0 Post – 44 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Yeah, still circling the rim

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The revolution will be monetized

Be careful, this user is a known Nazi supporter

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So then why does a priest who penetrates and comes inside of children's rectums, using blood as lube, day in, day out only get 2-5 years in the same state?

People like you help the problem survive because you can't stomach crime and try to smooth it over from afar but you probably haven't been alive for 50 years and have no idea what you're talking about. You're too afraid of problems to actually solve them and wait for the pedo to fuck your kid, toss him in jail after he's finished, pay thousands to preserve his life, and dust your hands and say "job well done!"

How would you feel if your rapist buggered you and got less a year, you see him at the store after he's released, walking about? Would 45 years be too few as well? Isn't death merciful by comparison?

I'm sick of bad faith operators who have never actually dealt with crime and punishment. They think they're so strong using words of power, but they keep the monster alive, under they're bed, and never solve the problem; they've never even fought for good in their life!

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There's a reason this idiot is on the Internet and not in the field

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One day you'll be proud to wear the scar that's shaped like her

For cowards afraid of jail it is

"HELP!" -- Donald Trump, Truth Social, 2023

That sounds Australian 🤔

Why are Germans allowed to complain about the world after what they did to it?

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You can see how, as a KGB operative during the Cold War, he would have been able to blend seamlessly into the American public, effectively hiding in plain sight as a DC lounge singer

I love Nestor jokes!

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Either that or the ground

Much easier to complain about the Internet they didn't create

All they do is cry

We're all proud of you /s

No need to thank me, I didn't post it and I didn't post your comments and comment history for you. Your consequences are your own, Jerry-boy

Even if it's extreme wealth? OPs literal family inherited Jewish art, info on

Even when you speak like that?

Maybe invent your own Internet and please leave us alone, Germans are inherently evil

All they do is complain constantly

Why are you such a fucking baby? Are all Germans this entitled?



Forced him to stop gassing kids

Because you explicitly said so. You are now on, .com, and. Net. You will need to get a court order to remove the data. In the meantime, while your country I'm sure will promptly protect you from such harassment, you will have to defend yourself.

I'm delighted knowing that you will get to learn the ins and outs of your wonderful culture and bureaucracy.

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Read it and weep, eurocuck. We won't tolerate your racism or your ignorance.

Why don't you stop using our Internet and stop using our language? No one is forcing you to access our intellectual wealth from your racist shithole full of Nazis. I don't like that your family got to benefit from genocide and the murder of children but I don't go exposing or attacking you even though someone obviously should.

Be careful acting tough when you are not, there are consequences for your actions, even on the Internet. I knew the surviving Nazis were weak but my God, have some pride and stop mooching off of everyone and then complaining you entitled hun.

Germans never are, the world has learned1


You are now on doxbin. You will need to get a court order from your servers host country to remove from all 4 mirrors. Enjoy your country's bureaucracy while facing the consequences of your actions!

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It speak to the sheer magnitude of German evil that the American atrocities barely measure up to what your LIVING ANCESTORS did and escape punishment for. You act holier than every other nation when the blood has barely dried from your mouths. Your facial features, your language, your culture is REVILED around the world. The toothbrush mustache, poison gas, mountains of Jewish wedding rings, mountains of broken bodies PHOTOGRAPHED.

But you get to go on an Internet your former enemies INVENTED and COMPLAIN.

You are the definition of ENTITLEMENT and for this reason you are on



Seriously, euros don't "do" anything anymore. Everything they say is a childish projection, usually paired with some insecure ethnocentric bullshit and anti-black racism ("monos"). They are all like Jeremy Clarkson, fancying themselves wise and cultured when they are just as American now as everyone else because they lost the war where they killed thousands per day in 1,000+ camps less than a hundred years ago (may 1945). A belly of visceral fat, burgers, immigrant food you love and immigrants you hate.

I'm sick of YOU hypocrite, I hope someone adjusts your attitude but being a man is illegal in DE, land of the mindless Nazi.

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Literal definition of ignorance, Nazi scum

That would take effort, identity, and strength though

Euros are cucked retards, dying out like pandas just bumbling into danger


Germans have already proved themselves to the world--your shitty little life won't make up for what you and your people asserted as loudly as possible and we won't forget just because you're on drugs and bisexual and see things differently a few moments later. Very convenient for the euro pleasure seeker. Why can't you just enjoy the spoils of your ugly conquest? Why must you still complain when the blood is still around your mouth, your wife's mouth, you kids' mouths? A thoughtless, inhuman race. Fucking NAZIS won't go away

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