. Confiscate and coöperativize their infrastructure resources.

Nothing gets taken down, everything is encoded in HEVC or AV1, 3D and mega-superduper-sound.

I'm not sure if I'd want the filesystem, browsing, transmission and decoding costs from having to store Ally McBeal (1997) on 3D mega superduper surround. 480p video 64kbps audio is fine.

Sure but anyone can win any fight if they have position and prep time that the other party doesn't: under the same logic Voldy can easily kill any sniper so long as he knows there's one (and in a war, there is one). Reminder, at least in the movies he doesn't actually need to aim for Crucio, and he can manually and literally laser crush a castle-wide energy barrier .

Damn, you got hit with a severe case of triple bad luck (machine, software and humanness).

As someone who thanks to you got reminded to look at their software backup settings, thanks for your sacrifice.

Yeah I would like a better Pokemon game,

Don't we all.

For long I've dreamed of the heights Pokémon could reach if the mainline videogame production was handed over from a small indie company to a respectable developer with a better track record such as Camelot or CDPR.