Null User Object

@Null User
25 Post – 12 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Spoiler alert. The mammals won (for now)

5 more...

No, that's what they're saying. Don't do that. Click on the magnifying glass in the top menu, and make sure that the selector that offers [Subscribed, Local, or All], choose All. That'll include communities on other instances that this instance knows about.

Some would even say three orders of magnitude.

So it's not a flaw.

Reading through the comments in this thread, I'd just like to mention how amusing it is to see so many people in the fediverse arguing in favor of walled gardens and vendor lock-in. Like, do you even know where you are?

Read the comment you're responding to, again. Nothing about their suggestion leads to either of these scenarios.

They gave a link.

You can run your own instance or join an instance that tolerates that speech, and federate with other instances that tolerate it. So, the "platform" is not supressing you one bit. Go forth, and be an asshole if you wish.

However, administrators and users on other instances also have the freedom to participate without being forced to listen to assholes ad nauseum. "Free Speech" does not mean "Free (from the consequences of your) Speech" or that other people should be forced to listen to you.

No, only knows your password. If you want to login to beehaw, you need a beehaw account.

Maybe? I'm not sure what "application" you mean. I'm posting here, so my account request on was accepted. Not sure what other applications I would need.

Upper left corner menu. Click "anonymous" and then "add account"

While working for a company about 15 years that made web based educational software, we had a potential client try pitching us on a website he wanted us to build.

He had lots of vague hand wavy ideas, but he had two very concrete ideas that the site absolutely needed. A) It had to be, "in the cloud", and B) it must be, "Web 2.0”.