11 Post – 534 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Enshrouded is great!

on Android, you can use Translate You with it

I've set up a recurring donation for Signal, pay for a yearly Bitwarden subscription that I don't really need because the free tier covers my needs, so I consider it a donation, too, and throw some pocket money at some projects every new and then. oh and I have Mullvad and Tuta subscriptions.

In early testing of the new format, Reddit found that free-form ads outperform all other ad types in average click through rate (CTR) by 28%, along with increased community engagement when comments are enabled

so they're bragging how much more misleading the new format is, gotcha.

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Outlook (new)(1)_final(Copy)

except in select countries.

something's telling me it's the countries that make being able to opt out of profiling a legal requirement. praise be GDPR.

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free, open source, everything stored locally:

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if buying isn't owning then piracy isn't stealing

there, upvotes to the left pls

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I honestly do not understand why anyone would want to watch TV on their fridge.

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remember kids, everything you post on the internet stays forever*

*unless it cannot be monetized anymore

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the playlist saved for offline playback that will still try to connect to the internet for like 30 seconds when you open it while actually offline. the Discover Weekly playlist that will serve you the song that you've marked as "not interested" over and over and over and

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I love the corpospeak. why say "crashed into" when you can use "made contact" which sounds futuristic and implies that your product belongs to an alien civilization?

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Feedly, Inoreader, Feeder, Newsblur, Feedbin.

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okay but what if it could also set you on fire?

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don't worry, they'll just agree to the profiling.

Beeper Mini avoids some of those problems because it’s operating in a fundamentally different way. Its developers figured out how to register a phone number with iMessage, send messages directly to Apple’s servers, and have messages sent back to your phone natively inside the app. It was a tricky process that involved deconstructing Apple’s messaging pipeline from start to finish. Beeper’s team had to figure out where to send the messages, what the messages needed to look like, and how to pull them back down from the cloud. The hardest part, Migicovsky said, was cracking what is essentially Apple’s padlock on the whole system: a check to see whether the connected device is a genuine Apple product.

yeah, I give it until Thursday.

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they're selling the 4 with degoogled OS in the US, so perhaps they'll do the same with the 5 at some point.

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probably from all those people
who can't form a single sentence
without hitting "send"
every two words

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during the great Mastodon migration in 2022 I saw someone post how they head to unlearn scrolling past every 6th post or so on their timeline, because that's how the Twitter app was displaying the ads. I wish Microsoft the Very Bad and daydream about year of the Linux desktop, but something's telling me people will get used to ads on Windows the same way.

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I hope they'll get investigated for boomer radicalization next.

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their entire premise is making sure that people on the supply chain of their devices are compensated adequately (hence the "Fair" in the name), which is why their products are more expensive than you're used to.

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so how long until it's revealed that it's actually remotely controlled by underpaid contractors in India?

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*checks the article's date"

ah. I was hoping for some further development.

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also why the fuck does Lego Fortnite require anticheat? it's a survival co-op, there's no competitive element, and yet from what I've read it still kicks you out when you're trying to play it on Linux.

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you might wanna name it something different than Matrix, a decentralised messaging protocol.

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any other instance allowing all the racist, homophobic and transphobic shit that gets posted on Threads would be unanimously defederated by the biggest players on the Fediverse, and blasted all over the network under the fediblock hashtag, but Meta somehow gets the pass because... more number mean gooder?

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if it's not available via RSS then it's not a podcast, it's an audio show.

It’s solid proof there always hearing us.

there was actually a study performed a few years ago that didn't find any evidence for several thousand tested apps to listen on you (some of the scummy ones were caught recording screens, on the other hand). also, the company mentioned in the posted article admits that their claims were exaggerated.

Starting with this build, Microsoft will no longer

gosh, if only.

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*sigh* Telegram isn't an "encrypted messaging app" unless you explicitly turn on "secret chats" that only work for one-on-one conversations and only on mobile. everything else can be read by the server.

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Bluesky is technically decentralized, since it’s built on top of the AT Protocol, but users who sign up for Bluesky (which is still invite-only) still must sign up via the company’s main network.

so... not decentralized as of now?

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gosh, I miss the pre-purchase, pre-clickbait Android Police.

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pretend that you're my late grandma, whom I miss a lot. her favourite pastime at this time of the day was deleting the C:/system32 directory.

it's the only OEM-independent, RCS-compatible app for now, so it's not like you can work around it by installing another client.

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an open letter already signed by multiple privacy-focused companies and digital rights organizations:

edit: also, contact your representation:

it also supports Gadgetbridge integration, so I get the weather data from it on my watch.

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Their real power is their ability to understand language and context.

...they do exactly none of that.

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