1 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Am definitely human.

I went directly from a dot matrix (ImageWriter II ftw!) to a laser. Except for photo prints, I find it immensely practical to be able to print stuff at home.

Good for you! Seriously!

For the rest of us, a few notes on how you accomplished this would be sha-weet! I think sketch up is the most approachable 3d program, but all my "post Windows" attempts have resulted in crashes and freezes. 😥

Emoji passwords made me think of the Lotus Notes password prompt with their little images that changed as I typed (which never really made sense to me).

Yes, I'm old...

Bluntly, where would Mozilla be without Google's funding?

Gone, probably.

So while I agree that it is poisonous and there is something very wrong with Mozilla corporate structure, it is a necessary evil.

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I'm glad you ask about things you don't know. You're a smart person.

A dead name is a person's given name, in the context of a person having transitioned to a different gender and also changing their name to match the gender they identify as. It is bad form to then continue to call them by their birth name.

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Very. And he was going blind, too. I read a marvellous interview with him not too long ago, I'll see if I can find it.

Ah, here it is:

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Cars should just come with a big open socket up front, where I can buy (or build) my own infotainment system to install there.

...which is precisely what we used to have, before auto makers decided to insist that they should be enclosed in a swooping dash.

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640 x 480

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The trouble is that, apparently, "perfect UI" can mean "let's take all the sidebar tabs, remove their text labels and make all their icons really abstract and in the same colour. Oh, and change their order, too, while you're at it."

Thank you from the bottom of my muscle memory and pattern recognition. Now, give us back our old UI that was actually meaningful, or at least make it an option if you insist that your "clean look" is more important than actual usability.

^(Apart from that, I love you JetBrains.)

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Well there was also gobo Linux, which would let you play Tetris while the installation did its thing.

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No, they would still have missed out on those 104k - but they would have saved 150M. That's .... yeah. A lot of school lunch meals.

ah uh ah

So close, yet so very wrong.

You know, if you want to replace Slack, look into Mattermost. It's foss but otherwise pretty much exactly what Slack does so well.

That must be a first. At least, I've never before heard of a seal on an airplane...

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Be warned: not everybody gets this.

Myself, I've tried 5-6 different meds and have had nothing in the ways of the described. Might as well have been taking vitamins.

Just so you don't get too disappointed...

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Inclement weather, just FYI. Although, your spelling also makes a lot of sense in the current times...

Not bashing your point though, that's a good one.

I'm grateful you folks are doing something to combat the rising water levels.

^(/s just in case)^

Ah, you mean like the sync that Palm OS used to have? Yup, that was neat, and I'm still waiting for Android to pick up some of the neat features from back then.

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I'll throw my hat in for Re-Volt or however it's spelt.

There was a post the other day about yet another remake of our fire the steam platform (search for RVGL maybe); I haven't looked into that but back in the day of Voodoo graphics it was so friggin' fun to play, but single player and 8-player LAN.

Clarke's 3001 had a whole post script about all the sci-fi elements that had actually been realised since he wrote 2001 (back in 1968). It's rather an interesting list, but unfortunately my copy of the book is buried deep in a moving box atm. so I'm not going to quote it.

She got eaten by a grue.

Thank you for this (repeated) question! I will try some of these and collate my experiences.

  • SwiftKey

Long-time fan, in spite of privacy concerns. My bar for comparing everything below.

  • FUTO

First install, looks promising.

Indeed very customisable. What I don't like is the (imho) far inferior swipe typing and the need to explicitly switch languages for the keyboard to use the appropriate dictionary. Also, I miss directional buttons for those single-character position adjustments (Futo only offers space-key swiping). Voice typing seems highlighted but I find it to be unbearably slow.

Verdict: will most likely uninstall again.

  • OpenBoard

Installation somehow defaulted to "English (Australia)", but no biggie.

Seems very customisable also, but lacks swipe typing (a deal beaker for me). Relies on the OS language (actually, keyboard) switcher and curiously lacks a shortcut to its settings (requiring the user to go so the rest through the Settings app (which, best-case, is a whopping 5 taps).

Verdict: privacy aside, cannot compete with SwiftKey for features and usability.

  • Florisboard

Strainghtforward installation. Seems extremely customisable. No swiping nor autocomplete but both festures are clearly promised for a future release.

Verdict: apart from features promised in the future, thus seems an excellent keyboard.

  • Heliboard

Straightforward installation. Language selection included a github redirect to manually download dictionary, which was semi nice.

Proper big-keyed numerical keyboard. Also extremely customisable. Space-key swiping even supports vertical movement.

Verdict: apart from lack of swipe typing, probably the best contender!

