2 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

just a weird little guy

at this point, with twitter being inaccessible to non logged in user, the 'public square' thing is totally done,. Get off twitter now. There are alternatives.

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The era of Free Streaming has just begun

Personally I prefer to just not pay for anything exept internet and torrent and stream everything for free, much cheaper, no restrictions

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true. I know a lot of people are in similar situations, that's what kept me on facebook for years. I'll just say at this point, twitter could just die any day now, starting DMing people if you haven't already and find another way to say in touch.

absolute bullshit, it burns more in carbon to run those machines than it takes out, this is making shit worse at an accelerated pace

listening to that right now lol, the new episode on evolutionary psychology is great

I love how it's both very well researched and thoughtful but also genuinely funny and creative and entertaining.

Did they say that Ross Perot was a threat to the constitutional order? I find that unlikely, they certainly didn't make this much noise about it the year before the election.

And yes, everyone who disagrees with you is a Putin bot -- speaking of the early 90's, do you remember see how Clinton supported Yeltsin's coup which directly paved the way for Putin to take power in the first place? Of course, Bill couldn't have known that, but maybe the lesson here is we shouldn't be supported coup's in other countries, ya know, overthrowing democracies and putting fascists in power. That's bad right?

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it's time for a decentralized unionized taxi app

I'm just saying we need to hold our Politicians accountable in order to make sure they do they right thing. I believe in Democracy and part of that is a having a lively debate about issues that affect us - not just lock step refusing to acknowledge that people are suffering. That doesn't help us overall, and that certainly doesn't help you win an election, so I hope that the presence of 3rd party candidates will force the democrats to move left on key issues, maybe they can spend the many millions of dollars they receive on mobilizing voters, because otherwise they are most likely going to lose. The Democrats need to deal with their own internal problems and start asking why the hugely unpopular GOP is so close to beating them instead of blaming everything on 3rd parties.

I'm So Glad that Cornel West is Running because he's immediately exposing all the lies of the Liberals and how they don't care about democracy itself. If Democrats feel so threatened by West maybe they will adopt some of his promises, like for example, Ending the Blockade of Cuba, or pardoning political prisoners, things West Promises to do first days in office.

true and justice my dear brother/sister

another thing you should never do is look into private trackers

No, they have no solution, all they want you to do is Vote Democrat and shut up because any criticism will make you a "Russian Asset"

The Democratic Party is absolutely NOT advocating for ranked choice voting, and explicitly oppose things like abolishing the electoral college

We literally have over a year until the Election and Cornel West Doesn't have to go through all the hoops Sanders did by running in the Primaries.

It is unlikely, but it's not impossible that West could win. Because with 3 or more candidates in the race, a winner could get by with 30%, and once West starts polling in the double digits and the possibility he could win becomes more realistic, many disaffected democrats and some republicans will switch Sides.

I've never seen a 3rd party candidate get so much momentum this early on, and I've never seen an ecombant party freak out so much about 'spoilers' on an off year. I think the Democratic leadership see West as a Threat for good reason. It's not because of their, easily debunked "spoiler" narrative, it's because West could fuck up the entire progressive plantation.

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yes, but that's not what a 'spoiler' is

I had a conversation with a cryptographer who worked for Wickr he says none of the DoD or other government agents he knew trusted Signal 🤔 - personally I use Signal with my mom or personal friends as like the bottom tier of security, because metadata is a real thing, they don't have to actually know what you're talking about. Just using a phone number itself tells you most everything feds need to know if they're really after you.

if you actually want privacy use XMPP

Absolutely, which is why the Democrats need to embrace progressive policies that are supported by the vast majority of americans like Universal Healthcare and Marijuana Legalization.

Also, how did LBJ pass the Civil Rights Act when half of his own party were Dixiecrats?

Matrix is hella buggy, Session part of the lokinet weird ancap crypto scheme, XMPP is god tier

Briar, now that's a thingy

to my knowledge this is the one instance that isn't willing to take that stand lol, it should be understand that all instances in the federation share a common interest to protect their users against copyright trolls

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Why I don't understand how anybody takes this guy seriously when Cornel West is running

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that may technically be true, but I think people should be more willing to take a stand, and not just pre-emptively bow down to the copyright trolls, because it's basically legally unenforceable especially the larger this the federation gets

I'll give them credit that they didn't defed the entire instance and I guess it's their server their rules

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I don't like JFK Jr, at all but how is he a "spoiler" if he's running in the primaries? I thought 3rd parties are spoilers.

