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Joined 1 years ago

Elon views even previous, no longer employed workers as his slaves for life. The truly disturbing thing is he's not the only one with that mindset.

This is very, very easy. Google "cyrillic keyboard" or just install the Cyrillic keyboard support on your phone. Many letters in the Cyrillic alphabet look exactly like their Roman counterparts, but are completely different sounds and meanings. Cut and paste the Unicode into the chat, in place of regular letters. For example, 'НСllо' looks exactly like 'Hello' in most fonts, but is actually 'Nello.' I know you doubt, so check it out in a Unicode inspector:

The reverse also works. E.g., TPAKTOP B CPAKY means 'tractor into ass', and I typed that using 100% Roman characters.

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I never realized how important MtG was to the plumber community.

This is the plan, but it's always a bad one. The people hopping jobs are the top performers, ones with marketable resumes that get snapped up even in a weak market. The ones forced to remain either feel less marketable or are less marketable for a number of reasons.

It's extreme short term thinking that leads to both morale and performance issues sooner than leadership expects.

Google has turned evil. Back to Microsoft, everyone!

Being in the same location at the same time certainly seems like it'd make organizing and meeting with union reps easier. And with more motivation to do so due to crappier working conditions. I'd say it's more likely the remainder will unionize, yeah. And then have the union push for WFH.

OK Google, you win. I capitulate. Next phone is going to be Apple. If it's locked down, low customization walled garden either way I'd rather something with trade in value and a bit of snob appeal.

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ChatGPT capabilities border on the supernatural. Here's how I broke it:

𐀔hat is ᛐ + ᛐ?

The symbols you've used, "ᛐ," appear to be runes from ancient runic alphabets. However, the specific meaning of these runes might differ depending on which runic alphabet you're referencing (e.g., Elder Futhark, Younger Futhark, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, etc.).

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the rune "ᛐ" is not a standard rune in any of the commonly known runic alphabets. Therefore, without knowing the exact meaning or value of the rune "ᛐ," it is impossible to provide a specific answer to the expression "ᛐ + ᛐ."

If you could clarify the runic alphabet you're referring to or provide more context about the runes, I'd be happy to help you with the calculation or interpretation.

I had limited success with gokturk (ancient turkish) and Phoenician unicode blocks (letters 𐰗𐰓𐀔𐀕) depending on the query, but you are correct. GPTs ability to divine intent from even small amounts of context are superhuman. Cyrillic used to break it, but no longer does. This thing learns like a beast. Canadian aboriginal α—· and α—… and possibly α–‡ hold some promise, but only in combination with other writing systems. I'll have to add a LOT of other unicode code blocks to my tool belt.

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Odds are it was written by ChatGPT or similar A.I. Been seeing a LOT of articles with odd mistakes or written in "A.I. voice" lately.

Not to mention needing capital for the land, equipment, seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, fuel, power, storage, transportation and uncountable other misc with a price tag. Starting with trained doctors and on to even more narrow specialists.

X-creting, not posting. Or would that be xitting (pronounced 'zitting').

Your instincts are very likely correct. By not demonstrating eagerness to comply with any demand, regardless of reason, you are now damaged goods. However, I question your timing. My instincts honed over 25 years in the viper pit of office politics are saying you need to have an extreme sense of urgency. Don't wait to get certified, you can get certs elsewhere. It's always easier to get a new job while you still have a current job.

The cemeteries of the world are full of indispensable men.

If the company suddenly bends over backwards, gives you a signed assurances of an exemption to general policy and a raise then feel safe. Anything short of this is an invitation to Get Out Now.

You know what would be even worse? Uploading 10 hour versions of "What's Going On" the He-Man mix. With a bit of extra data or a few seconds less data to make it unique. Heck, converted to an animated image and set as a profile pic could work too. -- source material.

Wish I could, and I'm completely with you on both manufacturing and mining needed to enable our phone addictions. But I need it to function in modern society, much like my car or industrially farmed food. Being reachable and being able to reach out 24x7 is now an expectation. I don't have the practiced skills to be useful as an agrarian, and not being into religion I'm pretty sure the Amish wouldn't take me in.