  • Graffiti

Included because I friggin' loved it back in the day. The (to my knowledge) only app offering graffiti input is badly broken and crashes immediately on modern Android versions. I remember it working quite well on earlier versions, but that was years ago.

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....which you'd think has all already been done, since Europe pretty much uses the same airplanes as the US, so compatible equipment ought to exist.

Yup, plus don't get coworkers "just needing my screen for a quick thing". Win win!

I've been extremely fond of "Our Groceries" for many years. It strikes a sweet spot between features and simplicity of use, and the devs are very responsive and have added several features after my suggestions. Really the only downside right now is that it can't use the front facing camera on my wall mounted android tablet for scanning barcodes.

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I'm honestly pleasantly surprised to see that this project seems to be rather actively developed.

Which is completely separate from having a meaningful user base (near you), so 🤷

Look into rooting it and putting a different Android rom on it, I'm sure there's something for your phone to extend its life quite a bit.

...unless you're tired of that phone.

What I would love is a bot that takes yt links and posts the corresponding title and description of the video.

Being intuitive - was true of Windows 95 - XP, but was completely broken in the last couple of releases. Whatever version Windows is on now, it's so much a guessing game what is and is not a button, or how to invoke a given tool within an application. They even took away the "menu > underlines" ffs.

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Dune II - basically the grandfather of every RTS game out there (and incidentally very, very different from Dune I): opposing forces, resource collection, tech tree, fog of war, et cetera. Or perhaps it was (not World of) Warcraft, it's been too long and memory gets fuzzy.

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I'm with you, but see a million obstacles (aka. reasons for why things require payments).

You would need some form of moderation, to weed out illegal content as well as simply bots, spam, and dead profiles. Also for message content. I've given it some thought and suspect it can be crowd sourced to some degree, but also needs counter balances. Instead of limiting a profile to be live/banned, you could have a percentage score of peer-reported subjective legitimacy (ditto for message responses, heck you could even have a section of outright reviews of the person's behaviour - although that, again would be subject to abuse and moderation).

Hosting, traffic, etc. would be an unavoidable cost, but can be mitigated with low resolution photos (VGA should be "good enough" for an initial impression, no?)

For sure, an open source solution would offer way more fine grained filtering.

Vöøyniytschz Manuscript. For sure the guaranteed correct spelling.

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How the hell do I set up my NAS (Synology) and laptop so that I have certain shares mapped when I'm on my home network - AND NOT freeze up the entire machine when I'm not???

For years I've been un/commenting a couple of lines in my fstab but it's just not okay to do it that way.

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The way your comment reads, you've been using Windows 3.11 these past decades. 😂

Hey umm so ... homeopathy. There is a case to be made --hear me out here please-- that it might have been effective once, but now we've got millions of "practitioners" doing things that clearly do not work.

The reasoning is obvious.

The concentration of practitioners within the population is clearly too damn high (insert meme here). To show how effective it can truly be, all we need to do is to dilute the ratio ... by a lot.

Don't you agree that this is worth looking into?

(/s in case anyone is in doubt)

There's the Internet archive archive. It's being funded by all the excess donations that themselves can't find a way to spend.

I am amazed that anyone can browse the web or watch YouTube without ad blocking.

Right? It's so good to know there are still other reasonably people out there.

Whenever I see someone (nearly anyone) else's phone or pc being absolutely inundated with ads I can't help but wonder if they're allright in the head. There are so many mobile games that I never knew were ad-ridden until I saw them on someone else's screen ... eg. Wordfeud, there's apparently a video ad playing each time you submit a word. Wtaf...

Are you only considering the hardware/price, or also the software side?

Which OS'es do you have experience with, and/or preference for?

The previous Mac I used was the first one they made with a colour screen (yes, I'm that old). Then last year I got a Mac laptop and I wanted to love it ... but man, that OS is getting in my way something fierce! To such an extent, in fact, that I switched over to my own (arguably inferior) Thinkpad that's been running Linux since forever.

I carry some because it's no longer a thing. My card has only the information that I know will not change: my name, email address, and mobile phone number. On the back there's a QR code (which contrasts the otherwise vintage look).

I hand out perhaps one per month so not super often, and many times the most appropriate thing to do is to simply tell people my phone number. But sometimes, especially when we're in a situation where phones are not nearby, it's quite effective to hand over a pre-made card with that info.

The average reaction is "Oh, cool" so even if they toss it once they've copied the info (which, tbh, is my expectation) it will still have made the exchange slightly out of the ordinary.

Plus, sometimes they're useful to stop a table from rattling, or leave a message for someone who's not currently present, and so on.

Right? For me, the realisation struck when we left the hospital: two people go into a building, three people come out. Carrying my baby daughter was such a crazy experience that first day.

^((nevermind the mathematician's observation of "if one more person were to enter, the building would be empty again"))