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I love Mint 22 so far, it really has matured where my home computer is running Mint is more stable than my work computer running Windows 11, luckily my company uses CrowdStrike so nothing to worry there.

But really I now recommend Mint to my non tech savvy friends and family, as a person who uses Linux should! But joking aside took my sister's old laptop running Windows 7, slapped a SSD and upped the ram to 8 GB into it with Mint and she has been happy

Yeah I feel there is a weird history between steam and remedy media. Like I remember when you could one day buy Alan Wake like really cheap since it was being taken off steam. Then the Epic deal making Alan Wake 2 exclusive basically meant they excluded a lot of customers immediately on steam.

I would take the $500 upfront and just log in to Squarespace or whatever website building service there is, do a simple design, tell him he needs to pay this subscription, argue with him and dad why there must be monthly or annual fees and they could have done this themselves for cheaper, whichever way they chose to pay the subscription or not I still get $500 for 2 hours work and the knowledge my father won't bother me again with website designs

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Conservatives: get a job you homeless, like all the hard working people. Workers: so you care about workers rights and a fair living wage? Conservatives: get out of here with your socialism..... And the list continues

I think step porn is so popular because it basically establishes a relationship beforehand, even though it is familial. This gives our guy or whatever proxy for the audience they use a preexisting relationship (creates a taboo and and a reason why they know each other), proximity and opportunities for interaction, no need to go to a bar or whatever (makes the script easy to explain why they are forced together in a situation.

I think it makes creating porn easier since it quickly explains why these two or more people are around each other in a lonely house or hotel room (ease of filming venue), gives them a preexisting relationship with maybe hidden desire (no wooing or any modern prerequisites before meeting a potential sexual partner), it's a bit taboo but easily ignored by the majority of the audience, and finally an established easy premise to follow and write with a lot of variation to the formula.

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This is like the best advertisement ever for the brand. Like they get the infamy without killing someone, basically became certified cool like the warning sticker on music albums in the 90s

Even if he, hypothetically, was the sickest fuck to ever step foot on Epstein's island, he is an American oligarch that will most likely never see any repercussions, since he has the money, like real money to actually make a difference, and influence politically and celebrity wise. So even the best funded Justice department has an annual budget that this guy can donate at a whim to ensure his freedom. His Starlink is being used by Ukraine during this war, so he even has leverage on an American ally. No he is safe as Rain

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I think a lot of people forget how before the war, but after the 2014 annexure, Ukraine begged to be able to buy western weapons, such as the javelin, because one random guy can take out a whole tank (great force multipliers against the russian bear). Great deterrent. But they were not approved because they fought giving arms for Ukraine would provoke and not deter, and that dialog and greater economic integration with Russia would be the solution.

So the west miscalculated, luckily Russia as well and Kiev did not fall, but now Ukraine is in a war, and unlike previously where they could have put resources into acquiring western weapons, they now have to input their resources into fighting and defending their country.

The EU and America have stepped up initially, like 90% of the pledges went straight back into the American economy, since the give Ukraine their old stock and manufacture replacement stock for themselves. EU is close to matching USAs total contributions and if you look at France and their economy's size they are percentage wise out spending the US in contributions.

The nice thing here is most support money gets spend in their own country, stimulating their economy, Ukraine is putting their own citizens and soldiers life on the line and it will weaken a common Nato foe. But not supporting Ukraine will emboldened Russia and now that most of their military ineptitude and corruption has been exposed and is being improved, Russia might calculate further expansion, since that is their modus operandi.

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Isn't classifying a gamete, but only the female gamete (egg/ovum), and not the male gamete (sperm), of being "children" and has personhood rights, a form of sexist law. I know the Land of freedom is no rookie in taking away freedoms of the marginalized, almost the norm, but now they are taking away male gametes from being recognised as persons. Imagine in one ejaculation in Alabama and having a murder count similar to Stalin or Hitler. The court will show it was premeditated because the person bypassed state restrictions pulling out during copulation, the accused thus commited mass murder. This goes against Genesis 38 and it's Devine condemnation of coitus interruptus. Even the egg was unfertilized thus another death of a person was committed by the accused pullout game

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Pinky pie's pink punch is great to party with friends and if you add polystyrene, it makes a hell of a Molotov cocktail to overthrow the government

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Me: seeing a moose by my car, "No moose get away, no!" Moose: notices me, but continues to stretch out that tongue to lick that salty goodness stuck to the car. Me: Now screaming top of my lungs, "No get away the car is frozen!" Moose: proceeds to lick the frozen metal. Me: running full speed trying to catch the moose running away with my fender stuck to it tongue

Time for Elon Musk to create a new vapour-ware like the boring tunnel to stop mass transplantation that will compete with his electric car empire

They will probably come up with a conspiracy of why it is the Liberal's fault

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Was the issues not multiple, like the carbon fibre hul not made using vacuum technologies but just like roll on the sheet and some epoxy in a warehouse, that carbon fibre being strong tensile wise but not compression wise, the titanium carbon fibre interface and their different stress deformations due to pressure, having the Titanic OST playing the whole time, like multiple safety shortcuts and maybe using a game controller as your only form of any interaction, like what happens if some kid bites the cable or something

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We will finally be able to tell, for the most part, who vaccinated and who didn't based on their appearance of scar tissue

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Didn't Leto get a cool ass suit, like armour that made him a superhero in Children of Dune. In God Emperor of Dune is where he became the wormy fascists

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You mean returning to historically Finish borders, or whatever revisionist reasoning Russia used in 2022

Speed Racer. Loved the silliness and the love and passion the film had. Unfortunately I believe to much time has passed, the cast must have aged. But so glad we had the best racing movie in my opinion, had so much heart and car-fu

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I loved Talos principal, can't believe after all these years we are getting a second one

White Afrikaner here, we support her fully. She was born here, grew up here, she is South African. Unfortunately due to the piss poor ANC government, since the 2008 with Zuma at the helm, South African employment figures started going down where we have the lowest employment rates in the world, 33% officially, closer to 50% realistically. So they started showing fingers to foreigners taking their jobs, basically a scapegoat to hide behind their failures.

