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Joined 12 months ago

“sexually oriented performances”

So no taylor swift concerts then?

I like to imagine you huddled over an ice field, stirring water in a pot until it turns to the perfect slushy consistency for your fresh homemade ice.

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I never see this mentioned but Darknet Diaries is actually a really informative and entertaining podcast about hacking, the dark web, physical penetration testing (gone wrong), nation-state cyber attacks.

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I’m not sure how there’s a discussion when you’re pitting a real-life person against a hypothetical future person. Your other examples (eg climate change) affect society as a whole. There is no hypothetical about it.

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According to some module I had to take yesterday, 18-44 is “young adult” and 45 to something is “middle aged.”

I think his preferred answer in depositions is usually “I don’t recall.”

Congratulations, you have just discovered the name of your new band/blog/company.

Did you just say the government pays regular citizens?? Where I come from that’s communism. Governments are only supposed to pay corporations like the good lord intended.

I’ve been messing around with obsidian (a note-taking/thought-keeping app only for people who like to tinker and customize so wouldn’t necessarily recommend here), but having something that syncs between all my devices is FANTASTIC. It would still be nice to try something more grab and go, but I would highly recommend considering apps that can be easily accessed and edited from multiple devices.

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Pair it with sci-hub so you can actually read the whole articles and not just abstracts.

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Soooo many hats.

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I think it’s more common that people claim to be fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

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Because the corporations you are protesting are the ones who fund the campaigns necessary to get elected.

When people talk about “doing your own research,” I think they underestimate how difficult and slow actual research is. For physical and biological sciences it also requires heavy investment in equipment, but you can save money by sharing resources and collaborating with others doing similar research. For social/politics/history/economic research, I would imagine you need access to primary sources, maybe some modeling software, and years of learning to understand the context of anything you’re researching. I think people who say “do your own research” don’t understand the significance of understanding context, which leads to some…interesting ideas.

This is the most likable pic I’ve ever seen of zucc.

How is it that Desantis can appoint six members of the board of trustees for a college?

For me they help me be more ok slowing down and starting small and not feeling so overwhelmed from all there is to do. So I’m like 50% likely to do something on meds and 20% off.

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It is so ironic that conservatives have no issues with teenagers getting breast augmentation surgery as long as they’re biologically female, but have an issue with trans surgery for ADULTS. Coming from a religion where tattoos or non-ear piercings are expressly forbidden but breast augmentation is a-ok, it’s almost like it’s more about towing the line of what they deem socially acceptable than it is about any concern for people.

I’m pretty sure there’s still relationship drama in polyamorous relationships.


You also went to college presumably during COVID. So I’m sure that didn’t help.

Hopefully the poster is referring more to topics like Hunter Biden’s laptop that take up a significant amount of time on the most watched cable news channel. Or when Hillary Clinton was investigated eleven times with nothing to show for it simply to keep her in the news.

I think Florida teachers are generally pro-education so would want to teach the real class.

Good bot.

You absolutely should seek help when you feel like something is off. I feel like the recognition of ADHD is very location and provider dependent and it might be you live in a place where it’s harder to have that diagnosis taken seriously. There might still be some relaxed guidelines from COVID that allows telehealth doctors to diagnose and treat ADHD so that might be another option. It really sucks to not have supportive doctors and I’m sorry you’re going through that. As long as you have the diagnosis, your insurance should still pay for meds/counseling/treatment, so there’s that.

Also, there can be a lot of overlap between ADHD and autism, so for practical purposes there might not be much use in getting an official diagnosis for autism. Doctors view a diagnosis as a first step towards treatment and if a new diagnosis wouldn’t change the treatment plan, they might not deem it as very valuable. Which might make you feel like you’re not being listened to or that your issues aren’t getting addressed or recognized. Please don’t let this prevent you from seeking therapy. Therapy is pretty open-ended and if you find a good therapist, they can gear it to your actual issues you’re facing no matter the official diagnosis. It sounds like you could use more people who have your back.

Yes to showing compassion to non offending pedophiles who do not act on it or argue for it. And then look at studies or conduct studies to determine what works to prevent someone from acting on it and then do that.

It is difficult to detect and can cause debilitating chronic issues. Why on earth would you not support preventing this disease?

For times when you want to do nothing but watch youtube, learn to knit or crochet so you can feel a little better about doing something.

It is a failure of our system that a populist candidate without his name recognition would have no chance against the incredibly well-funded corporate shill neoliberals/conservatives we usually have to choose between.

I’ve only known the hike “as many different trails as possible” method but am intrigued by the “make one trail your own” method.

Fantasticly orgasmic stray software

Maybe you’d should read a book on political movements.

Or “I don’t recall that,” or “I don’t know” some person he’s had daily contact with for years.

RIGHT??! He must have just read some tabloid for news.

Finally, something at my level.

Opening arguments is also a good legal/political podcast for fans of 5-4

Ironic that a podcast covering cults has its own cult following. /s Their cult episodes are my absolute favorite.

lol. I meant it seriously but now I see my mistake.

Yes this feels like the real reason but they don’t always have the self-awareness to understand the basis for their opinions and have never had the need to take that deep-dive into questioning why they hold the beliefs they do.