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Joined 1 years ago

Because things that previously were general "adulting" functions have been hypercommodified and we're left having to navigate the world with less money, less time, and less idea of what's real and what's a scam.

This isn't a generational issue, it's fucking capitalism.

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To the engineers.

My neutral take: a lot of people, for various reasons, don't like hardline communists.

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This article hedges itself so much.

It's about money and power.

The owners of capital explicitly believe that they can dictate every aspect of your life: where you live, under what conditions you work, your access to food, how you spend your time outside of work.

They want you to have to spend time in social reproduction, unpaid, to meet their standards and account for their failings.

If you are forced to come in: if you live too far, too bad, sleep less, don't see your family, drive further. Don't get into an accident though, or be late due to traffic. Ensure you have a vehicle and you are keeping it in a state that will enable you to meet our demands of you being present for us to almost entirely ignore.

Oh we don't provide lunch. I hope you brought lunch or are willing to pay for delivery or rush to get food in the half hour we allot for you to eat (unpaid). I also hope you spent time before work prepping that food, as well as your breakfast and dinner.

We expect you to be clean and presentable. Oh, you don't interact with the public, let alone the C Suite? Doesn't matter. Shower, shave/makeup, have a separate set of clothes just for the purpose of being here 5 days a week.

The chair we gave you uncomfortable, the lights too bright, the cubicle too small, the floor too noisy? Sorry, this is what was cheapest.

You want us to improve our ventilation system to account for the pandemic that got us to do remote work full time in the first place? What are you nuts? We don't actually care if you live or die just as long as we can extract the maximum value out of you that we can before you go.

All of this for their ego and to ensure that the real estate market in commercial properties, which is over-leveraged and obviously no longer necessary in the current state of the world, doesn't collapse.

Fuck them. Fuck them all.

You'd be wrong about sick people not going to bars.

It's Facebook Twitter.

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What are you even talking about? In what way are the controls clunky?

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While I agree with this article from a user perspective, it's completely wrong from an admin perspective.

Admin for Windows is leaps and bounds better than Mac. Having to wait weeks for ABM to be connected by Apple, plus the fact that once you have ABM setup it requires third party systems to connect to it to actually do any administration (JAMF, Addigy, etc) is frustrating and laughable all at once. Then on top of all of that, getting devices into ABM means you have to wipe the device. It's so antagonistic to management it's insane.

Please keep in mind:

The CIA and FBI are not, and have never been, good at their jobs. They do dumb and reckless shit constantly, both in the past and today.

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Go vegetarian or vegan. Compost if it's available and accessible.

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I get why everyone is jumping on you over this in general, but as someone else with jellyfin, I'll back you up on this. Jellyfin has too many log entries for slow response it's insane. Makes the logs barely legible. There is a checkbox to turn off logging those that you might want to consider unchecking.

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Checking facts in a list of curated facts is not fact checking.

Most people do not actively have access to scholarly works, nor the aptitude to review it, nor the time to do so.

Hmmm, I wonder which instance that last sentence is about...

Sick, love to see a fascist thinking about criminalizing those who need help, not punishment, the most.

His rockets suck and his cars suck.

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There isn't a nationwide increase in crime, and there haven't been defundings of the police.

What reality do you live in?

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It can and still does kill people. We are no longer having a 9/11 every day. Now we just have one every two weeks.

Also, long COVID has no cure and no guarantee of ever being cured. Stay home.

No matter how much you make, if you don't actually own capital, and you must work for a living to survive, you're part of the proletariat. It's just a matter of everyone else who thinks they're part of the petit bourgeois finally waking up to that fact.

Did you notice that part of the article was about people who use eye tracking to navigate? Likely people with disabilities?

Glad you're fine with the trend. Doesn't mean it's okay.

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Because Republicans are fascists and Democrats are spineless.

The nice thing is that if things do become shit on one instance, the rest just disconnect. The lack of total control over the system by one entity ensures that there is no complete capture to enable the enshitification from taking root and destroying what is good about it.

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TERF isn't a slur, it's an accurate descriptor.

Terfs are trans exclusionary. Terfs are on the borders of feminist thought, making them radical (and not in the cool way).

They only want it to be a slur so they aren't accurately described as what they are.

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Scavenging for food and water in a wasteland after the climate wars. Assuming I'm alive and the planet is still "livable".

Alex will make a new platform.

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Always was.

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You mean pos mayor of NYC, Eric Adams? Yeah that checks out.

He played it enough to make one of the worst builds I've ever seen. A heavy rolling mage with two shields......

I see a fellow policy wonk.

What the fuck is misdemeanor assault and battery?


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This will fix a lot of windows 10/11 bloat.

Have you dug into any of their majority opinions? They're asinine and arguing from their desired end result 95% of the time.

You seem to think necessary !-> justified.

However, if something is necessary, it is justified.

While you may quibble, "it's necessary to defend myself in life or death situations, but it isn't justified", this part "it's necessary to defend myself in life or death situations" IS the justification of the action. It's justified definitionally.

As such, your argument crumbles.

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Probably but by a very very very very very small amount. So small it's essentially no change at all.

It's the end result of pushing everyone away for the sole pursuit of power. It's an old man realizing the life that he was trying to recreate (his father's life), is nothing but a twisted version of the real thing.

It's supposed to be depressing because the movie is in dialogue with the two that came before it.

"In 2020, there were a total 5,775,258 U.S. firms in all sectors. They employed about 129,363,644 workers and had total annual payroll of $7.3 trillion."


US population per that census: 331,449,281.

For simplification, let's assume one business owner per business. Then it's only 1.74243% of Americans that own a business. Even with inclusion of additional owners for businesses, you aren't going to get anywhere near that 34%, as that would be 112,692,756 people.

In short, realistically the 34% are not business owners, and instead are the propagandized proletariat who fight against their own best interest in favor of capital (conservatives and fascists).

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Psychs don't do this. The dude has been an asshole the whole time.

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The standard is RCS