Luckily since the end of May, we now have for the first time a coalition government, no more single party ANC that became complacent after 30 years in government.

Also fuck your comments about us white people here in South Africa. Most of us are truly working hard to better our country, we acknowledge our past and the injustices caused, but we will be vocal about discrimination in all its forms, be it xenophobia or like your racist comments.

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Depends on how many people government employed. If they have multiple people in the same positions, or in useless positions then a new government can greatly reduce public spending and free up a lot of funds.

I know my country is not Argentina, but I am from South Africa, where it is the current and ruling (for the last 30 years) government's policy to employ people closely aligned with them, or as they like to call it cadre deployment. So many people in government are just friends here with salaries way more than the private sector, where the government employs about 2% of the population but 30% of the current budget for the whole country is allocated towards their salaries.

Don't get me wrong, pulic sector workers do a great deal in ensuring a functional society. But what happens when a government turns this idea into a grafting scheme to enrich their friends.

Now I do not speak for Argentina, but if their previous government did the same I am with there new effort in reducing public sector wages to lower the tax burden and free up money to rather help a larger part of society than a few

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Populism is a feature of democracy. It's just like in life, easy answers, like fast food for example, are always easy to suggest, but in the long term might not be the best. But if you can show your voter base, eating these disgusting vegetables in the long term is going to do everyone good, slight inconvenience, major benefit. So there will always be the power hungry populist that will give easy and popular answers to hard questions, it is the voters duty to determine who has their long term interests at heart and who is able to bribe you with your shortsighted desires to get into power.

Dr. Stone entered the chat

Gorilla any day. If the Black Mamba kills you, it is not a pleasant death, 7-15 hours. Gorilla will probably beat/bite me to death as fast as possible to minimise any risk to itself. The Mamba will also be much more unpredictable vs the Gorilla. But I wonder how this situation would be if it was over a week and not 24 hours

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Funny thing is he did go to work like immediately after going into surgery, he did not even get a full sick day nor a day off for the loss of a spouse and kids (he thought they all died).

Ok hear me out. I just want to do quick maths. The world population is according to worldometer just over 8,1 billion people. So 81 million people make up the top 1%. So this article says they have now 44,6 trillion dollars. So $44600000000000/81000000 is equal to $550617.28 per person in the one percent. So that means if you have more than $550 000 in wealth, you are a one percenter.

I am curious if the wealth of the top % as a value has grown or outpaced the rate of inflation and population growth added together.

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B, even as the people do not have momentum, the portal does. Think of it this way, the first person coming out of the portal, let's say they are having zero speed, but he is right infront of the portal, the second person to exit will exert a force on the first person to move and create space so that the second person can be next to the portal. What speed is this second person coming through the portal, why that will be similar speed to the moving portal. Only if the second portal is moving away at a similar speed will the people experience a situation like A, but as can be seen portal A is fixed to an angled block

I really hope this will be a lesson to other developers that signing up for Epic money to be an Epic exclusive means you exclude a huge chunk of the PC market.

It's a boring stone that is basically just very hard to scratch and it's other thing is being expensive. It is basically the most unimaginative gem you can buy. It's not even really rare

Imagine a +-6GHz CPU with 3D cache. Now we just have to wait for LTT to fuckup the graphs

There are problems with physical medium as well. My father and I enjoy physical CDs, in my opinion they are the best. Yet my father's collection is over 20 years old so disks are degrading. My collection was destroyed during a house break in, they threw them on the floor and stomped on them, fucking hooligans. So I stopped with physical media such as CDs due to this

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Last podcast on the left, their research is great but they lean heavily into their comedy to really make the story entertaining.

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Yeah that is true during Apartheid, and of course there would be spill over. But the new government after the Apartheid regime under the leadership of Jacob Zuma started embracing the system, creating their own elites known as tenderpreneurs. The ANC, and promoted by Mandela,have also promoted cadre deployment where rather friends of the ANC get government positions instead of the best and most qualified person, so also a form of discrimination. But 30 years of ANC rule we might see the first coalition government. I am not sure how it will turn out but it will be interesting

You'd think that South Africans, unless we're talking about the white ones here, wouldn't be like this.

You specified whites, as if would be understandable that they in South Africa would be xenophobic

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I have no issues with the controller either think it was a great addition, were I had a gripe is that it was the only way to operate the vessel, so not an addition but the sum total of controls.

Like if you were bolted into a vehicle, with no way to interact with the outside except a tiny window and only a game controller, it is a lovely piece of efficient engineering and does everything you need, but if this controller maybe gets damaged for example it's cable was unfortunately pinched off by someone's shoe. When you realise at a 1000m the closest thing to a god is that controller working and taking you safely back to surface in time or being stuck and hoping the guy who got you into the mess, that his, only other plan the dissolvable ropes on the weights actually work and you get to surface and get found and unsealed before air runs out.

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I think Dune is closer to game of thrones, especially the politics side, Leto II (let's make him not worm like in this example) would have everyone under his thumb in Westeros, ruled over everyone

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As a South African, I was unaware of this marvelous train. I really hope change happens so that such a train is not necessary in the future.

But for now and the foreseeable future may this amazing initiative have a wonderful future

There is no right way to answer this, either way you are going to offend a certain group. You will be dumb and crucified if you choose any choice even if you mean it as a joke, so clearly my answer is B