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That's exactly it. They seem to think never losing another election is a realistic option without also embracing a FDR style populism.

It's like Cornel West says:

Milquetoast Neoliberalism Can Never Defeat Fascism

If they're so threatened by this guy, maybe they should embrace medicare 4 all or marijuana legalization, the Green New Deal etc. That's ^^ the bare minimum really

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I respect the right of the autonomy of instances and like I said, this is something within the domain of their individual moderation decisions, but we do in fact share collective interests, it's like with federating with facebook, it's not just a matter of individual instance preferences, anyone who federates with Meta would be blocked by everyone who isn't because they then become data mining conduits.

This is somewhat similar to the DCMA issue, the copyright trolls are the enemy of all of us and if you're willing to compromise with them without even a plausible legal threat. Well that hurts the rest of us. You might as well be inviting them to go after the other evil pirate instances.

What young progressives are in the Biden Administration? from what I've been reading, Biden has actually brought in a bunch of old neoconservatives like Elliot Abrams of Iran-Contra infamy whom Biden has nominated for a key diplomatic position

What an absolutely cowardly move. It's one thing to not allow piracy on your own server, that's you're right, but to prevent your users from accessing communities on other servers? Way to give in to copyright trolls without even being asked. I would understand even if they received some kind of Cease and Desist. It doesn't seem like it, it seems like they're just willing sycophants who will probably federate with Meta at first opportunity.

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I'll agree with you there that polls generally can't be trusted, and I agree people need to get out and vote, but It makes our job a lot easier if you have a candidate that people actually like. So I really hope -- for the sake of the republic -- that they convince Joe to step down and open up the primaries.

2000 redux

Why are Democrats Lying about the 2000 election? Gore Won, the Bush Bros sabotaged the election, Bush's victory was declared by the supreme court.

Likewise far more registered Dems voted Bush than all green voters combined.

Stop rewriting history and legitimizing the Bush Administration.

Very True, we cannot prediction the future, that's why I think by this time next year Cornel West will be the front runner 😎

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polls and Jokes Aside, what would make you think that Biden's popularity is actually going to increase? Biden is no Obama. Especially if there is both Cornel West and Joe Manchin who will be chipping away at both his left and centrist support. It could even be the GOP splits and runs 2 or more candidates. I Don't think there even is precedent for this, and well, I'm just gonna say I don't think Biden has the kind of political acumen to navigate that kind of chaotic and unprecedented election year.

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You're right about what a clusterfuck it would be, I'm glad you are well aware of the Sad Sorry State of the Democratic Party.

The Easy Solution for that ClusterFuck is to maybe not try to rig the primary against Sanders. But of course they won't do that. They will waste hundreds of millions of dollars to make sure they get another corporate puppet in there who has as much of a chance of winning as Biden.

That again, does not disprove the fact that Biden is deeply unpopular and his election is not a safe bet. Especially if the long predicted economic crisis comes to pass or any other number of things could happen. I would be happier if Biden himself just made more commitments to progressive issues, ending the blockade or cuba or freeing political prisoners could be done with a strike of the pen. But we know he won't do anything like that.

We picked Biden in 2020 and picking a candidate one year comes with an implicit outcome of picking them in the next election, if they win the first time.

This is strange logic honestly, as the DNC said in court in 2017 about having fair and impartial primaries "There's no contractual obligation" for us to elect him again.

That bit about waiting about 2028 is rich, why would the DNC change then? I doubt the threat of fascism would go away, they probably would have made more gains by then. They will say 'not this year, next time' forever. Maybe send that back to the thinktank and see if you can be not so transparent lol

The DNC is going to do this charade of trying to browbeat and guilt trip young and minority voters into getting out the vote like they did in 2016, and I don't think it's gonna work. because that's not how you win elections. You win elections by mobilizing voters, offering them things they want and delivering - the dems want to do everything but give people what they want and then wonder why they lose to a party 75% of the country hates

Well, I'd hate to break it to you but Kamala is a worse choice

Biden beat trump in 2020, now he is polling neck and neck with Biden, we Need to Run Someone Else or Trump is Going To Win.

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I appreciate him having the courage to say what everyone thinks, I don't now who it would be, I'm sure there are many viable candidates who would step forward, but Biden is not a safe bet in 2024.

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