20 Post – 128 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why are you leaking your API key?

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I feel like I’m the only person in this room feeling like it’s kinda dystopian! Do you really want to see those devices become the norm?

With the father filming his children and all that shit we saw in the ad? Let’s live in the present, not through the camera of a device made by mega-corporation.

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Please Valve, be the first to implement a market for the players on Steam, and once again you’ll be the pioneer that everyone tries to copy.

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I’m sorry, I just realized I’m forcing Beehaw to host this shit in the server… 🥲

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It’s cool that this issue is now getting mainstream coverage!

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It’s crazy to be talented at reverse-engineering and needing all the attention. Guys, stop fighting a second, you need to be united if you want to defeat the DRMs!

I love making music, I love coding & contributing to open-source, I love writing/DMing tabletop roleplaying games & stories, I love reading fantasy & philosophy (mainly) books, I love to grow gourmet shrooms, I love meeting interesting people, urban exploration

I love the world and what it has to offer, I can not participate in it… I’m stuck in this shitty situation

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Wow try being nicer I assure you it doesn’t hurt :)

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“Thanks mate, now I can just use it too”

Just for the sake of a beautiful audited and blazingly fast codebase that tuns qo good that Raspberry Pi user can run your stuff too.

I love optimisation!

Ahaha yes I think it’s kinda suspect too. Imagine spending millions & millions on a quality title just to give it away for free?

Why would they even do that? Could they even do it? (I believe) It does not work like that :)

Seriously, I can’t imagine a world where you invest millions in a project just to give it for free. I don’t see how someone could think it’s frustrating.

For once, if you like a game and want to support the industry, buy it. Vote with your wallet.

Meanwhile me on Beehaw where the sun is shining 🌈🌈🌈 and the folks are super nice 😊

Yay! Creatives can a decent job and they can eat too now!

WTF he’s raising a good point

What’s also frustrating is the fact that MacBook could be the ideal options for me but they’re not repairable easily, they are also super pricy if you want the bare minimum in 2023 (16go of RAM and a decent sized SSD)…

There’s everything, customisation with Yabai, FL Studio + VST support, Logic Pro X, fast compile time for when I program, linux convenience, nerd fonts, dark theme, etc…

And don’t get me started on the battery and the screen quality.

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I really like this comment. I have nothing else to add :) but congrats had a good laugh.

I can’t imagine how terrible you must feel. You should get some external help… I hear that hypnosis is used for traumatic experiences.

I need to think about what you said. I really want to see the community blossom. We should maybe make an IRC community?

EDIT: I think it’s called EMDR

As a developer I’m so excited that’s true, but that’s ridiculous the way they portray it as a normal thing to wear it in public lol it’s so eerie

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Thanks for giving me purpose :) again. I must undertake this quest.

A todo list of problems that will be encountered if we attempt this project, namely the lack of standardisation in legislation site which requires different parsers much like Tachiyomi

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Well if it’s called Steam Deck’s verified, I thought that logically it would indicate how well it ran on the Steam Deck

Okay thanks. Just an idea, I want to help the project blossom.

I know how to code (pretty good actually), if you need any help doing some things, I can try to look into it

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I know that America has been built on the blood of the natives. I know that the country’s been racist for a very long time.

But I also see the good. I balance this pessimistic vision with all the creatives, nice folks from America.

It’s not just the consumerism, the racism & the guns. It’s the diversity, the craziness, and the exploration of a big country full of nature.

I went to Malawi during 2-weeks for faring in an eco-lodge and I remember that in the contact of new people & nature I felt better than ever, I feel like it’s not my mind but more of the accumulation of shitty stuff everyday.

I’m actually in the situation you lived through, I’m in the french high school system, last year with exams. School has always been hard for me, fighting my mind, being harassed, I’ve come to hate it, I’d be better off on wikipedia learning stuff by myself.

But everyday I’m forced to go to experience the shallowness of people, teachers & educators. I have no energy to do anything but… consume content on my phone to not think about my shitty situation.

And right now, I’m so fed up this existence of student, trapped in the petulent academic system that I can even focus anymore. I can’t think, I can’t write, I can’t remember.

I believe that the decentralisation of computing power is both good for our privacy but also for the environment.

You don’t want to use the monogamous framework of relationship: OK. But, you cannot expect someone to sustain a relationship with you, and satisfy your desires/need if you’re not the only person they’re dating.

The « monogamous » framework is only what you make of it. You want no power imbalances, you want it to be flexible, work on it with your partner. If you don’t feel satisfied in a polygamous couple, then try monogamy without expecting the best, but also the worse.

Just love 😉!

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Don’t worry if they don’t manage to obtain what they want by asking, I’m sure the Chinese government will find a way to force them.

I’m in the french high school system which are very long working days (which is normal) on uninteresting things with teachers that hate teaching, and classmates with endearing stories but questionable sex lives of which they talk way too much.

In all this shallowness, I have no energy when I get back at home, after doing my shitty math homework, to even boot up my laptop to work on my coding project.

It’s constantly fighting your mind that tells you that there’s more to life, that you should not waste your time with such a poor experience.

But you don’t have self-determination, you just have the responsibilities of going there, putting down a smile, and get fingered for good grades to go to a shitty engineering school teaching Java from 2008 and then work at a shit ass computing job where you’re the genius computer guy installing Adobe Reader on everyone’s PC.

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Well I just have to be patient then!

I wanted to make a torrent :)) — because we don’t use them enough for simple file sharing !

Reddit has been welcoming for some years tbh

Now I don’t want to hear about it!

100h is not a stinker game playtime but I see what you mean :))

Okay! It’s interesting, where do I start to get educated about that? I would love to see my perspective shift!

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You're welcome to feel however you wish about relationships, but please don't assume how it works for you is how it works for everyone else.

Hey sorry but like chill, I just tried to suggest something, it’s not like I’m trying to force something unto you. I apologise if I was mean, just wanted to send some love ❤️

So: You don’t believe that you can be happy in a monogamous relationship but can’t seem to find satisfaction either in a polygamous relationship…. Must be hard, are you like… still missing her?

It’s cliché but… maybe try to sort out your feelings and have a talk with your partners.

EDIT: if you need recommendations of things to do to escape your mind for some time, can help you find games/books/hobbies.

It does ! It’s a PC! You can add anything to your Steam library and launch it as a game in gaming mode. You can also install Flex from the discover app!

Alyaza what have been your favorite/most interesting book among the four?

Friends of Beehaw, what are some amazing, insightful, funny, thoughtful books you’ve recently read?

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WTF? What did you do 😳?

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You’re yearning for more?

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EDIT: Listening to Everywhere at the End of Time by The Caretaker didn’t help lol but I don’t know, it was so gripping I couldn’t stop listening… it was like looking in the abyss… and feeling like loosing yourself. I want to make some music like that.

My mind has been conjuring the worse nightmare and sad shits I thought I could imagine. To fight this I decided to release some of my music. There aren’t much people that listened to it (30!!) but the good comments help me get through the last days.

Still depressed honestly. Don’t know what to do after high school — the world seems so placid and unreal. I feel out of myself… and also I’ve been fighting the urge to get high again so yeah, kinda hard!

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