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I always see people saying Google provides better results, but to me it's awful. I don't even use DDGO anymore, but Google only shows ads and SEO optimized results that look AI generated. Is this common or am I just an isolated case?

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I don't like to have to press a button, then search for an emoji. Emoticons are faster to write, I mostly use the :), :/, etc.

I changed that in Mastodon, for example. Someone told me that screen readers have trouble reading emoticons, so I mostly use stickers or emojis there.

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"Can I see the moments when I made other people feel good/better?" or to know what people i helped and how

Note: I used Community of Earth in case we discover other species, but I'd suggest changing the name according to the interplanetary travel and expeditions

I'm not an expert, but I propose the following:

First and most important

  1. Every individual, from any background and in accordance of the Community of Earth, has the right to the following:
  • a) To Housing in good living conditions, according to the Fourth Right rights and obligations
  • b) To Food
  • c) To Water
  • d) To Access of all public knowledge and knowledge funded completely or partially funded by the Community of Earth
  • e) To a Well-cared-for environment
  • f) To Migrate or Immigrate to any place in or out-of- the Earth
  • g) To reliable, well-cared-for, efficient Public Transport and any transport, in the conditions mentioned below
  • h) To Demand their personal data be protected and used only in the conditions mentioned below
  • i) None of the rights and obligations declared above can be overruled, modified or eliminated without the consent of the 100% of the population of the Community of Earth.
  1. Every individual has the right to be recognized by any entity, organization, individual or any group of individuals that need to use their information
  2. Every individual's identity and characteristics can't be damaged, abolished or affected in any way that invalidates their right to be recognized as they wish
  • a) All individuals and groups of individuals have to follow consent obligations, which can't be abolished nor modified unless they have the recognition of the entire Community of the Earth
  • b) There is no way, path, reform or modification that may affect the rights of the Community of Earth to vote
  1. All the individuals have the right to form organizations, which may be completely transparent in their financial background and members.
  • a) Organizations proclaiming an expert base to have a vote in knowledge or educational background have to adhere to the Second Right obligations and rights.

  • b) Organizations proclaiming an expert base to have a vote in the Community of Earth decisions have to follow the Third Right

  • c) Organizations can be overruled and stop being recognized according to the Community of Earth decisions

Second. Right of decision making for the Community of Earth

  1. Expert entities are those that have an extensive, recognized and valid knowledge recognized by the Community of Earth, in the area they intend to be recognized as experts
  2. Any organization participating as an expert entity for the Community of Earth, included but not limited to: Rights, Economics, Knowledge, Spacial, Exploring, Architectural, Transport and other kinds of entities that may affect the Community of Earth as a whole have to adhere to the following rights and obligations:
  • a) Decisions have to be based on facts. Decisions can't be influenced by religion, moral, personal or any other kind of influence that is not based on facts.
  • b) Decisions and propositions have to be completely open to the Community of Earth, if hidden, organizations are subject to the Sxith Right rights and obligations.
  1. Any organization, participating as an expert entity for the Community of Earth as stated above, can't choose, propose nor influence individuals or groups of individuals without the knowledge of the Community of Earth. Otherwise, they may be subject to the obligations stated in the Sixth Right
  2. Any organization, participating as an expert entity for the Community of Earth has to use standardized, free and open source software and standards according to the Community of Earth.

Third. The right of Knowledge

  1. Any organizations proclaiming educational and knowledge-access base have to be recognized by the Community of Earth
  2. Any school or educational organization may be funded by the Community of Earth, according to the following obligations:
  • a) All facts may be represented as facts, without any modifications and according to ages
  • b) All content may be reviewed by experts recognized by the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth
  • c) All knowledge, described by the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth, may be taught with enough evidence as the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth recognize
  • d) All individuals and groups of individuals, including those following a redemption path, have the right of education and knowledge
  • e) All software, hardware and equipment used with educational purposes has to be completely open to be reviewed by students and the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth
  1. All knowledge has to be based on facts, unless declared and approved by the several educational organizations of the Community of Earth as fictional content, included but not limited to: novels, sci-fi stories, movies, series, stories, myths, etc.
  • a) All knowledge declared and approved as fictional content can't be presented as facts nor used to influence Community of Earth decisions

Fourth. Housing and Living Conditions Rights

  1. Living conditions are decided by the Community of Earth

  2. Architectural and Urban design decisions are made by the several Architectural, Urban Design, Civil Engineer and housing and urban design organizations recognized by the Community of Earth

