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I was hoping they would just enjoy Elon’s twitter but apparently they really need to pollute the common spaces otherwise they get bored

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Why would they buy a company that is using a workaround when they could just make an iMessage app for android

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I’ve been using Kagi lately and one of my favourite features is the ability to raise or lower the priority of a website in your searches. You can even just outright ban a site from your search results

Is it weird that I’m always excited to read the update posts?

Actually I think it is quite a stretch to call them feminists in any way. 99% of the time they ally with the far right and many of their leaders advocate against things like contraception and healthcare for women

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Unfortunately, most of the original team is gone now. I hope they’ve moved on to better things

I think we need to keep children off the internet but there’s not really a way to do that other than having parents be more responsible. I think public shaming could work wonders in this area

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honest question: why does it matter? all data in any fediverse project is public anyways

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Isn’t this the one that was shown to have biased data due to opt-in polling? Randomized polling shows less of a divide and more liberal views amongst young people. I can’t find it right now though

I need to know how they are handling the server costs involved… even if you host your own instance for just your own uploads, you are still going to be paying a lot whenever people are watching those videos, no?

Video is a way different ballgame than regular social media imo

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lol. lmao.

Yeah I’m not a fan of using AI voice actors but this doesn’t seem like a terrible use. It’s pretty useful for reactions to dynamic events.

Btw the male voice sounds fine to me. It’s the female voice that sounds obviously fake imo

I was on Reddit for over a decade and it definitely used to have way more Linux evangelism until the site became more mainstream

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I’m sick of the Luddite slander. They were completely right and people need to know

Iirc it’s due to the way federation works. You can see the real number of boosts but the favourites only show the amount from people who are on the same server as you. It’s not reflective of the real number

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I think this is nice in a time when social media companies have been actively killing third-party apps

A big issue that I don’t see being discussed a lot is that randomized polling has become more difficult as less people are willing to pick up their phone for unknown numbers nowadays.

Most polling is now opt-in, meaning that the data will be biased towards the groups who want to express their opinions the most (this tends to be the far right). Not saying the polling is wrong but perhaps not entirely accurate

i'm gonna assume you haven't read the manga and i will warn that this question invites a lot of spoilers

Once I started taking medication and doing work that I enjoy, I haven’t been bored a single day.

However, being overwhelmed is an agonizing constant in my life

damn you're a real OG. And by quite a bit based on those double spaces there (either that or you're a lawyer lol)

I completely get where you're coming from and this is something I think about a lot. There are so many people I know (myself included) who have benefited as kids from being able to access the internet and find a community, but overall the data I've seen shows a net negative in terms of social outcomes. And to be completely honest I just think that a lot of spaces on the internet suffer from having too many adolescents around.

I don't want to enforce a law or something but I think we just need to be more socially aware of the kinds of spaces that kids have access to

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I just want to add some additional context: Taiwan existed as a nation long before the RoC fled to the island and massacred the population (look up the White Terror). There continues to be quite a bit of tension between the original population and the RoC about the national identity. I wouldn't really call Taiwan the true China. My family is native Taiwanese and I know there is a lot of anger at how their government was taken over.

Yeah... I tried the htc vive back when it came out and the experience was incredible but ultimately there's not much it can do other than be a cool experience. Maybe vr will find its footing one day but it's a really hard thing to get right

that’s fair. I fully believe they could pull some fuckery that would make everything worse

I’ve always wondered if it would help to have to reply in order to give an up/downvote but I assume it would likely just result in more spam. Still, I hope people are thinking of new ways to try things

Fair point

I agree the issue is systemic and those issues need to be solved first. The main problem is that kids are not learning how to socialize as much as they used to and you can see this reflected in data about the number of friends and romantic partners going down. The most important thing that we need to do is rebuild local communities and have places where people can meet, have events, and spend times getting to know new people

Man, even Hilary has more charisma than Kamala

I had a feeling they might. It’s likely the only way to make it possible but it is not without faults either.

Thanks for the info, I’ll look into it more!

I’m not entirely sure and I could be wrong, but I think it was for security/efficiency and was not a popular idea. From what I can gather: in Lemmy all upvotes and downvotes are tied directly to the post so it shouldn’t be an issue here

I don’t think social media is the problem. It’s the fact that something like 60% of children aged 7-14 have watched Andrew Tate. There’s just so much more shit out there nowadays than there was in the past. I don’t care if kids see a dead body or porn on the internet, I care that there are some people with sinister ideologies who are doing serious damage to impressionable children. And it’s just an endless of stream of content that caters to our worst instincts in a way that is not healthy for development as a human. This shit is like a drug for constant dopamine.

When I was a kid I swore not to be someone who acted like I do now, but yknow what? I didn’t have near as much knowledge or experience. I thought I knew everything back then but the reality is that, yeah, sometimes adults do know better. I’m a big advocate for more freedoms for adolescents because I genuinely believe they are treated like shit in society but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t still some lines that you have to draw