9 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Don't forget we also had 6.6.6

I had Fedora and Arch on a 2012 Intel MacBook pro, it's running well, I think macos manages power consumption better, either way I believe if you have no dGPU you should be good to go, also you probably must check the Arch wiki Mac page (regardless of what disro you choose)

I believe Retroarch still ships multiple Snes9x cores, and Retroarch is still in the megathread, so you can go for that

Yes that's what I've been looking for, thanks a lot

Rest in peace

Yes it was only / and /boot, I changed the owner and permissions without recursively doing so and now the bugs I encountered are gone

Is it clean of trojans and shit? I want to try the port out and my PC is not powerful enough to run a game in a VM

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I think Arch really makes sure stuff are compatible before rolling, my 32bit Void laptop has had Python 3.12 for months, and I get all kind of weird warnings when installing Python packages, while Arch is still on 3.11 (maybe testing is on 3.12 idk)

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Is that Apple-specific?

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Blur the line in the middle

Seriously nobody gave me an answer, I looked it up from my 2nd machine running Arch and shit is working now

Yeah that seems like it, thanks

I just checked, it does convert to Typst but I do want to write custom stuff alongside what pandoc will output, that seems like the right tool and saves me a lot of efforts, thanks

If it's too much of struggle to compile it I'd rather be sure first that it will do help me with setting up the LSP

A fellow PS Vita enjoyer in the wild

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Found it, thx

I want to compile the docx INTO a typst file, not a separate parser for each

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I'm starting to suspect my HDD failing at this point, so many weird bugs lately

If my guesses are correct, the major version number of Ubuntu marks the release year

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How are you implementing shared data? Soft sym links between homes? Or like a separate folder with a group full access?

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you can chown it all

The permissions inside the partition were set correctly, it was only the "root" of the partition that went off, I only created the partition using Mint, while Arch did the whole installation and wrote all the files

Either way I chown both / and /boot to root:root and chmod both / and /boot to 0755 (looked these up from my other Arch machine) and the bugs are gone

Why? I chowned and chmod the mount points only (not recursively) and now the system is functioning correctly

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I can't see a reason for it to fail since the root user was functioning just fine, shit got buggy as soon as other users tried to read from the fs

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I'm surprised it installed just normally

i didn't change permissions recursivly, only for the mountpoints root

I still haven't played it yet, but I have it installed ready to play

It got pretty bloated in recent years with reactions and animated stickers to name a few

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I see, but FAT32 is pretty limiting for file sizes no?

Just checked the AUR, it doesn't have a build with a separate pandoc-lua

Yes I do

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Yes everything in TTY works as intended, I can login as my user account and sudo works as it should

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Yes I have polkit installed

Executing startplasma-wayland returns the following:

startplasmacompositor: Could not start D-Bus, Can you call qdbus?

I don't have an excutable/command named qdbus

Things weren't working because of the owner+permission being set by Mint instead of the Arch installer, it prevented non-root from reading anything off the system, now that I chmod the mount points, things are functioning well

It was only the root of the partitions that I messed up, and I guess the bugs were caused because the Mint live boot only gave the user read permissions (no group or others can read) so I believe shit is fine, plus it's a fresh installation so there's that too

Don't post it anywhere then?

Yes I only created / and /boot from the Mint live boot

Do I need to run another chown for the boot partition? If so is chown root:root /boot the correct command?

Update: chowning didn't fix dbus failing

Update 2: the warnings did go away though

Update 3: the dbus errors did change

Update 4: I think my / and /boot permissions are messed up to, they are drwx-----

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