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Joined 1 years ago

They did say "X milions of accounts were ACTIVATED in one day", not "created".

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Even porn looks more boring, not sure if it's just me or content really suffered from all this.

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I know that r/Python is closed, which is big sub. I ended up there after some search.

That happened to all porn, it got disgusting.

I want to see real people sharing their sexuality, not people faking it for money.

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Wow! Article with images it talks about.

I can recomend to do just something easy. Find easiest and shortest routine (that lasts 2 minutes, literally) and do it in the morning.

Since I startet it, I feel much much better. It is not like full exercise, but at least muscles don't hurt as much.

I do:

  • Head and Shoulder Rolls x5 to each side
  • Hip Circles:l x5 to each side
  • Arm Circles x5 to each side
  • squats x10
  • some others similar warm up exercises when I feel like it (ex. malasana squat)

Idea is to move every muscle in my body. It is not hard, lasts 2-3 minutes but makes my day few percents nicer.

On the other hand, most upvoted posts and comments on redit are far away from best. I expect most of those people will not even notice, they just scroll over reposts and bot.

I am, somehow, on both sides. I do think monetization is necessary, but would also like to keep part of it out of it.

I guess that I see monetization a bit idealistically, like having non tracking ads and sponsorships, or having separate instances with paid accounts that is also financing others... stuff like that. But that might not be enough anyway, as it is not for reddit, twitter, fb, yt... even with all of their data harvesting and selling.

So maybe donations are the way to go? Wikipedia is one of the biggest sites of the world and is managing to collect enough money through donations.

Lemmy/Mastadon is even easier, country/cities can have their instances to allow their citizens access to social network, companies can have their instances for their users and potential users or just as giving something to community.

And we can have this kind where we donate to individual administrators.

I think that even if I would enable adds they would get less than 1USD per month for me, let's say I donate 10USD per year for lemmy+mastadon?

Maybe tutanota, protonmail can have their instances? They are already hosting stuff, so would be a big problem (except moderation).

I can see all of this fail, but I also see it can succeed.

KeepassXC on desktop with browser plugin, KeePassDX on android I find it less confusing to use than Keepass2Android.

It is only a bit difficult to setup sync, but you can use syncthing, or drive and it works nicely.

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Another thing I never see anyone in US is talking about: If US veterans need so much help (and they really do), what is happening to people in counties they were fighting against? And those are not only soldiers, but whole families. Everyone ober there has witnessed same shit they did, kids, elders, moms...

I also think they don't care about us, I doubt they even know we exist.

That doesn't change that they would destroy us unintentionally. Like Vogons.

And by commercializing it they would destroy it, since they will be promoting content that generates most clicks and everything will become agresive.

There is no one solution, that's how we got ourselves into this mess.

Diversify energy production and reduce energy use, make more efficient houses, cars, machines, work places, more energy efficient living.

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Others downvote you and say "read the article", but not giving arguments.

I read the article and it is not clear what is the advantage... looks like less pressure is needed than other types of hidrogen cells, but there are no details.

I agree with you, don't hold your breath for this. All details would be in first sentence if there was any chance of this becoming reality.

  • some random bicycle long time ago, and is still working
  • thinkpad x220 also being still used every day

I don't think that FB even knows that lemmy exist, problem is they are so big they will crush us by accident.

Even back than with XMPP, Google didn't kill it intentionally. No one expected it will be smaller than before google used it. I remember watching empty list where all friends were. But it happened, and I never thought that Google wanted to kill XMPP.

Their market share depends on their manufacturing capacity.

Yeah, they can not win it but I guess they hold enough patents and are ahead of reserch for now. If they play it right, they will remain significant player, but also easy to disappear.

I never understood why people can see it locally, but can not understand when applied to Russia and China.

XMPP akka Jabber was the chat back in the day, if you wanted to chat one on one, and didn't want msn and other random corporate messangers - jabber was it.

All geeky/techy friends were on jabber, others were on skype and some other networks through time.

That's why Pidgin ( was important it implemented all those messaging protocols together.

But one year, all of a sudden, everyone got on jabber! Thise from Facebook and those from Google. Google Talk was great, all my friends were online and reachable. Good days.

Than they killed it. And it all stopped. Not only for us on jabber, but for everyone. But jabber god destroyed, no one was there anymore. We all felt that emptiness and it was not fun anymore.

Wether they did it intentionally or by accident doesn't matter. If you go with your truck over kids bike intentionally to destroy it or just want to pass - doesn't matter at the end.

Additionally, even YouTube is trying to enforce ads more strongly and gyfcat is closing down.

People are looking for conspiracies, I like them too, but this was just a bubble waiting to burst.

It will be interesting to see what will come after.

Maybe they want to use Activity Pub so that they can influence further development of it. I don't know procedure how w3c is makeing decisions and updates to it, but I doubt someone that is not using it can have influence.

Do Americans and Europeans?

I am not sure what would happen in that instance, thou I guess it would be good to have server outside their jurisdiction (if that is legal).

Technically thay can easily block all federation domains, but question is legality of doing it without due process.

But someone talking about blocking communication between people does not care about legality.

Wow! Uncanny!

Gentoo, obviously.

I use it since it works. But it also has up to date packages. Number of times I tried moving away from it and it is just not possible.

I use Mint on side-desktop (one with graphic card I use for gaming and deep learning) and while it is easy to use it also has old software, python is stuck on 3.7 or 3.8 so it is becoming unusable even.

Will gentoo give you some problems? Probably, but those are always solvable and you will spend less time on other stuff.

That, actually, makes sense, it never crossed my mind.

More than that, it is trackers on which, probably, no one knows how much is worth.

While I am utterly against laws like this, "genocide" is too much.

What you are doing is just wiping of history of genocide done by different countries (mostly western), by using word for something that is much less than systematically killing millions and even hundreds of millions, just take this as an example: and than decide which word you will use.

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True, almost all parts are there, but thise need to be better integrated.

And all of that is just an email, but different interface and a bit different rules will bring different people.

Maybe I should try Aegis, but andOTP does job perfectly for me

Edit: But it has not been updated for two years and is Unmaintained. F-droid should really start keeping track of this. Thank you for motivating me to check.


We will have block list like with ads, if necessary.

Simple as that, of some instances federate with them I will not use them.

Peertube is youtube like federated software, while owncast is something like twitch I think. Like lemmy and kbin, while is one instance of peertube, but it's owner is really trying to bring high quality content over there. You can get a feeling of what are they trying to make be reading their blog: it is really something that makse me optimistic.

I think we should try with opt-in ads.

And it would be on me if I want to donate money, or via ads or nothing at all.

After that we can see if that is enough or more active approach is needed.

We can even have an opt-in for NSFW ads, which would probably make more money. Most of the time I don't mind, it is just important that I can switch it off.

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