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Joined 1 years ago

The noodle man

Sometimes I'd settled for a simple description of what the tool even is. Sometimes the readme is just straight into compilation steps and I feel like we're rushing into something.

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Not this again...

Lemmy isn't everyones' cup of tea. Reddit, despite the API shenanigans, still does what people want.

People are not moving here from Reddit if they haven't already. They'd sooner go to Discord. Less cognitive load, and their subs already have servers set up. Lemmy has a 5 communities different servers for each sub and most will be inactive, so it's already a losing battle.

Make Lemmy it's own thing, rather than aspiring to be the 2nd head of the Hydra. Organic growth is good, sustainable. Boom and bust wholesale migrations look like failed hostile takeovers.

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LTT is one of the biggest YouTube channels and commands a lot of influence in the PC gaming community. The parent organisation actually has a lot of channels on youtube and they pump out a ton of videos under a few different names so even if you don't recognise the LTT name you might have seen some of their other videos just in passing.

Why is it a big deal? Because the accusations are big, given their influence on peoples' purchasing decisions.

I am going to continue not having an account and not having to deal with this.

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Well firstly, why do you care about being banned if you're leaving Reddit?

Come to terms with Reddit not dying overnight. Lemmy isn't going to vanish if people don't move over straight away. Reddit will eventually succumb to the 1000s of tiny self-inflicted cuts. Post content that isn't on Reddit and people will have a motivation to stay here.

I know Google is a big corpo but its hardly the only reason behind the state of the internet. It is a major factor, but to single out Google when Microsoft and others have played just as significant of a role is odd.

But you can change is back. Here's how

Why? Why waste the mental resources fighting to make a platform work for you? Just let Twitter die

Tipping isn't prevalent here so your comment seems strange to me. I'd never tip unless service was above and beyond. The reason why is that I feel companies use tips to depress wages, and tipping culture puts pressure on customers and not the company.

I don't see why you're angry at people who choose not to give you money in a system that allows them to choose, when the system is clearly the issue.

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Sites like reddit, Instagram, and twitter make the cognitive effort to go from signing up to using the app as low as possible. The users' experience is considered from before they even have an account. They make sure you don't ever see a blank page or feel like you're battling the app to find content.

Lemmy actively puts roadblocks in the way. Server choices, the hoops you need to jump though for server memberships, and highly fragmented communities all but ensure that people will face issues when signing up.

Sadly, a lot of users here feel that because they had to overcome them, so should everyone else. Until that changes then the self-defeating cycle will continue.

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I think so. I think younger users trust official branded apps a lot more so actually see the Reddit app as safer. Despite how easy tech people think lemmy and mastodon are, picking a server just isn't a feature to non-tech people - it's an obstacle to getting started.

The lack of content is a problem, but the lack of community feeling is the actual offputting part. Having bots repost things from Reddit kills the organic feeling of interacting with another user.

I'll probably be flamed but I do think having such a homogeneous userbase is negative. It means you don't get a wide array of experiences and viewpoints. People bang on about echo chambers online, but if you are in a club full of old white guys then you're in one!

I'd like think we can make these platforms as welcoming for everyone of all backgrounds, genders, etc, but there's just some things we can't understand without having those viewpoints being represented.

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I don't see anything inherently wrong with servers that try to generate some kind of income (servers don't pay for themselves after all) but it's absolutely the right of every server to choose whether or not to federate with them.

I'd take issue with free labour (e.g. unpaid mods) on a profit-making server.

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I use Signal but it's on its own path to becoming enshittified too. Less like Reddit, more like Firefox, the people in charge are just clueless about the signal userbase.

It won't be long until there's a shift to an alternative because the current president of the signal foundation is one step away from turning it into Snapchat.

Instead of pumping money into increasing awareness or enhancing reliability of the service, the Signal team have wasted effort on features that nobody asked for, including its very own crypto shitcoin (a major red flag for any company). They also remove features people relied on, such as SMS support.

It's hard to trust the Signal team when they continually disappoint in such egregious ways.

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I don't disagree with that. Reddit will keep burning bridges with it's oldest users. old.reddit will be the next on the chopping block and that will be the death knell for desktop Reddit for a sizable number of people.

