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Joined 12 months ago

"Windows bad pls upvote"

it also whitelists ad blockers from working on some, presumably "partnered", websites.

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we all need to be more like the Communications Authority of Kenya

no and no.

WhatsApp is now in Meta's hands

it's been owned by Facebook/Meta for almost a decade, so I'm not sure it warrants using "now".

Android friends having to run AV software on their phones

which does nothing, because even IF the "antivirus" detects malware, it has no privileges necessary to remove it.

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the only available solutions are wrappers for the mobile website, like SlimSocial.

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Ready to get downvoted again

such courage

see Woke

it's been coined by the Black community, essentially meaning being aware of, and alert to, the systematic injustice against them. there you go.

not really, because they'd have to constantly collect its users' location in order to do that.

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wait till you hear about all the other nonsense words.

(hint: all words are nonsense)

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the coconut.


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It was also much smoother

now that's just rose-tinted glasses speaking. I remember how absolutely abysmal old Firefox' scrolling was, and how they've claimed multiple times that they've improved it but it was still horribly sluggish compared to Chromium browsers. I've been using Firefox Preview (and then Nightly after enough performance improvements have landed on it) for about a year just to have acceptable experience on mobile.

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five more to go!

it's a pity that you're bringing yourself into here

There's nothing that stops a FOSS app from doing that

I'm well aware there's no technological obstacle. many people choose FOSS maps over Google to have less of their data collected though, so I could imagine they'd object to such practice, which would make the feature less effective.

I've tried pretty much every app available, and liked Thunder the most. second place goes to Jerboa.

According to these new numbers from Valve, the Linux customer base is up to 1.96%, or a 0.52% jump over June! That's a huge jump with normally just moving 0.1% or so in either direction most months...

so I assume it was at 1.44% in June, which means... like a 35% increase?

not sure where you're seeing this, latest release was in June, and the latest commit was three weeks ago.

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Mastodon. I got to a point where it's actually getting difficult to catch up with what people I follow have posted while I've been asleep.

it already has, the fork is named Liftoff and many people seem to like it.

it still retains iOS iconography, including the share button.

perhaps a digital drawing program like Paint or Krita will be more to your liking, you can place as many pixels as you want!

you just replied to the post they've made on Lemmy.

an incentivised scheme

how about this for an incentive: when you donate money, you help keep the lights on for the instance that you're using.

"guys look here's an ASCII logo of the distro I use"

okay... and?

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one of the mentions that you added to your post (along with thelinuxEXP for some reason) makes it appear in a Lemmy community that's focused on Linux news, not screenshots.

he won't see this, my guy

almost 11 years and over half a million karma.

then it's worth mentioning that only the manager (and possibly the modifications) are open source. the Spotify client it installs is still closed source. same deal as with apps patched with Revanced.

it's missing "here's how to" at the beginning, I guess.

way better, as it lets you choose the block lists, add custom domains or whitelist the ones that are being blocked, check the statistics on which domain is being blocked the most, and some more nifty stuff. and it's also not made by a Russian company.

it's a desktop program, while most of the solution OP has posted are Android exclusive.

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I do miss the tab bar, it would be great to have it on the tablet. I can't comment on how differently the browser behaves now regarding storing loaded pages in memory though, because most of the time I'd have an underpowered phone that would kick out everything out of memory when switching apps anyway.