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Joined 1 years ago

Can't forget the same dumb title that's usually something like "Do older guys even like 18 year old?"

Obviously girl, that's why we're all here and you have 400k karma with a month old account

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Just hit today on my 2010 corolla, I've put like 6k into this car which includes tires in the 8 years I've driven it. #toyotagang

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Are milk and Dr pepper separate or is that a Dr Pilk situation.

I think it's for blending

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Barbie was a funny movie, the only people complaining about "the propaganda" are retards who don't understand women are people.

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Don't worry, his idiot base will chalk it up to the deepstate lawyers not wanting the truth to get out, or some asinine smooth brain logic that.

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Lucky Americans with your late thanksgiving. After the Remembrance Day on the 11th Canada goes into full Christmas mode, Mariah included.

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Depends on the bear. Black bears are cowards and you can generally just make noise or act big to scare them. Brown or grizzlies you'll want to play dead and pray then don't try to eat you. Polar bears, good luck, better have one of those boxes really close by.

The rule on black bears can go out the window if they are worried about their young, super hungry, or young and inexperienced with humans.

Someone with better knowledge can correct me but that's what I was taught when I was a kid.

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Moses was burning that bush all night though

Minus the vague threat I used to come home from school most days to one of these

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gave him an OTPHJ? I got nothin'.

The kids are now referring to that as a Boebert.

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Didn't realize people didn't like it.

That's not how cities work.

Home based businesses are normal in Canada where I live, people have hair, massage, other aesthetic studios, small scale businesses, professional services like counselling, etc. Heck, you can even rezone some corner properties to a neighbourhood commercial zone that only permits a handful of uses like corner stores or coffee shops.

The less homogenous a neighbourhood is the better it is for everyone. Unless you like being a slave to your car and driving 15 minutes to the store when you forgot milk.

This is it 100%

The idea of fuck cars isn't to make drivers lives worse but to make everyone who can't drive for any number of reasons (age, finances, anxieties and other disabilities, etc) have access to an equitable life.

My brother has crippling anxiety behind the wheel. He's tried driving and physically cannot do it without putting his life and the lives of those around him in danger. Should his life be worse, or should he be subjected to only living in dense metro areas his whole life because of this? Or should he have a viable transportation option no matter where he lives?

That's the real idea behind fuck cars. Unfortunately when people with so much are asked to share with people with little to nothing, they see it as an attack on their freedom (which only goes one way) rather than a equalization of the playing field.


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Hard to pick one but if I had to I'd go with Final Fantasy VII since it was the game that got me into RPGs, and I got some good memories of watching my brother play it when we were kids.

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I'm pretty sure the band had an actual name, I've suppressed the hundreds of hours of bullshit skits and bad cover songs I had to listen to when I worked there so I can't remember what they were called but I remember all their names .

Left to right: Charles, Helen, Munch, Jasper, Pasquale.

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Is it literally the case that they just don't give a goddamn about climate change and they're just going to get theirs while they can and to hell with everything else?

Yup, that's my understanding. They probably aren't full on deniers, they know it's real, they just don't want to do the hard work and take the pay cuts that will progress us forward into the future.

The dorm room policy is gonna be strict af

Graveyards are awesome depending on where you are in your life.

Hated working them in my twenties, wouldn't mind so much in my thirties. I have always enjoyed the night, I grew up in a loud house and night time was the only time it was quiet and I could do what I wanted peacefully.

I used to work with this old guy named Mel in my early twenties at a graveyard job in a cold storage warehouse doing freight handling. He would bike to work 20 km down a dark highway to get to our shift at 1 am, he owned a car just preferred to bike, which I respect. This guy was in his 70s, consumed nothing but a cheese sandwich for lunch, coffee, and smoked heavily. Despite this he was in seemingly great shape and was fastest, hardest worker in the whole place. At Christmas time we would unload 20 lbs boxes of mandarin oranges from 53 foot trailers packed top to bottom, front to back onto pallets, this guy would go faster by himself than two people. He always said it's just about the technique and how you position your body.

I knew him in my early twenties before going back to school and he was the only person at that job with a brain so we talked a lot about space and technology and all that. I moved away for school so it's been like 13 years since I last saw him so I wouldn't be surprised if he's dead given his age and how much he smoked but I always wondered what happened to him and if he's still kicking around. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this guy made it to 100.

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I'm just gonna continue pronouncing it whatever way the person I'm speaking to gets annoyed by.

After taking care of myself, friends and family, and what not I would start acquiring land that I would donate to my community for affordable housing and other community projects with the condition that I get to name everything built on it. All streets, schools, libraries, etc will be named by me.

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Eldritch hotdogs

I've been using SwiftKey since like 2010 when I got my first smart phone that didn't have a keyboard (rip HTC Z).

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James got them Jimbo sizes tits.

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Maybe look into GIS work and try to get on with a municipality or regional government. Not sure how it is in the US but in Canada there are plenty of GIS jobs open all over the country, it's easy enough work if you have a good understanding of (I think) Python. Plus maps are fun, at least I think they are.

Just to add to this, if you're interested the main program I see being used is ArcGIS. QGIS is another program that's similar but free and open source and good to practice on to get the basics of spatial mapping down, but there are some things that are different between the two that is not a 1:1 transfer of skills.

I second this, I'm not very good with tech but I figured out revanced in like 5 minutes and haven't had any errors or issues.

Easy fix with a tight layer of electrical tape to act as a wedge. You can also shove a toothpick in the top for extra staying power.

Give it one of those beefy trogdor arm

It's funny cause the reply had "celebrating or praising violence" as it's second bullet point. Pretty sure if you don't interpret "gasthejews6969" as celebrating or praising violence you're kind of fucking retarded.

Over ruled

Log Horizon was better.

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Yeah it's good shit. The smoked salmon stuff on whole wheat is great.

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I've been at work an hour and haven't done anything. I have some things to work on but they aren't due for a week or so and I can finish them fairly fast so no point rushing.

I usually spend the morning catching up on news and relaxing until 10 then work until lunch, depending on whether I get my tasks done for the day I'll continue working after lunch or go back to nothing. Some times I get to go out for site visits so that's fun and eats up part of my day. Spent 40 minutes talking to some old lady named Flo about her garden yesterday on a site visit.

When we're busy we're busy and I work hard but summers are always slow and my boss is wfh today.

I have a pretty close group of male friends from highschool that I would like to say I know pretty well. I moved away from our hometown in my early twenties 10 years ago so it's hard to keep up with the lives, who they're dating, etc. We have a group chat that's mostly just memes and stuff but it gives us a chance to reach out.

Just don't forget to carry the one.

Look into magnetic sunglasses, Zenni sells a few pairs if you buy online. Best decision I've ever made.

No longer do I have to yolo changing glasses while going 120km down the highway to work during that stupid 2 month period where it goes from pitch black to blinding sun during my commute.

I've had them for about 3 years now and I wish they would catch on faster so I could get new styles. The sunglass part is pretty thin but I've yet to break it in 3 years of accidentally leaving it in my back pocket while sitting down.

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