  3. Every individual may be provided housing with good living conditions, following their necessities

Fifth. Worker's Rights

I mean, the basics and, you know, Marx propositions lol

Sixth. Right of Punishment and Redemption

i haven't decided yet, but the Norwegian proposition sounds good and, with all basics needs met, it may not be necessary to be so strict. But there are still other things to be clear and I already spent too much time writing this

Seventh. Right of Exploration and Transport

  1. Pedestrians and cyclists will always be the priority
  2. Any vehicle that may be sold, interchanged, modified, gifted or any other kind of exchange, designed for private transport, has to follow the following obligations:
  • a) The vehicle has to follow environmental regulations, which are assigned by the several environmental organizations recognized by the Community of Earth
  • b) The vehicle has to follow the security for vehicle passengers and pedestrians regulations assigned by the several urban, environmental and other organizations selected by the Community of Earth
  1. Public and massive transport vehicles can only be acquired after the revision, auditory and recognition of the several urban, environmental and other organizations selected by the Community of Earth.
  • a) All information about the models, contracts, routes and other related information of Public transport, vehicles, software, hardware and other specifications selected by the several urban, environmental and other organizations selected by the Community of Earth has to be completely open to the Community of Earth and provided in an standardized, accessible and free (as in freedom and price) way.

And i don't know, I'm a Free Software advocate so that too has to be considered. Any way, I have more ideas, but not the time

There's a book called Opt-Out from Rory Price about a future where humanity starts using AR more and more to the point that it's almost obligatory to have a device of this kind for everything, even as ID. It then talks about a group that develops a free/libre version of this device's OS and they have to decide about personal issues or try to maintain their views. It's entertaining and not too long, but I think it shows a very possible future.

I haven't heard from its author in some time, but I think they discovered they were someone else too ;), that's why I love this book.

I think that the main problem is that companies keep getting revenue even if actors don't. Book writers don't stop earning money just because they wrote their book 5 years ago, and yes, they don't win money for reselling, but companies like Amazon and their editorials will keep earning money because of their work, so why shouldn't the writers earn money?

If your work isnt being streamed or sold, well, you won't see much. But still, you signed a contract, like the old perpetual pensions.

I'd be more comfortable with physical contact. I'm NB, but most people still perceive me and treat me as a man (even though I've said many times that I'm not) and that comes with the stigma of keeping distance.

I also love to play with LEGOs, it's kind of therapeutical I guess. It's just me, talking about random things. It's the same with videogames, I mostly play RPGs, but it isn't as "weird".

BTW, while I'm non-binary, I'm still involved in man's problems because I live them for my appearence. I also help some male friends with their problems with masculininty and feminism, so they don't end up being redpilled alpha sigma males lol

I don't think they try to be a social media platform, but it is definitely a bad substitute for forums and I dislike anyone who tries to use Discord as a forum alternative.

I finally feel alive again. I lost my pet some weeks ago and it devastated me, but I have a new dog that came before she left me and I have to care for him and my chihuahua too.

I also wasn't sure how I would survive all the time I have to spend on my faculty (my schedule is horrible) and the lack of attention span I have, but yesterday I went to the library and studied a little bit, I've been understanding Algebra topics and haven't missed much homework. I'm managing to organize everything I need and, even if next time I won't, I've been helping to organize an important event for my career.

Life hit me, but I'm recovering.

Found it!:

OP, please edit your post and add the link :)

I love troubleshooting, even though I complain a lot about it, I still do it.

That doesn't mean that I use systems that require high maintenance like Arch Linux, but openSUSE doesn't have the same support as other known Linux distributions, so I sometimes have to adapt to the options I have, like using containers or compiling for my system.

I also like to provide support for people and help family/friends with whatever they need, tech-related or not.

It may sound silly, but a lot of family (whom I try to avoid) always tell me to charge for the things I do, but I like to help and even donate a lot of things when I can. I also have been trying to give back to the FOSS community. To me it's like a hobby, and money isn't everything.

Nope, but I sometimes feel that the Steam client uses more resources than the games 🤨

Why do that when you can cut costs, and how would it be possible for them not to ensure their safety? I don't think they cut costs like the clients, I don't think they would put lites at risk just for the sake of some extra dollars to the pocket of the CEO. /s

I used to "virtual distro hop" because I tried a lot of distros in VMs before dualbooting. I installed Tumbleweed and haven't changed ever since.