But I think you're underestimating the average modern Redditor's reluctance to jump ship. 3rd party apps were not even something they knew existed. Most never used reddit before the redesign. They already used the app. You cant miss what you never had.

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It's long overdue. I've been running Nightly to get around the shockingly limited number of addons available on Firefox for Android. Hopefully Mozzila don't fumble the bag with this as its a great opportunity to steal users from Chrome.

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IMO little of value would be lost with Discord. It's mainly used like a live chat support, rather than a wiki. The actual source of knowledge is usually elsewhere.

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Youtube is the only truly great social media platform left. It pains me to say it, but the bar is quite low! It pays creators better than its rivals and its premium subscription is generally considered good value. Remember - it's both users and creators that need to migrate.

Really, there cannot be an alternative until there's one that can afford to pay content creators the same or more than YouTube can. No content, no platform.

It also needs to be able to distribute the cost for hosting insane amounts of video data, which is notoriously expensive. A single instance could bankrupt a person if it got hit with a large influx of users. Some lemmy instances has to brace for a rough ride as Reddit refugees jumped ship, and YouTube has a lot more users than Reddit. Even a tiny migration could be hell to deal with.

There will also need to be a purge of extremist content from any platform that wants to invite a migration. If all you have is weirdos evangelising dodgy cryptocoins and conspiracy theorists complaining about being booted off YouTube, nobody will want to go.

Peertube just isn't the platform for this to happen. At least not yet.

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Agreed, those subs were easily the best.

A lot have moved into Discord, which makes these things even more difficult. In general discord servers are insular little clubs. They tend to have strange unique rules and require you to jump through so many hoops to get initiated.

The Discord format is like plugging into a stream of consciousness, so doesn't exactly lend itself to info-seeking like the forum format does.

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It's time for Lemmy devs to really think about the pain points and how to address them.

It's clear that federation isn't working as intended. Because of that, moderation is too difficult. Defederation has been a major drama for Lemmy, which is only being made more likely given these complaints have not been addressed.

Then there's the curse of choice that makes gaining non-tech users a lost cause. It is leading to extreme fragmentation which makes people drift back to their busier platforms.

These issues need to be addressed or Lemmy will be MySpaced within a year.

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Almost certainly this isn't anything to do with scraping. Like with Reddit, those with a stake in Twitter stand to benefit from AI and, as far as I know, there's no mass reposting (retweeting?) effort to something like Mastodon.

That would be trivial to block anyway, since it would be easy to identity the service accounts and source IP's of the requests. No need to impact average users.

What's more likely is he hasn't paid the bill for his cloud infrastructure and no longer has the capacity to serve so many users.

IMO, that's what you get when you fire half of your staff.

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Not everyone gets to leave a legacy like vim. Effectively the notepad and pen of computing. RIP

This is a bit of a cynical take. $345m is not that much to the US government. It's not going to deprive anyone in the US. Plus, what are homeless people going to do with military equipment?

If it was $345bn I'd agree but this is barely even going to register on the accounting spreadsheet.

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They are a lifestyle brand and play on that to keep people trapped. People who buy Apple like the aesthetic of appearing wealthy. It's classism through consumerism, even if the consumers don't realise it.

Apple's terrible privacy policy (yes, despite the word privacy appearing in the ads), atrocious right to repair stance, and aggressive software lock-in tactics should put any person who cares about those things off.

There was a purpose to buying Apple when they were the only player in the specific niche. Audio engineering is a great example of this. In the 90's, Apple were really the only valid choice in a highly specialist field. Microsoft caught up in the 2000s, with Linux not too far behind in the 2010's.

So nowadays, the limitations are effectively self-imposed. You can spend whatever money you want on a setup that will do whatever you need and the OS is a personal preference.

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I don't agree that communities need to migrate entirely. New platforms need time to naturally grow. If the user experience isn't good, then moving too many people too early will be bad in the long run.

Regardless, Reddit will continue to exist in some form for the forseeable future. It's not going to collapse in a matter of days. It might not ever collapse.

If places like Newgrounds, 4chan, 9gag, funnyjunk, etc. are still going then Reddit will keep chugging along for now. People will find there way here eventually.

Like Did he do it on purpose?

I think this gives him credit where it isn't due 😂

Personally, I think he's just a magic blend of incompetent, arrogant, and in over his head. Large companies are slow moving for a reason and we're seeing why in real time.

