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Might be related to those sleep state stuff that microsoft keep pushing. I think LTT has a video about how it causes battery to drain while off. I think the solution was either shutting it down while unplugged, or while plugged in or something. If you always shut the laptop down with the charger plugged in try to unplug the charger before shutting it down and see if it makes a difference. Or the opposite. I don't remember which it was.

To be fair I haven't configured a firewall either on my laptop. But that's out of lazyness, not out of good practice. Good practice would be to have a firewall enabled. Just because something is unlikely to happen statistically doesn't mean it's bad practice to take steps to protect against it.

I fail to see why this is bad advice. Sure you could just disable the firewall on your computer on a local network. But that's under the assumption that you can trust everything on your local network. What if it's a laptop? Do you also trust any public networks you may connect to on the go? Having firewall both on the router and on your computer provides an additional layer of security, and I think that's good advice in general. You can for example set it up to only allow incoming connections when connected to your home network for example.

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EU is the real MVP. Hoping that a few more years now and we'll have iphone with USB C, app sideloading, user replacable battery. I've never owned an iphone before but if that happens, I might consider one.

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The scary thing about this is thinking about potential undetected backdoors similar to this existing in the wild. Hopefully the lessons learned from the xz backdoor will help us to prevent similar backdoors in the future.

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I tried it briefly. I like the idea of an alternative to VS code, that's not some inefficient javascript electron app. But the focus of zed seems to be on collaboration in cloud and also pushing LLM tools. That's not what I'm looking for. I disliked that it was impossible to hide the "log in to github" button (I don't want to log into an editor). Irked me the wrong way.

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Until meta starts to slowly block small instances and we end up with the next email. Technically federated, but controlled by a few large corporations that dictates the block lists. Let us block them first so we get to define what the fediverse should look like, not them.

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That kinda sounds like a bad cable. I've had the same issue with both HDMI and DP before and it was solved with a new cable both times 🙂 Display cables are quite hit and miss when it comes to quality.

I think this is a problem of the capitalist system the ad-based websites exist in. There is an expectation for continuous growth, and if showing ads is the main source of income, the only way to grow after a certain point (user base not growing a lot any more) is to be more and more intrusive to shove more and more ads in the users faces. At some point we're fed up with the ads to the point it is not worth visiting the site anymore.

If growth weren't expected we could have stopped at a reasonable level of ads that are not as intrusive and had a steady income to cover the cost of running the site as long as the users are satisfied. But unfortunately everything anyone wants to use the internet for these days becomes a get rich quick scheme, causing the eventual enshittification of most sites.

This is why I like self hosted services, community funded, non profits, etc. For example wikipedia, and beehaw 🙂. It feels good donating when I can trust that the site owners have good intentions. It does not feel good to pay a subscription to a mega-corporation to avoid ads.

This many extensions in gnome will be fragile. Extensions have a tendency to stop working on gnome updates. The more extensions, the more issues you're gonna have. Though will probably work fine on a stable slow moving distro like debian or something.

Personally I use 3 extensions: dash to dock, app indicators and desktop icons.

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Analyzing the symptoms, I'm afraid to say, you might have nvidia.

It's not useless. It's a gateway drug for getting into linux. "But can your windows PC do this?" is a great way to recruit people to try linux ;)

Have you tried the "OsmAnd~" version on fdroid? I think that one is basically the full version without a paywall. You could try yourself if you find it worth it, and buy the official app if you want to support the project.

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I feel like this is about tracking. As in microsoft want the PC to wake up and scan wifi networks to figure out where it is, so they can use this data for targeted ads they serve in the start menu and bing, etc.

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TLDR: Long rant about modern smart phones.

I've concluded that it is impossible to get a new phone that has the features I want. Some phone manufacturer always seems to arbitrarily declare useful features/form factors obsolete, maybe replaces it with some new gimmick and gets the hype machine going so all the other manufacturers do the same in fear of becoming irrelevant.

I just wish that some day some company is going to create a smart phone with a reliable fingerprint reader on the back again where it is reachable by fingers on BOTH the left and right hand. Or that some manufacturer will create a phone with a smaller screen than 6 inches. Or god forbid a normal aspect ratio like 16:9 instead of the ridiculously long lightsabers they're making now. Then maybe it would be possible to get it out of my pocket while sitting down. Missing headphone jack is just a drop in the ocean IMO. There are so many other annoyances that I didn't use to have, but now is an issue with modern smart phones.

If I got the chance to dictate what the manufacturers should do. I would tell them to stop. The camera is good enough. Make it smaller and not protruding out the back of the phone so much. The SOC is fast enough. Make it more power efficient instead of chasing for the next GHz. The screen is large enough, just stop. If I wanted a larger screen I would use a tablet. Do some damn QA. Test the main functionality of a phone, which is communication, not game benchmarks, not who can take the prettiest picture of the moon. Is it possible to take the phone out of the pocket without accidentally hanging up on whoever is calling you? Is it possible to send and receive to/from SMS/MMS groups? Does the fingerprint reader actually work or does it just say "sorry too many tries" every time you take the phone out of the pocket before even touching the fingerprint reader?