I don't regret keeping my distro, I've been curious, of course, but I think i already have it all:

  • Stability
  • The newest updates
  • I know my system very well
  • By knowing my system, I can fix most problems and I know where to go if I can't.

I sometimes try distros in VMs, but with that and Distrobox I think I already have everything I could need to learn and try them in case I need to work with them in the future :)

Not all vegans are white people, which is very important because there are indigenous people who are vegan, Latinamerican, African and from many other places of origin, and many other non-white people who are vegan.

It looks like you haven't even researched about this, since many vegans in Europe have been protesting and asking to end meat and dairy subsidies.

Please research before spreading hate towards a philosophy you don't know anything about.

I mean, Ubisoft basically has every resource needed for this, but I'd like to see a DLC or gamemode where you can play like in GR:Breakpoint and the mobility of Watch Dogs in The Division. It's absurd not being able to climb certain obstacles, but that's also an engine problem.

I also would like more storytelling in-game, having to listen to audios and ECHOs, while entertaining, it's not enough and can confuse you.


It doesn't make sense, it has bad effects and a horrible plot.

I don't know why they even bother making it, it's stupid. And really, saying that something is a quantum device doesn't mean anything.

So all the effort and money they spent in developing their games, before knowing about this movement from Unity, should be punished?

I understand your intentions, but indie devs don't have the capacity to switch engines, let alone redevelop everything when it's already or almost finished. I'd understand if you do it at the start of 2024.

Also, this is speculation, but I've seen devs provide alternatives to get their games. A lot of developers have already declared their intentions to switch engines from now on and they can't do that if they don't have a budget.

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  • Sesame Shortcuts. I know there are launcher with similar tools included, but I also use Nova Launcher and paid for it. I've been thinking to migrate to alternatives, but I haven't done it yet.
  • Microsoft To Do. The alternatives are incomplete, ugly or don't have the same capabilities. I'd gladly pay for any FOSS and Privacy respectful To Do app, but I guess setting up sync servers may be hard. I'll give a try for again in some days.

I'm glad I don't get to say Notion anymore, is missing some features, but I can manage to live without them and Notion was getting worse with time.

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I only enter to reddit to check information I can't find in other places or because of communities there. I mostly enter for KDE reports and Stellaris lol

I have a Twitter account because my friend are there and they've abandoned Facebook almost completely, but I enter one in a month or so. I've been using Mastodon daily because I found a lot of people that also have my interests and hobbies, even in my language.

I only enter to Discord for casual gaming with friends, like one or two times a month.

And I've been trying to use PeerTube more, but a lot of content creators I like are still on YouTube, and PeerTube doesn't have an official app yet. I'm currently using Piped and NewPipe for watching videos (I use the YT app only when I want to support some creators).

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It's very useful! I use it to avoid clutter like Tesseract and LaTeX dependencies; using software that it's not available for my distro (openSUSE Tumbleweed) nor Flatpak and sometimes to try software that I haven't used before to test, as in checking its config directories, performance, UI, etc. and install/uninstall quickly to avoid dependency problems.

Note: remember to check your PATH while creating your new distrobox, since distroboxes will try to run your .bashrc or similar and you will get errors or results you may not want to.

That's not even barely enough to call it unreliable.

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I'm glad in my family we always were careful with plastic. Sole months ago our microwave stopped functioning and we bought an electric oven, so now plastic containers and plates aren't even an option to heat our food. :D

Missing. It's fascinating for me to remember things I did with my grandma a bunch of years ago before she passed away.

I lost one of my dogs family. She was so sweet and always wanted to jump and lick your face. She moved her little tail and it moved her entire body. Lately one of the other dogs has been doing the same and I can't stop thinking about my other one. I miss her every day.

I thank the universe for the little details that make me remember and miss people I love.

Yes! I still question myself because I adopt when I can just so they don't stay in the streets, but I don't call my family of dogs pets. I treat them with respect and don't judge them based on human prejudices, but the rest of the people expects me to treat them as inferior and disrespect them ;:/

And guess what?: those people are usually the ones that are abusive to the dogs/cats that live with them.

I'd say updated documentation, there are some articles in their wiki/documentation that don't consider the default configuration for openSUSE, but an old one I think.

