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Joined 1 years ago

Heat pumps = simply running your AC in reverse

It escapes me such a simple concept could take so long to be considered for homes instead of radiators

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"AI" are just advanced versions of the next word function on your smartphone keyboard, and people expect coherent outputs from them smh

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No more anti-consumer than Google saying that "the internet is best experienced in chrome" every time you open YouTube or Google search.

G in gif stands for graphics just like how P in jpeg stands for poto

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Truly no atonement can be sufficient for a sin that grave

Imagine having your smart cock cage locked out by Amazon because some rando told them you are racist lmao

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How fucking old are your kids for them to say that? Real kids would definitely say that 25 is approaching retirement age.

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Having actual uses doesn't make it not a fad. Like in the 50's where even your mom's toaster has to be atomic.


Just recipes, no Javashit, no trackers, loads instantly.

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Consider it payback for when Google kept shilling chrome everywhere back then

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I don't want the comments section to look like the inner cabinet of the North Korean army

But not Javashit :p

but Arab clothing is literally designed for the Sahara desert

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The tech equivalent of inventing leaded gasoline.


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I don't think mandating lidar specifically by name is right, seeing as computer vision is definitely a software problem. Instead they should mandate some method to detect objects in any light condition + a performance standard, which in practice during certification could mean lidar. Regulations should be as minimal and specific as possible.

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There was a tiny and insignificant event in neighboring China called "the opium wars". Tends to make Asian governments a bit touchy about drugs.

Whoops, though North African clothing is very similar and those are definitely designed for the Sahara.

Obligatory they/them vs was/were army

They said employee, not wage slave

Normal children usually gain fluency in their native language by age 5. Danish children need to wait until age 7.

Because all LLM outputs read like middle school homework essays regardless of context

Russian economy is quickly becoming a pile of ruble (singular).

"Counselors" be like: I'm sworn to professional secrecy, but I'll rat you the fuck out if I think you're doing something slightly illegal. Now tell me your secrets!

I could also make a reasonable case that election strategies would have changed to more populist stances to accommodate for that.

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A gun is the only thing that makes 4'9 Gertrude able to defend herself against a 6'11 Hafthor with malicious intent.

There is no currently no actual evidence that TikTok is a threat to national security, but consider this:

  1. TikTok is owned by Chinese company
  2. All large Chinese companies are required to have Party members in the board, making them defacto state-run
  3. PR China is currently committing genocide, large-scale espionage, subversion of foreign countries and all sorts of fun stuff associated with authoritarian fascist dictatorships
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Yandex source code:

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Capitalism: hire an apple picking expert to pick the apples and sell them at exorbitant prices because there is a monopoly on apples.

Communism: send the apple picking expert to work in the steel factory and get a random university professor to pick them instead

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Wait, jurors identities were public before that?

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But Twitter has been dead ever since threads took over...

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One could say that their relationship has really shit the bed

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Knowing my luck, if I were one of the truck drivers the dude would probably fall right between the gaps 🤷

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If those people have ever tried actually using image generation software they will know that there is significant human authorship required to make something that isn't remotely dogshit. The most important skill in visual art is not how to draw something but knowing what to draw.

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And if you kill 30% of the population of the world you get hailed as a great conqueror.

Well it is proprietary software from a subsidiary of a de facto state-owned government currently participating in genocide. I changed torrent clients for even less than that.

The pranks in America are lame. Over in Europe you can literally threaten someone with a giant hammer (as a prank of course) and get away with it.

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I'll do you one better: simply stop reporting incidents like these and the problem just goes away like magic!

/s in case of idiots

What city is new England based on?

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Techno methanicus