Just had to get that out of my system :P

You can always distro hop inside a virtual machine if you have the time and nothing to do.

Fun fact tangent: Voss water is literally just tap water from Norway (but not from the town with the same name). There are people literally flushing their toilets with the same water.

I will have no next windows PC anyways. I'll go out of my way to get one without a windows license, to put linux onto it :)

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Half Life 3

Next goal then would be vulkan 1.3 such that DXVK would work.

I agree. Even though I use extensions for dock, desktop icons and appindicators, I respect the Gnome devs for keeping things opinionated. It allows them to focus on implementing core functionality well, rather than having to support every customization option, which would clutter the settings and slow down development.

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I would just get a T530 which is basically identical but it doesn't have the nvidia GPU. You can upgrade the screen to a W530 1080p one, they're interchangable.

You will have problems with the nvidia GPU on a W530 on linux. Especially if you want to use the displayport, as that is connected only to the nvidia GPU. Basically the displayport won't work without permanently enabling the nvidia GPU and disabling the intel iGPU, killing battery life.

Basically my general advice for a linux laptop is avoid nvidia at all cost.

Good luck figuring out why it sometimes doesn't work 🙃

That's right. And if there is, the issue is the bank, not your phone. Rule number 1 in security is never trust the client.

I personally think opinionated software is better. If the maintainers need to add a bunch of features to please everyone, that's going to be more work to maintain, and more work to set up an instance for example, as you would need to consider more options in the configuration. Being opinionated allows the maintainer to focus on polishing the main functionality, instead of battling tech debt in a project that has grown larger than initially intended.

I'll use another controversial project as example. The Gnome desktop environment has gotten a lot of negative attention due to the opinionated implementation, e.g 3rdparty extensions/theming breaking on updates. As a gnome user myself I've been annoyed many times. But I've been using fewer and fewer extensions and gotten more used to the "gnome way" lately, and have come to really appreciating Gnome for what it is. I keep coming back to gnome after trying alternatives, as it works pretty good out of the box and is a cohesive experience.

We have the same/similar regulations in norway as well. I don't have an e bike, but I guess the speed limit must be annoyingly low. I often pass them on my regular bike in like 30 km/h.

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Also pacman cache.

Yeah. Unfortunately there's not much to chose from. They're all huge glass slabs without ports nowadays.

The vast majority of people don't know what sRGB or DCI-P3 or color profiles are, or care about it. I understand that you may be frustrated about bad support, but it is just not that big of a deal for most people. That said, color management and HDR support for wayland is being actively worked on, and I wouldn't be suprised if it works better on wayland than X11 in a year or two. Also the distro suggested here (linux mint cinnamon) uses X11, not wayland. I agree with OP that we shouldn't scare people away from linux. Forcing people to have an opinion on X11 vs Wayland or color profiles, definately could scare them away.

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Why are there two cables connecting the left and right part? Just curious.

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Drivers are usually there in the kernel and usually works out of the box. You shouldn't need to manually install drivers with linux generally (except for proprietary drivers cough nvidia cough). But if your laptop is quite new, you need to have a new enough kernel. That would explain why ubuntu 23.04 works but not not 22.04. The kernel in 22.04 is probably too old to have the drivers for your network interface. Check what kernel version is shipped with ubuntu 23.04 and make sure that whatever distro you try have at least that version. Stable LTS distros often don't work on brand new hardware.

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If it is possible to detect which posts are cross posts, it should be possible to create a client app that combines the threads. Maybe give you an option to chose which one to post your comment.

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If it is network connected, consider giving it a static IP in the router. I can imagine the computer being confused by the printer having a new IP since last time (can happen with automatic IP), when you try to print something.

I agree with your 2 cents. If OP eventually identify as cis, trans, or non-binary, that is great, but don't rush it. It's your own journey to take in your own pace, OP.

I think windows update does that, or at least used to do. That's why it is so slow to update, because you need every update in succession, you can't just grab the latest one.

They went from doing some communication secure with signal, to doing no secure communication, because of a rug pull of a genuinely convenient feature. The problem with communication apps is that it is almost impossible to convince anyone to use anything they haven't heard about, if it is not very convenient. They're not going to use a separate app just for communicating with a single person/a few people.

Looks like RCS might be viable in the future when it works on both iphones and androids though. I just hope that it doesn't all go through googles servers.

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Just a couple days late for me. Just got a new nvme SSD which needed a recent kernel to be successfully initialized on boot. So I had to make my own ISO (september iso had too old kernel).

Gnome. But I use 3 extensions (dash to dock, desktop icons and appindicators) and the adw-gtk3 theme so GTK3 apps looks the same as GTK4/libadwaita apps.

Should've made s typescript one, that is a mutant blob of flesh with a life jacket on it.

One thing to note for linux and GCN GPUs, is that older GCN based cards doesn't use AMDGPU driver out of the box, so vulkan won't work initially. You need a kernel parameter to enable amdgpu for older GCN (at least I've had to do that with arch linux). But when it is enabled it works great in my experience. You will get a warning in the console that the support for that GPU is experimental though.

Also vulkan support for Ivy Bridge is not complete and is experimental. It is unfortunately not possible to use DXVK on ivy bridge due to this.

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