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I would, sure, but I'm not sure about the majority. Dunno... Most people are super uninformed and vote based on silly shit. They put less thought into it than they do into the stuff they buy at the supermarket. And most people don't put much thought into that either, I was surprised to find out.

Are you just making up people and arguments? Because that's not an argument that I hear people making. Also it's too late now and no other democrat could beat trump right now, unfortunately

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Like I said, people that think voting 3rd party in november is gonna change something aren't gonna be swayed either.

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So you actually believe that after the elections are over when one of the two candidates will inevitably win that your 3rd party vote will have done anything other than the obvious 2 things? (Either nothing or just raise trump's chance to win). If you actually care, the sensible thing to do is make everything possible to make sure trump doesn't win then start protesting asap and doing everything in your power for the next 4 years to make sure you get more and better options.

It was just a honeypot. Served its purpose.

There's no good way to argue with trump supporters so this is the easiest, least brain damaging way. All the arguments have been beaten to death 10 times over. And those that still claim 3rd party votes in november will change anything for the better won't be swayed either.

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Yes? Idiots are even easier to control than people you are blackmailing or paying off.

He was supposed to have a cellmate but didn't have one that night. Guards were supposed to check in on him constantly but didn't do it that night. The surveillance camera malfunctioned that night. He had broken bones in his neck that often break when you're strangulated and rarely when hanging yourself.

You're telling me that it's more likely for these 4 events to happen at the same time than for someone rich and powerful to just pay a couple of people to have him killed?

Foreigner in France here. Couldn't be more wrong Beautiful country, amazing food. People are... People. Good and bad, as with every other place. Plenty of places I didn't feel welcome. France wasn't one of it. Except Marseille. Yeah, avoid Marseille. (Altho it has its good parts)

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One simple one was one apostle saying Jesus told them to go barefoot and with no staff and another saying he told them staff + sandals.

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. John 8:58

Which is from one of the original 4 gospels. Apparently there's evidence of it being written as early as 70AD. There's a couple other quotes I found in a link some other person linked in this thread but this one seems most direct.

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So instead of taking the glory for themselves like pretty much all other humans they decide to preach about an imaginary friend? Meh... Between "guy who got lost in history" and "bunch of guys that raved about that one gf that went to a different school", I'll go with the former as the more plausible one.

I'll concede the fact that it's not the same level of proof as other figures, but all these people writing about him is more than we have about others.

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Yep, Christianity is filled with stuff like this and art. Most churches contain a decent amount of art. Most famous of all being the Sistine chapel, ofc. Found out this year about The Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran. Which is basically the Pope's main church. Always assumed it would be the one in Vatican, but no, it's a different one, in Rome. It's a very impressive place. Huge statues. This being the best. St Bart is said to have been skinned alive, hence the knife and his face.

Holy crap... Did you guys read the bottom bit about Georgia voters?

"Another man Bob, playing with his bluegrass band outside a café, was more sure. He wanted a positive outcome for Donald Trump and said a conviction would not change his mind. What would?

“If he was convicted of murder, I'd be like that's not a guy I want to go for!” "

Not surprised, tbh, but I still find it ridiculous to read.

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If it's mandated by law they will. As they do in other countries.

I'm all for bashing them for their shitty practices, but let's be honest here. If you care about your memories, all you have to do is login once and they're safe. If that's unreasonable, I think that's a you problem.

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The maker of a "pigeon dating sim" game says she hasn't received royalties in 2 years. Epic games said they'd "look into it"

A bit below that it says that they're also threatening fines of 6% of annual revenue.

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That's for his followers, to rile them up and keep them loyal, that's not really what he believes. Not to say he isn't a dumb cunt, he is, but this is not an example of that.

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Am I missing something? I said revenue not profit. Or is the joke that Twitter isn't making any money anymore?

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Why is that good?

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It doesn't really need to perform well financially. He can sell everything as soon as it goes public and retire

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I meant .. it's not. There have been 3 larian games in the last 9 years, and all 3 have been great. And they're not the only good games or RPGs. So the title is just the usual click bait crap

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No, but her 3 spawn do. And as we all know, it's hard enough being a working mom without having to face the consequences of your criminal actions.

I think they mean they might've done it for free

Don't reply to rivermonster. Argues in bad faith and licks IDF boots super hard. Really don't bother. Every Israel thread is filled with his apologism.

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Some people experience some things more than others. I believe that's how they place you on the spectrum

I'd like to see a source for that. Of all the places on the internet, lemmy is one of the last ones I'll believe is full of kids.

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Yes, all revolutions in the history of the world are famous for rising against evil teenagers who were oppressing them.

He's literally using the wrong pronouns and name for his transgender daughter. He's literally said he agrees with JK Rowling's transphobic comments.

You know how after a certain time has passed it's no longer a spoiler to talk about how Vader is Luke's father? Well, there's certain stuff that's so obvious and widely known that people will stop believing that you don't know about it and will assume you're trolling.The fact that you keep insisting that you haven't seen evidence of him being queerphobe is on you at this point, imo.

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While you're eating, it's fine to look at your food. When someone's talking, it's ok to look at them. All the other times, just look around. Other tables, out the window, decor, other people, etc. As long as you don't linger, it's never gonna look weird. Even if you do linger, it's whatever, just say you enjoy whatever you're looking at. Decor, someone's eyeglasses, makeup, whatever.

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Every religion has extremists. Every single one. Even Hindus and Sikhs have idiots that commit atrocities in the name of religion. Doesn't make the religions themselves hateful.

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First they did it at EA, but I didn't say anything because I don't play EA games. Then they did it at Ubisoft, but I didn't say anything because I don't play Ubisoft games. Then they did it at Blizzard, but I didn't say anything because I don't play Blizzard games. Then they did it at fromsoft games, but I didn't say anything because I don't play fromsoft games. Then they did it at supergiant games, but I didn't say anything because I don't play their games.

Then they did it at every other fucking company because it was industry standard.

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Nah, you're right but many people just take it to mean "alternative medicine", I think

No, no. It's not about the lab conditions. Altho that may be a thing too. What they mean is that the product itself was causing brain damage to the monkeys and stuff like that. That makes human trials very dangerous

Fair, altho this is not a new company and this is not their first game or anything. They haven't done it in the last 15-20 years(as far as I know , at least) since mtx were "invented", what makes you think they might flip-flop now?

Are we using different websites? It's 700 euro for me, not 850. Also it's 5 year warranty and 8 years of updates.

Dunno.. this feels like the first genuinely good news I've heard apple linked with in a long while.

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Just... don't use anything one can't control as an insult.

Oh, I've got one.

In Romania, on June 24th there's the "Sânziene" day. Which are like fairies. Google sources say they're good, love/fertility fairies but there's folk stories that say you shouldn't swim during that night because they might come and take you (by drowning you).