2 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

rediit refugee seeking a fabled utopia

some people died but i got rich. sue me.

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fortune favours the bold!!

Knowledge is scary. Those perky folks down at the reference desk need to stop corrupting with fricking ideas. IDEAS!

I've never quibbled, if it was ribald, I would devour, where others merely nibbled! As the judge remarked the day that he acquitted my Aunt Hortense, "To be smut it must be utterly without redeeming social importance."

Everything is lewd, when correctly viewed, I could tell you things about Peter Pan, Or the Wizard of Oz, there's a dirty old man.....

we need to tell people how bat-shit insane this guy is. his father and BOTH uncles are spinnning so fast we should make electricity

Sadness detected! deploy cuddles and puppy eyes!


wow! i don’t even remember up-voting this…nice!

you vile evil narcissistic......oooops that's the browser history.../s

I seem to remember hearing or reading something by people much smarter than myself that one can judge a society by how it treats its prisoners.

It’s a trap!

What a fine little predator....have you considered 'matahari'

she’s a butte! /s
great shot, too…

handsome boi!

fuck spez?.... /s

burn, baby! burn!

"Speakear" Mike Johnson grew a spine when he realised he weas third in line for the presidency...

i have decided after this first experience asking a stupid question that i will never do so again

BOOM! ...shaka-laka...

everyone is a little bit gay!

These new uniforms are pretty snappy, first officer!

He fren til the en... lucky pack

does someone have that spiderman pointing at himself meme anywhere? harharhar

billionaires gonna bill

so, with this instinctually, yet entirely manufactured and fostered “detest”, why don’t we just stop?

Ever read Dr. Seuss?

there are lies, there are damned lies, then there are statistics…. so being black isn’t a disqualifyer if you two are relatively the same height? a chihuahua, bred in the central and south american hotter climates, with a great dane, bred for mor cold, hostile climates, requiring 300x(exaggeration) the resources….wtf, person?

not at all, jungle boogie plays in background when one wishes to be precise and not mince words….

it was unintentional, am from different instance, thought it formatted correctly

all people are beautiful, some can give birth, others invade and penetrate....take your meaning....

ding! ding! ding! if dogs don’t mind, why do we?

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there are those with stars, and those without stars...

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Wow, an hour and i seem to be controversial....hehehehehhehehe

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don't real men have a chart of the holistic 29 day cycle in order to offer a bath and pleasant smells in lieu of the "gift" of giving birth?
good fucking "god" peoples is peoples. some have the burden of procreation. treat them nice.

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think about it long, think about it hard, think about it long and hard and smile…;)

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