5 Post – 32 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You mean about the time he spoke about strengthening immune systems and not being worries about Covid then getting it and throwing 15k worth of treatment on himself right away? Yeah. I dropped his show too.

2 more...

Done. I wonder if you can have a template to auto-populate.

Does not teleport your cloths.

1 more...

Fair and honest poll. Good on them.

I agree. I've has to scrap and force upgrade multiple devices over the years, solely due to the battery dying quickly. Definitely a built in obsolescence built into the industry that needs to be fixed.

For me subscribing isn't the issue... it's seeing the subscription afterwards that I can't seem to do.

Can probably make a trilogy out of it... maybe even a franchise.

Only works when no one is looking at you... and when you're naked.

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Yup. I see it too. Also a user.

I hope RIF, Apollo, Infinity... and all the other wonderful alts have been reached out to. They are a big reason for the migration.


External Drives come with software now to help people sync the data, (for the less techincal).

You could also just manually copy the data by clicking and dragging.

I'm kind of a command line junkie so I use robocopy in scripts.

I probably got an answer from you there. Thanks for sharing.

I think the mags were created as placeholders so people coming from Reddit will at least see some mags that look farmilar.

The feeling I get is that as mags get busy and as people start stepping on each other's toes, mods will be in high demand.

That bring said, @ernest has asked for mods and has mentioned building a moderation team.

Shout out for all the work you done so far @ernest!

My sincere condolences.

We are in an age that this shouldn't happen.

Phones to capture events should be an opertunity to capture videos and photos. Dinner with extended family, birthdays, holidays, vacations are best opertunity to do this.

On top of this, I'd add, share the photos/videos with everyone there, (be it Facebook, Google photos, Whatsapp, Discord...). Same concept applies to you, that photos you have, aren't lost to your digital vault when it's your time.

Two drives is a good thing. Always have a copy at a remote location and swap it out rather than shuttling the one drive back and forth.

rclone is a good solution. I use it myself. I also just found out about syncthing which is great for syncing with your phone to something to the local network.

Trust level can vary. Publicly shared photos I would suspect you'd be okay with. Your crypto wallet... less so. Everyone needs to work out what's best for them, however, the original point is ... don't have all your eggs in one basket. Backup your data.

Password management is another big topic that is pretty big.

Something as simple a writing it down on paper in a safe location works for some.

Are also other options.

This is something we used to deal with regularly on /r/adoption and /r/genealogy

Sounds like an opertunity to build the community here.

Plus the desire to fulfill it.

I have it unchecked. But that shouldn't kill my session mid browsing. I will try checking it if I get desperate enough.

I saw that boost and upvotes will be revamped in the next few days or weeks. It was noted the current model has problems.

Hoping it settles in the next day or so.

Came here to ask the same question.

It is an insane tool to get the data moved / shared / copied / transfered quickly. The risk is sharing to sources you didn't want, like the service provider, (look up Rick and Morty work being deleted due to copyright the writers account). Also what if your account is stolen / hacked / deleted and Apple / Google / MS... aren't being cooperative with recovery.

Some interviews were interesting, (Neil Degras Tyson, Elon Musk, several other comedians and actors that I found interesting). He was always willing to call BS on guests will some quick Googling. He did get things wrong but was willing to own up to it. Unfortunately once he hit Spotify level and doubled down on his expertise on the human physical body, he no longer listened to experts, (carnivor diet, Covid...)



Found this when searching for the same question. Thanks. I guess I just need to be patient.

I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't see your thread.

Is this the official place for requesting moderation? I would assume it's only for ?????? magazines.

...which also means mods will be needed to replace mods.

Agreed. The systems are being flooded from the migration. Communities are quickly being formed. A little patience and people rolling up their sleeves to make it better go a long way.
