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Joined 1 years ago

So... Burnout Paradise, but with competition for fares?

I don't want to play Uber: the Game.

Open world AAA is fine. Praying they are just blowing smoke with their MMO ambitions.

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When the initial player base numbers are fucking unsustainable, this is a necessary and expected correction.

Panicked headline aside, there are still tens of thousands of players online at any given time and the game is doing extremely well at for not having had a proper expansion or new faction, and just the steady drip feed of new gear and equipment.

I long for third spaces.

The mall is an ouroboros that demands I spend. But if it had a park combined with it, if it was just a series of semi-connected strip malls around a central or spread out park/walking path I'd be there constantly.

The mall just isn't a enjoyable place to hang out unless you truly have no other choice, and even teenagers who don't are opting to hang online because it's less expensive and doesn't require transit.

True. But by the same token, if you attain a similarly high level of knowledge about Windows, you can do much of the same stuff. Including debloating it.

I mainly say this because I would love nothing more than swapping my relatives machines to Linux, but when something breaks it can be BAD and they are missing that basic background thst 3+ decades on Windows has earned them.

A vee emm you say?

Can I get that on the app store?


You gotta set the bar far, far lower. Hell being able to set up a VM easoly in a Windows home license machine is still something relatively recent, without using specialized software.

If Linux only appeals to tinkers then it will see about as much market share as 80s cars as well, and peak at single digits.

If you are someone technically inclined, I totally agree with you. But I think the newer distros in the past few years that are basically good to go after install, and feature application stores linked to reputable repos, etc, are the way forward. This takes a lot of the confusion and, frankly, fear out of attempting to use Linux for your average user.

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There's a reason welding is not a common skill.

If you're trying to proliferate welding, maybe this is a bad approach?

Aka all trucks sold, lol.

They have lots full of these oversized ugly behemoths.

No them, but even knowing what it is this is hardly a device with iPhone level popularity.

What you don't know the RG35XX? You're not down with the Orange Pi? You don't fuck with marushier stick boxes?

It's not internet vapoerware obscure, but this shit would be a distantly forgotten afterthought in another 12 months.

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Going forward, BMW says it will continue to offer subscription-based services but only for software options, like driver assistance and digital assistant services, which is completely understandable.

The fuck it is. You offer car features at time of sale. And if you want me to like your brand, at best you offer OTA or wifi updating for free to enhance the experience, and make me want to buy your next car.

You try and nickel and dime me for shit technology that has been around for 20 years, and I could give two fucks. I'll plug in my phone, ignore your entire. Infotainment and actively campaign for it to fail and blow up in your face.

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That is probably a slam dunk (minor) discrimination lawsuit. Your circumstances of birth, including the date, are not something you can be judged for.

Follow up with your ID or Birth certificate and ask "Excuse me?"

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To everyone cracking jokes about a gay uprising, it's a lot simpler than any of that.

They just want to exterminate the gays. Like literally. They want to find that portion of the population and destroy it, because they think it's disgusting and evil.

That's it. Putin and the Russian conservatives are going after gays because it's an easy win with their conservative base, and they can claim moral superiority. Also distracts from Ukraine.

If you are gay in Russia... Its a very bad time to be gay in Russia.

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Cry harder billionaire.

Literally made his money on exploitation and lies. SpaceX is amazing, but built on much smarter minds; he was just the wallet. And he bought Tesla and has been lying and overpromising since he did.

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It's official: note taking app with 0 advantages over just plain ass notes synced via cloud signs death warrant.

For real, FOSS software that saves to a file folder and does all of this exists. They are just chasing us into their arms.

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Yo if you are doing COBOL systems maintenance for 90k you arent charging enough.

That's all this meme means. Consultants on COBOL maintenance can make 90k in a week. This is not the area where companies pinch pennies.

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How anti-semetic of them. Don't they know you can't do that?

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Go back with a decent pay bump (obviously he needs them) and with a plan to bolt ASAP. Continue your job search while you collect a higher temporary salary.

Terrible move from Elon as it shows he has no negotiating power.

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"Microsoft wants to charge rent on all games on all platforms."

Gamepass is like early Netflix. It's a good value now. But once it reaches a large enough subscriber base, it fundamentally takes over publishing. Everyone copies the model because consumers are trained not to buy, and you wind up literally unable to buy things outright anymore.

Don't think it happens? Try watching the Willow TV series on Disney Plus.

I hate paying perpetual rent in items I should own. I recognize gamepass is a good value, but still would rather own a game forever than see Nintendo and Sony take this same approach.

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Spoken like someone who doesn't rely on that skill to eat. Well done.

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I love that the game is such a CPU hogging mess that LTT used it to test over clocking a brand new AMD thread ripper and the game still ran like garbage even on one of the fastest and most multithreaded CPUs that exist.

I love Cities Skylines but whatever is happening in 2 is a three alarm fire and needs to be fixed.

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I hope he wins, and the fine makes Microsoft's eyes water. Everyone need to slow the fuck down with this, and they won't until there are real painful consequences.

MS can drop billions on game company acquisitions like it's no big deal? Cool, give this guy 1 billion dollars for randomly singling him out and automated-accusing him of sex crimes.

Maybe then all the tech bros might pause for 3 seconds before they keep feeding shit into their models illegally.

