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Joined 1 years ago

It's exaggerated but yes, this map really reminds me of many large Chinese cities. It's probably true every major city has a People's Square. I think the map is based on Beijing.

Somebody should tell him decibels go into the negative numbers

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Borg for backup. I'm really surprised it's not more widely known. It's an incredible piece of software.

Also, not really lesser known software, but a lesser known feature of file systems including the ones we use in FOSS operating systems: extended file attributes - useful to add metadata to files without modifying them.

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吃鸡 literally means "eat chicken" but it's just an expression and here it refers to gaming. Like "eat crow" is an English idiom that makes no sense if translated literally to other languages.

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While it's a stupid question which he wouldn't have asked a white guy, it's not wholly illegitimate. Shou Zi Chew has major business ties to Mainland China, which is not a secret.

I wonder if the process is open source or we just take their word that it's privacy preserving. Anyway, privacy is not the only problem with online advertising, so I'm not going to give up adblocking any time soon.

I'm very happy with self-hosted Vaultwarden.

It's not even called incognito in FF.

Many, but I would shout-out DAVx⁵ and Bitwarden.

Joplin as well, syching my 3 devices with the WebDAV option. I checked a few other options about a year ago and Joplin seemed the best.

Matrix was introduced a few months before Discord was launched in 2015, so better say that Discord is the proprietary and centralized alternative to Matrix 😜

Egyptian hieroglyphs used to be painted, what we see now is usually (but not always) completely faded.

Not for everyone, but self-hosting isn't so bad.

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Piper is my choice. Very easy to use from the command line, fairly good sounding voices. Prior to that, for years (decades?) I used espeak-ng, had a very robotic voice but articulated almost everything very clearly, and I got used to it so didn't actually mind.

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Baikal is lean and great. I use it and sync to my Thunderbird (using the TbSync extension) and Android phone (using DAVx⁵).

Agree about Joplin. No need for a full NextCloud instance, I use the WebDAV option which Apache has pretty much out of the box.

Hellboy - 17%

I watched it once (on an airplane 😆) and remember really enjoying it.

Not sure it satisfies your requirements but I'm quite happy with Baïkal.

Cretaceous park

Abrechnung is really good and actively developed and improving. The UI is already pretty satisfactory, and there's also an API which is needed if for example you want to bulk-import a spreadsheet, for now you have to code it a bit.

Very nice. I've been daily driving KDE for 20 years and only changed the default wallpaper once or twice.

Borg is great.

Came here to say just that. The WebDAV synchronization target is great.

I joined WhatsApp after many years of holding out, there was simply no other practical way to keep in touch with many people. The ways I mitigate the privacy concerns are:

  1. I got an international eSIM, for the purpose of cheap roaming abroad but since I now had this extra phone number not tied to my identity, I used it for WhatsApp.
  2. I installed WhatsApp using Island so it has access to just the contacts in the "work profile", that is, just people who have WhatsApp anyway.

I had the tune to Men of Harlech stuck in my head for almost 20 years, then I randomly watched a video about Wales that used it, and I was able to make the connection from there.

My thoughts exactly 😂

Digital for sure. Who has room for physical books? The physical books that I've somehow gathered over the years are the worst items I have in terms of volume (or mass) relative to their utility.

+1 for Whisper. Also, I use Piper for the reverse (text-to-speech).

Also note that if it's just for personal use, you don't have to have a domain for HTTPS. You can self sign, or create your own certificate authority, you just need to clients to trust it. But domains can be cheap or even free, so it's better to get one so you don't have to specially configure your devices.

A mid-late 24th century Starfleet runabout?

If your email server is offline then mail won't be delivered. The sender's server will retry as other have noted, but how often and how many times varies. Hosting at home, even when possible, is not a great idea in my opinion.

There are endless options for hosting out there, I don't want to name names since I only really have experience with one.

It's well past 15:00 EST and the version I get when downloading is 102.13.0 for some reason.

Edit: solved by itself after some minutes, probably a CDN thing.

I like Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace, but I’ll admit it is purely for nostalgia. I remember the ad campaign from the time, and watching the movie warps me instantly back to 1999, eating Taco Bell and playing Pod Racing on the N64. It’s not a good movie, but it brings me happiness.

I really appreciate this movie more now than I did before the sequels came out. It's a bit of that contrast, a bit of nostalgia, but I recently re-watched and quite enjoyed.

That is not my experience.