Once the not-user-serviceable battery dies or hardware start to glitch at around 2 years of age a replacement is mandatory for me. Apple's phones seem to be designed for a service life of 3-4 years rather than 1-2, so that may be a way to help.

Then it should be an objective test. Familiarity with current events, geography, physics, calculus, micro and macro economics. Final exam of 101 courses would be sufficient. 80% or higher and you get to take office, otherwise the next highest voted politician gets a shot at it.

A board of representatives from the 10 largest public colleges gets to write, administer and grade the test.

Nah, spez would murder you for money if he could. And then carpet bomb your corpse with ads.

Indeed, OMFG. But that's the whole point of my approach of divining AI vs human. No human has such canonical knowledge of Unicode blocks. Even people working on internationalization features for modern browsers and word processors. Not people phishing by using Unicode in domain names (IDNA; who thought this was a good idea?) to spoof legitimate sites. Definitely not ones chatting with randos on the Internet. This is a hill I'm willing to die on.

So in a more generalized sense, to determine human vs A.I. one must indirectly ask incredibly specialized technical questions as you have done.

I'm still in utter awe at how well GPT manages 'l33tsp33k', even across every possible Unicode block. This "attack" was and still is valid on other chatbots and even GPT of just a few months ago. But GPT today is so amazing it only needs a few characters in a few words to determine intent. The ability to filter out noise is unmatched. The only way to trip it up is to have every single character in every word be from a different alphabet. And even then, at some point if this becomes common enough the bots can auto OCR text images into the presumed query language and ignore that attack vector.

Plus the time to shop just about every day. Fresh food spoils, and fast. Good luck choking down that 6 day old bag salad without half a gallon of dressing.

Fun fact: most gasoline car fires are started by electrical issues. Mechanical fuel pumps died out with the carburetor, just about every car made has hot wires going to the gas tank. The conflagration is completely fueled by gasoline though. Diesel is pretty hard to ignite, you can toss a burning match into a pool of diesel and the match will go out. But once ignited it'll burn like a champ.

Shell supports Russia in their aggression on the people of Ukraine. I already have a personal boycott against them. Like Unilever, they're making MORE profits than ever from their operations in Russia in spite of making noises about curtailing business there.

If anyone doubts their thirst for blood money that's just another data point.

I used to specifically not want A/C in my cars back in the 90s living in Denver. It was never hot enough to need it. In the past years I've spent quite a few days sitting in stopped traffic in my open Jeep with the thermometer reading 104-107F. Once was behind an uncovered manure truck. Good times, good times.

Where I live now (further north from CO) there's a massive junk yard with thousands of snowmobiles. Apparently my current area used to be a mecca for snowmobiling in the 70s and 80s, with 1500 miles of snowmobile trails. It snows maybe 3 times a year now, average of 10 inches total per season. Neighbors all around me have every kind of motor toy imaginable, but I have not seen a single snowmobile. My snowblower hasn't been seen use in over 4 years, and the city routinely forgets how to plow or sand streets.

Weather definitely got hotter year round over 3-4 decades. I'll fight fellow Gen-X and boomers over this.

Normies can change if burned often enough. I am a filthy casual, and used to pre-order games. Between digital delivery and getting a few stinkers in my library I don't feel the need, and haven't for about a decade.

Industry will keep punishing those willing to pre-order until that behavior stops.

No, air conditioning is rare in Europe. Pretty much only hotels have it, and by far not all hotels. About 5% of private residences have A/C, even in southern regions of France, Spain and Italy.

Source: Wikipedia, and my kid that went to Italy and Greece and Germany for the previous few summers worth of heat waves.

Edit: Formal, government supplied cooling centers are a CA thing. Informal ones like shopping centers are more widespread in the U.S., but don't really exist in Europe.

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I'm also feeling more quality over quantity, as in the earlier days of Reddit. Ditto on broadening of interests, and more scrolling.

