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Joined 11 months ago

Now don't make it worse!

1 more...

It's also "over $100k" if you believe that cheaply made stuff is worth that price.

4 more...

How long before he breaks this? And what units should we measure this in: weeks, days, hours?

15 more...

Welp, I didn't yet delete my account. But this did it for me.

4 more...

Can't name the incident, but this is an American Indian tribe vs police over a land dispute. I think it was about an oil pipeline crossing tribal lands.

10 more...

Great! Now do Apple!

Also there may be state specific differences, but the transfer of his assets to his wife only is called a "fraudulent conveyance" and is still able to be obtained to the debtors. Also it was a dick move and requires more lawyers.

Sounds like a roundabout way to track everyone

28 more...

Sorta. I have some lg tvs and I've been able to dumb a lot of it down for their lg services by using a pi-hole ad blocker and adding the lg ad service domains to the blocker. This isn't totally what you're asking, but I think you could block even more with some testing.

1 more...

'Bout time. Keep that attitude.

Have to say this is typical anywhere tourists are. Some are more hidden than others. Ever been to a sporting event, concert, or ski mountain? Same shit.

2 more...

Yes, Europe. But assuming it was everywhere; the problem is "let users". Why the hell don't we own what we buy?

I'm infuriated by this as it progresses. However, I don't usually have time to stream anything, so I'm infuriated in spirit.

And why do you want this?

Or was this a "We can build it so we did"?

4 more...

And then I grabbed my pistol and shot.... which hit the neighbor's dog because it was smoothbore. (How does the rest of that go?)

1 more...

Yeah not with that attitude, buddy!

We'll turn off the lights off to show just the brake lights! Brilliant!

I'm convinced he was picked because "it was his time"

16 more...

So we've "homeschooled" for years for two kids. Legally we are part of a private school that has oversight into our curriculum, attendance, and testing, but we do the day to day teaching. It's hard when you start as you have to figure out your routine and what works for your kids. After doing this for years, I can say I'd never do it differently. Although the article was on the failings due to far-right extremism, it seems you're not leaning that way. I certainly don't agree with the bureaucratic tendencies and busy work of traditional school, but for those that don't have a better option, it's better than homeschooling poorly. On the other hand, I've been able to assist teaching my kids algebra, early calculus, life sciences, finance, economics, physical sciences, some engineering, some technology, some famous novels, important history (ancient and more recent past), and I would not give that up for the world. Definitely find a good curriculum with multiple subjects Some years we've even mixed curriculums to make the best for our kids. Homeworking definitely has a US protestant Christian slant, but with COVID especially, many more options have come online. I would say if your kid(s) is/are young, there's nothing wrong with the early years in preschool, kindergarten, and early grade school. But as our kids got into grade school, but I could see the system failing them and then not trying to pick them back up with things they didn't understand or flat-out weren't taught previously. Now, some 5-7 years later, they consistently test 2 grades above in their standardized testing.

It definitely is trying at times (especially the first 2-3 months) but also so rewarding and it makes schooling more relevant to them when you can discuss real world applications as you find them.

How do you determine the location of the car and the speed limit on that section of road? Sounds awfully close to tracking it.

7 more...

And very coincidentally and unrelated: gigantic military spending that unexpectedly can't be fully accounted for. Strange!

If they are doing their R&D documentation correctly, the US tax code already allows for tax credits up to certain limits. In a lot of cases, it covers nearly 100% of qualified R&D coats.

Because.... Something about the government wanted to kill him and he's been in hiding but somehow he was going to reveal himself and tell everyone that Trump is the true president (yeah I know it doesn't make any damn sense on many levels).

Yeah, I have history with this issue but I'm not an absolute expert. There are many that don't want help. There are a good number that want change but are completely helpless at the bureaucracy that they have to navigate alone. The most effective people I've come across were at the salvation army. Their numbers when I was connected were 2-3 times more effective at getting homeless back into jobs and living accommodations than any other group. That was 8-10 years ago if I remember correctly.

Also peddlers usually aren't the homeless; the people that need help aren't the ones asking.

Don't have mortgage payments anymore! Solved!

2 more...

More than I expected! Wow!

But I want my..... Uh..... (Counts)... 11-figure "bonus"

Which one? And what about the ~5 motorcyclists they've killed without even braking? There are more than just this video too.

Tesla autopilot crashes into motorcycle riders

Maybe. First you should check out which explains websites generally aren't responsible for users posting their own content. However, that's not a clear protection from anything. If you end up with blatantly illegal material, you will be investigated and forced to turn over data, surrender equipment, etc. They would have to prove that you were aware and complicit, but it's generally not worth the trouble unless you're making money from it. That being said if you got a lawyer that is familiar with section 230 to look over a disclaimer and your intentions, you're probably fairly protected. Also, the smaller you are, generally you're much less likely of being targeted should something happen.

Disclaimer; I'm not a source of defensive legal advice.

Hell yes! It's my blood damnit!

Honestly, it's hard to do worse.

But no, I don't really think he'll do better.

Children, militants, or others? How the hell do you group that? This seems like a catch-all for what "I don't like".


Oh no! /s

Yeah, I always read it as "Jif" then came the correctness police of Reddit and I was bullied into "Gif" by guilt.

And now some 8-40 years later, I feel anything but "Gif" is wrong. Help!

3 more...

There's already a temporary restraining order halting enforcement

QuickBooks. F that software. Give me any double entry accounting software that you can use with multiple companies.

2 more...

This is called "monetary attention". Animals do this too. My horses need monetary attention regularly.


Seriously this. Or if the borrowing rate is less than what you can make in the mean time by keeping it, why would you?