1 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mosquitoes removed in the latest patch

Where exactly are these topless streams so I can make sure to uh... avoid them... in the future?

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Nice! It's time to buy some games that I'll never end up actually playing

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Bobby Fisher punches the computer

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Well that was fast

Actually back in the day, my friend's neighbor's second cousin from a different school already did it

Don't mind me. Just sitting here talking to myself...

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It'll get fixed soon enough it sounds like. But I've been gone browsing by New most of the day and then periodically switching to All->Top of Day

I feel like I was already heavily in the camp of moving on to Lemmy over reddit. But this is so bad on reddit's end. Their last chance for any shred of dignity is gone. I will never go back to reddit

Liminal spaces

Ransom notes

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You sound like a robot pretending to be a human lol

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Imo a bad reward like this is worse than nothing at all. Like they think I'm a moron or peasant who is dumb enough to appreciate it, insulting my intelligence

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Are you sure it's a glitch?

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Rooks should really know their place. We can't have royalty getting hopped over willy nilly

Socks with holes would drive me crazy during the day, so I'd just put on another pair and trash them personally

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I'm staying here on lemmy. I was sensing the quality decline for years and was looking for something else before the recent drama anyway.

Lemmy is the first time I've been excited about the internet in a while and most things people complain about here are non issues to me.

Federation and some fracturing? It's a fail safe feature not a bug. And things will slowly become more centralized over time.

Difficult to grasp conceptually and on board? It's creating a positive barrier to entry keeping smart and persistent people as the ones entering in.

UI and UX issues? The second biggest instance rn was created only 10 days ago! Chill out and be patient! As the community grows in confident we will get all the QoL features we want.

Small community? It's growing so rapidly we're having outages and crashes, people are coming in faster than ever. And your posts will actually be seen and can create real connections with people.

It's an opportunity to get in on the ground floor and help determine what this place will be!

People are looking at it wrong who are complaining imo and if not then they're simply not the people I want to interact with anyway. They can go back to corporate ass ad ridden sites like reddit and continue their mindless scrolling there. I'll be staying here

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You can still use on your preferred browser without the app just fyi

I also preferred the original. Obviously it's subjective so we'll never please everyone. Maybe it would be fun to have a contest or vote instance-wide at some point.

It blew me right over here to Lemmy

Looks like I'm drinking my way out of this. Who wants a brewski?

Died today? The 9th was yesterday my guy, look at a calendar haha

People are literally crossing the digital picket line to scab unpaid moderator positions to do free work for admins who are using intimidation tactics against their moderator peers.

Reddit is doomed

Federation. Upvoting, don't give a f*** what I'm posting for

It's not a movie, but I just binged the anime Erased and it would be right up that alley! It's only 12 episodes long with great pacing and its what I would describe as a non-anime persons type of anime

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Hands in the Dark - Chromatics

What seance did you perform for the no ads? /s

Needs some plants, a rug, and the TV is too high!

Am I doing this right?

  • Message sent from my Eames chair

I don't know any in particular but I relate to this a lot and commenting to see the other responses that come in

I thought so too! Haha my autocorrect on my keyboard adds them EVERYWHERE and I probably trust it too much. It wanted me to add three places on this one response

Looks like it already gave you the answer

I would recommend blundstones. Very comfortable, lasts long, functional, and versatile to style. Great beginner boot

This looks a good simple explanation for people! Anything to help people figure this out so every other post isn't asking the exact same beginner questions for eternity.

Gotta love that uptime too!

Pawn on B7 snipes the pawn on B2. Headshot

I'm not sure how its being done as far as the technical aspects but Ruud has done a great job as admin upgrading the servers to keep up and anticipating the flow of new users.

The same admin also has experience with a server that experienced lots of growth from Twitter users leaving over musk moves. So essentially we have a good admin as far as I can tell and it's not his first rodeo. Part of the reason I chose this server