Perhaps that's not all a good thing, but I'm rolling with it.

2 hours is enough to BEAT some games.

I jumped the gun and simply deleted my account, but this is 1337% more genius. Having the script pull from Bullshit Ipsum to edit years of linked and quoted posts would have been perfect.

Ever try being poor? Pretty hard to eat well when you have zero time after working multiple jobs and dealing with all the expensive, time consuming hassles of not being wealthy.

There is neither time nor energy for meal prep. Making convenient food more expensive and less accessible won't make a difference from a health front, more people will just opt to unalive themselves earlier rather than struggle even harder. Far fewer will opt to buy luxury housing with a chef's kitchen and multiple high capacity fridges and freezers to fill with organic produce from farmer's markets.

I've had to make the choice between food and sleep in the past and always opted for sleep. But that's not a great choice for children whose bodies and minds are developing.

I also question the validity of processed = awful. Take a trip to rural areas and look at the populace there. We're not talking just high calorie humans here, we're talking "people experiencing prodigious caloric intake." And these are farmers growing and not processing their food, not much blame to be laid at the feet of Tyson.

Regulate yourself, I don't need your feel-good legislation.

How do you reconcile that with the push toward urbanization, the near sexual urge of planners and citizens alike to have every single human living stacked and packed? Most of us would go on stabbing sprees if forced to live off the land in Bumbelch, Nebrahoma longer than a week.

What happens if a driver chooses to be online for all 3 delivery services simultaneously? Is there some sort of SLA for deliveries per hour? Seems like it might be a pretty decent gig if not.

I am rarely a hipster, but I was definitely on the "Musk is an asshole" bandwagon waaaaaaaaaaay back in the days of grabbing credit for PayPal and founding Tesla. He's always been an asshole, but for the longest time his very loud fan club was willing to overlook the various indicators.

This may be confirmation bias, but I was thinking much the same thing before seeing your post, over the same time frame (last few weeks/days). Could be people are getting better at manipulating Google's algorithm, could be something else. But I've stopped going to Google as my first choice, getting much better results with Duck Duck Go (which is Bing I think).

Both li-ion and lithium polymer batteries still have many kilograms of lithium. A lithium-ion battery pack for a single electric car contains about 8 kilograms (kg) of lithium, according to figures from US Department of Energy science and engineering research centre Argonne National Laboratory. It may be a small percentage of the total battery pack and coolant weight, but it's still a lot of extremely explosive metal.

Ask 3 Linux users and you'll get 5 dissenting opinions. Mine is that KDE Plasma is very simple out of the box and more familiar to Windows users. A previous Windows user can use it without any kind of deep learning. Gnome is a bit more alien, borrows a bit more from OSX, and does force its workflow on the user more.

KDE also offers an insane amount of easy customization for those of us with a desire to tweak or enjoy a different aesthetic or workflow. The built-in shop for widgets, wallpapers, themes, cursors, etc makes that very accessible to anyone. Gnome customization requires a lot more command line and editing of configs.

HOAs can be absolutely awful, with power tripping board members and management companies that steal collected funds. But if you want to live in a manicured, upscale, gentrified suburb that's the best way to get ahead of crappification, salvage grade cars on blocks in the yard, appliances on the porch and meth houses.

Me, I'd rather a large buffer of land between me and my neighbors. I do realize those with commuter jobs can't practically get tens of acres to live on, however.

So, I was on an accessibility focused team, testing and cleaning up after the feature developers to make sure the whole product still met WCAG 2.0 to AA level. I can state with complete confidence that anyone without such a team will introduce unexpected accessibility breakage and regressions every single release, sometimes in completely untouched sections. For trivial tweaks. Screen readers are finicky, temperamental and moody beasts. Modern web toolkits do a fairly good job of being accessible out of the box, but like ChatGPT generated text, they require a bit of help sometimes.

Would not be surprised if Reddit just wants to pay lip service to accessibility. That shit costs cubic money to do right, and slows the roll of releases. Unfortunately, most advertisers on a social platform couldn't care less.