3 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tldr: money

Reddit's draw was content. Could have been from users or aggregated from different sources. Content was provided for free by users. Content was moderated for free by mods.

Now reddit is complaining that users consuming content via means bypassing monetisation are entitled while reddit has been freeloading for years. They're basically infrastructure. Important but not the lifeblood.

I hope they wither and perish.

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Ublock Origins on desktop browsers. Or Freetube.

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You're a spa?

LBRY's dead. Some crypto securities nonsense. SEC fined them to death.

Ayn Rand on PCP

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Can't hurt

"Mr Bubbles, we hit the jackpot!"

I've previously had issues with timezones, and yours are all over the shop.

Did you get a dual nic in the laptop router, or how did you work it?

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Max Payne

Yeah, I'd like it, but be damned if Google was staying on it.

I'd hope there was a tablet rom from Graphene, Calyx, or Lineage I could flash it with.

Quite a rabbit hole but you can look at bazarr which can be integrated with radarr (movies), sonarr (tv).

But Kodi also has a facility to download subs on the fly, as long as you set the sources.


Yeah, how and where? In the docker compose? I have a dozem containers and is love if they were all a.server. b.server, c.server. How can I do this? Pihole DNS records don't do anything at the port level.

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You have to serve the media. It's not going on the firestick directly but you'll either need a server backhand like jellyfin, or just set up an smb fileshare on your computer with all the media and point kodi at it.

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It's the port that's tripping me. How do I point jellyfin to that domain? It's on docker on port 8096 - the hostname isn't the problem, it's the container.

The host isn't really the issue. It's the container. How do I access the container with a name rather than number.