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New languages deal with challenges the old languages faced differently, with hindsight of how those languages dealt with those challenges and how they could have done things better.

We don't even have a universal language for communication. That may not be a bad thing, either. There's a theory that the language you speak changes the way you perceive the world - I believe that's true with programming as well. If we only had Java, we'd only get Java-style solutions.

This is how you end up with no browsers except Opera and Edge.

I'm just glad it isn't the UK proposing something this dumb. We're doing enough stupid shit as it is.

The way I see it is that the company is already withholding pay for this situation to even exist.

Americans are being led to believe tipping is the only way "unskilled" low paying work can exist. Yet these companies often make money hand over fist. They'd just make less money if they had to fairly pay their staff. But Americans seem to look down on the workers that do these roles, so companies get to exploit them.

If you're salaried, imagine your boss randomly said to you "Sorry, I can only afford half your salary. But you can ask our clients if they could graciously donate a small percentage of what they're paying for our services. Hopefully it makes up the difference." You'd be furious! You wouldn't agree to such a change. So why agree to it for food service workers?

Disclaimer, I'm not French. But it seemed like the alternative was Le Pen and from what I've read she would certainly be more of a shitstain fascist, just with a populist tinge.

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They really thought that meme was appropriate.

But here it is, being posted, so maybe it worked?

I'd like to see people give less of a shit what other men wear.

Fashion might be the most consumerist addiction we have in the world and fast fashion is wreaking terrible damage. Any creativity is lost to brand addiction and trend chasing. Don't even get me started on advertising!

Clothes serve a utility, but fashion is the capitalisation of envy and materisalism. Wear monochrome if you want. Wear pink if you want. Just don't kill the planet in the name of "fashion".

Reddit and AI companies are all financially backed by the same people. Anything they lose on Reddit (which they aren't) they gain on the other side. Plus, bots make this unlikely. Who wants an AI trained on spam bots and automods?

Don't let Spez make it sound like everyone working at Reddit is broke and needs pitying. He wouldn't be CEO if he wasn't on CEO pay.

Okay, this is a nice sentiment but the money is long gone. It was spent when the equipment was made. It will either be scrapped or left to rust in a hangar.

It depends where you go, surely?

I've met a fair number of numpties on Reddit but I've never had anyone tell me neckbeards are an oppressed group until I came to Lemmy 😂

Jokes aside, it's easy to avoid toxic people on here since they usually announce themselves loudly. It's easy to block users, communities, or even servers if you don't want to see something.

It's probably not purely bots. My girlfriend is one of those people lol

She isn't tech literate and doesn't get things like FOSS or 3rd party. To her, the Official Redditâ„¢ App is a mark of trust and safety. She doesn't use an adblocker (despite my protests) and just avoids services like Youtube where ads are unavoidable.

Is it really a loss in revenue if you used a 3rd party app previously?

If you want to bypass Reddit, why not just set up RSS for the things you get from Reddit instead? Most news sites have RSS. You could almost certainly find a feed for most of the stuff posted to Reddit.

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No, you're correct. Service accounts can consume data way faster than a human user ever could. A smart business always implements rate limits or you could bankrupt them with a simple curl command. They could bankrupt themselves in testing with a simple loop!

This can be fixed in many ways, not just by putting limitations on credentials but also on source addresses. If a certain address or range of addresses seems to be running multiple service accounts and pulling huge amounts of data, you can deny requests from those IP's.

In short, this AI angle smells like BS to save face. Musk effectively fired the SRE team who looked after critical infrastructure. It was their job to ensure service reliability, so it should not be a surprise that Twitter now has issues with service reliability.

Numbers like that are hard to comprehend. Try picturing yourself in a statium like this. Now picture all of those people dying.

ActivityPub is open source. This means, by definition, Meta are allowed to use it. They could easily do the extinguish part by just never using the protocol. If another platform existing is such a threat to the Fediverse then we're doomed to failure in the first place.

While Google removing XMPP no doubt helped sink nails into the coffin, WhatsApp played a bigger role in the death of XMPP than Google removing it from Talk. It was increasingly irrelevant for a now growing number of people.

You can. I'm not by my desktop but I'm sure I use ublacklist in Firefox.

Yes, this would be a great move. I won't hold my breath but it'd be a nice surprise.