CoD: Black Ops 1 is a freaking masterpiece. It made me expect more from videogames and appreciate the little details. Then Ghost Recon: Wildlands and Fallout 4 were the first games that made me realize that an open world with such content was possible and the RPGs world. I know they are not massive, but I had only played in an Xbox and I had to be picky because I'm no rich. But yeah, I only have good anecdotes with those games and how impressive it was for me, mostly Fallout 4 because of secondary missions that had an impact on me, and then the other Fallouts which I'm playing in order right now and every one has its own impact, I love the franchise.

Extra: I love R6 and it was one of my favorites of all time, then I was introduced to the enshittifcation concept without knowing it lol. I kept playing Battlefield 4 rather than returning to R6.

AnySoft is still testing because of all the functionality it has, which is massive compared to other keyboarda. I moved to a fork of OpenBoard, but I recognize all the effort put in both AnySoft and FlorisBoard

I'd only like smart windows and lights, since I like low yellow light at night and to open the windows in the morning and to close them later. But I don't like the idea of Amazon or Google having my house (and conversations, internet traffic, etc.) even more at their disposal, that's why I avoid to invest on IoT devices right now.

Also, there's the getting locked out of your own house:

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I agree, one friend installed Debian because he saw that everyone recommended it, but he couldn't understand how to make VirtualBox work, even less when I explained the reason to him. He ended up returning to Windows because of more issues and he didn't like troubleshooting as much as I do lol

I'd say Linux Mint is pretty good too, Debian alone may be harder for new people who wants a system that just works out of the box.

It's kind of weird, but it can be way more specific in Spanish. I mostly use English for programming or tech related questions; Spanish for research and when its response in English isn't relevant or it's less informative than I expected.

I use some GNOME apps and they work fine. KDE has good support for GTK theming ;)

I almost did that with python2. Also, some programs just have weird libraries that I've been close to uninstall, then see 4705894095 programs that would be uninstalled along with it.

I think we don't really appreciate time until we know it ends. Unfortunately, we outlive some animals, but we get to enjoy time with them and doing everything possible to make their life better.

I lost my dog last year, it was rough. My family wasn't there, I had to go by myself and the vet couldn't do more to save her, but I was there, she wasn't alone, she never was. I always watched her, played with her, even danced with her because she was very tall. I remember the first time I saw that she couldn't peek at the window anymore, she was getting old and fragile and she couldn't get up, I realized that I could only give her all the love I could, but I distanced myself some days from her because I didn't wanna suffer her loss, I was afraid of what was going to come in the next months.

After some time, I realized I was being very selfish because I would remember all the love I had for her, but she would remember how in her last months I abandoned her, and I couldn't let that happen. My love for her, my time with her; our time together was what make some parts of my life great! She made me feel better a lot of times and I always reciprocated.

I think one of the points of life, at least mine, is to make other lives better, that includes to help all the animals I can, even if I'll have to suffer when they're gone, because they will be happy all the time they lived.

I have to use Chocolatey, Winget, Windows Store and invididual updating to use the tools I need in Windows, It's ridiculous. I only use Flatpak and Zypper in my Linux partition.

Personally, I try to keep some rules for myself while using a system. I used to use spaces for readability, but then it was kind of hard to remember all the names of my files, so i just went with a conceptual naming. I now use keywords and some classification like numbers or date before the keywords, it has helped me to find files quicker and with less words than before.

That's what they do for the metro system in Monterrey and some public lights (couldn't find an English version of this info.): :

Ironically, Monterrey still has a lot of metallurgy, cement industry and car-dependency that doesn't help this kind of projects.

I've tried replacing closed-source feed reader apps, but it's hard when most of the focus is in self-hosted webapps, paid services or the UI is very uncomfortable. Also, mobile apps for this are counted and I just can't with their UIs.

In México, some people will opt to give them food, clothes or even cans (so they can sell). There's homeless people who collect aluminum cans, PET, cardboard and some people will give them money too. I think here most people see when they're trying to work.

I'm used to giving money in general, or whatever I can, but you can see when they'll spend it in drugs or alcohol, even then I sometimes give them money, but I prefer not to since here buying or even searching for drugs can put your life at risk. Also, most alcoholics violent other people when drunk and that's a no no for me.

Not gonna lie, I'm biased when giving money because where I live, they have their reputation, most people knows one or two and you can be sure they use the money to buy food or similar, but others have even trashed what they get or drop food because they intended to get money, not other kinds of help. Still, I can see why most people doesn't care and just gives money, I'd prefer to buy them things but it's not on my possibilities rn.