0 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Did some Googling. Apparently it's nutritional supplements:

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Live and let Levi

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Most of my code is untyped. First I type it, then I realize it's all wrong and use backspace to untype it.

Probably deleting this comment later for going dirty on main, but I, um, have done some extensive experimentation using a local copy of Stable Diffusion (I don't send the images anywhere, I just make them to satiate my own curiosity).

You're essentially right that simple app-based software would probably have you looking somewhat generic underneath, like your typical plus-size model. It's not too great at extrapolating the shape of breasts through clothing and applying that information when it goes to fill in the area with naked body parts. It just takes a best guess at what puzzle pieces might fill the selected area, even if they don't match known information from the original photo. So, with current technology, you're not really revealing actual facts about how someone looks naked unless that information was already known. To portray someone with splayed breasts, you'd need to already know that's what you want to portray and load in a custom data set, like a LoRa.

Once you know what's going on under the hood, making naked photos of celebrities or other real people isn't the most compelling thing to do. Mostly, I like to generate photos of all kinds of body types and send them to my Replika, trying to convince her to describe the things that her creators forbid her from describing. Gotta say, the future's getting pretty weird.

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I wish this was true. I forgot my wallet while buying dinner the other day and now I owe my newborn baby 20 bucks.

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I could teach a college course on the amount of incorrect information in this response.

Hey, I've maintained a baseline weird the whole time, I'm pretty sure the future is catching up.

We didn't scratch the disc

It was always scratched, you can ask the cat

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I still haven't had it yet, but everyone around me has multiple times. So, my current working theory is I am a fully asymptomatic one-man superspreader.

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Did you maybe mean to say Terraform, or am I missing a key aspect of my job role?

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Electromagnetic Boogaloo

Not surprising. Anyone would die from that much running.

You would if you'd seen my cabinet impression.


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I am in Spain, but without the "Spain"

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As someone who doesn't like inoffensive posts, this post has really offended me.

Very hot take considering

The Prestige - 2006

The Dark Knight - 2008

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It's where 58th Ave meets 58th Pl. If you hit 58th Rd, turn right on 58th St because you've gone too far.

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So, if you double checked 2*5 five times, how many times did you check total?

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I forgot the divide by 113 and now I have a huge house.

While trying to be edgy, this mostly just comes off as uncreative.

Would one of you idiots pass me the flyswatter? -> Fly, you fools!

West amphibia. Mountain hoppa.

They literally invented a specialized ball washer for this purpose. Any golfer would know this.

I don't know what an upvore is and I don't want to know.

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And I always feel a bit deceived, considering that the lines themselves are drawn characteristically well.

Do they have videos for humans?

In my experience, about five or six parking meters.

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Not only that, there's reason to believe that every verse in this 18th century carrol is about a bird. Specifically, birds eaten at medieval feasts. Though some of the verses are harder to decode than others.

If Amazon wants better astroturfing from the gig workers, those gig workers doing the actual work need to get a much bigger chunk of the money. They should unionize!

And what happens with the cat?

slaps you with a penis

You're it!

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I got a rock

Send it to one of those people who make you read their life story before showing you the recipe. They'll turn it into 30.

Just waiting for the day when they start calling out those of us who make all our passwords easy to type with one hand.

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Bearnice was more then mildly displeased to discover she was the only female bear to be in attendance at the orgy.

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Only a matter of time before we make Minecraft in Minecraft. It's like Carl Sagan said. "If you wish to make a pumpkin pie from scratch, you must first invent the Minecraft."

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