Port it then, you coward, lol.

Winamp hasn't seen real development in 20 years, and was exclusively a windows app at that time. What're you expecting?

Will not face charges in a court of law.

The law exists to avoid mob rule. When the law completely abandons any pretense of justice, that's when mobs become emboldened by necessity.

This is not only a good way to handle media, it's one of the best.

It blows my goddamn mind that TV manufacturers didn't develop a streaming portal "endpoint" player and band together to require content from Netflix/Hulu/etc meet that standard for delivery. It's made TVs just app boxes.

Can you just imagine being able to see what is available on all services from one interface, all at once, and then start a stream of it seamlessly from whichever you movie profile page you have access to?

Instead we have half-assed lookup apps in some TVs that even when they find it a film then just launch a separate app.

Build a good Plex library and never look back. Buy Blurays and DVDs and lookup how to automate good handbrake encoding. Once you know how, you can honest to god automate most of it, and in my case, I have it auto-launch and rip any disc if it detects a Blu-ray film or DVD film and drop the resulting file in my NAS storage to be sorted. Blurays drives are cheap too now, so you can buy 2-3 and dump a whole library in just a few days.

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You said product, and I mean this legitimately. Not because of meme hate or hating on what is trendy, but because it is and has been a tool of the CCP. This isn't really in question, and it was one of the first large platforms to entirely erase the idea of a timeline and fully devote itself only to a algorithm feed. One that bytedance has put their finger on the scales of many times.

The effect this has is hard to quantify, but the postmortem on it is going to be incredible as we unpack exactly how much this influenced the trends and politics among zoomers, and to what extent.

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"Playstation is a drug"

It's edgy marketing. You're not wrong it's also clearly sexualizing her, but they're pushing a console like a party drug.

On the one hand, it's a very dated ad, on the other I really wish marketing companies would do weird shit like this more. Just maybe with a bit less sex appeal?

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Okay, now do it when the phone is broken.

Fucking good. Long overdue.

I love some EVs, but I drove a Polestar 2 and a Model 3 on road trips for work in California. Never again. The nighttime driving experience is miserable imo, and the issues with the lack of stalks and buttons is real.

The Polestar is the only car to ever make me so angry I had to pull over. It had some kind of sensor issue, and decided the right way to notify my at 80mph on the highway was to A) cover my gate cluster with the error notification B) disengage my cruise control suddenly, at 80mph, and C) begin beeping.

I almost drove my rental into the Pacific Ocean out of spite.

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More of the same here. This is extremely depressing news.

It sucks that running a successful business can never be enough.

Prepare for Pi to start going closed source and fighting against "copycat" SBC boards. It'll take a generation to see the enshittification set in, but Orange Pi and other similar projects are going to be the winners in a strictly profit based comparison.

Setting the shittiness aside, once again a horseshit patent award. This is not a novel or innovative idea. It's a stupid fucking limitation on others if entertained.

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Legally, you own a disc, and a limited license to view the contents of the disc.

It's effectively full ownership, but this same "limited license" model is how they fuck you over digitally, because without the disc, they can, at any time, revoke that limited license legally, because it was limited and they never granted full ownership. This is why the legality of pirating a movie you already own on Blu-ray is morally correct but legally wrong, because your license only grants you that one disc, in that one format.

I fucking hate it. The fact we dont have better property laws for media and IP is insane.

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Hate the Israeli government and their actions.

Do not hate Jews. Ever.

One is a state. The other is a race of people.

If you must, hate Judaism even. Do not hate Jews.

One is a faith. The other is a people.

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Congrats in building stalking software right into the OS.

A bunch of abusive relationships about to get a whole lot worse when the other party can track literally everything they do.

Google keeps locking tons of Android features away behind their own privatized software stack.

Better for Google, but they are cutting their nose to spite their face here, as Android as a whole suffers for it.

Stuff like call screening in the android dialer would be possible on any brand of device. But no, pixel only.

The pixels have the very best android experience. It comes close to iPhone. But pixels aren't the whole market. Overall Google is trying to claw back control of the entire platform and I hate it.

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To do this without being a helicopter manager, state clearly to them what your goal is. Most employees will work with you if the end result is wfh without a nannycam. Explain you need a way to confirm work product in a way that management can approve of without being too invasive, and keeping on pace with in office work.

In truth, you should not care if they slack off half the day as long as they produce quality work product at a similar rate. Wfh is fewer interruptions and meetings, and means already they will have more "free" time. This is a management principle that is hard to accept, but insisting on the appearance of work is detrimental. Obviously this varies based on the type of work, but yours sounds like a software development situation. "so long as your reports are filed and your queue is cleared every 48 hours, your pace is up to you".

Give them the rope to hang themselves with. Tell them that's what you're doing. Maybe one dev prefers to go easy then crunch for 6 hours on the 2nd of that 2 day cycle, for example.

Ultimately you cannot teach people to be responsible but you get far more positive results from treating people with trust and positivity than with skepticism and monitoring. That makes you less a team and more "the other".

Obviously this advice may not apply in your situation but in general try where you can to apply this in principle.

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Oh yea, but you're already mentally out the door. You take extra cash and you just collect "easy money" while you shop around the resume or get you big moving plans finished up.

I advocate for two things, oddly things I never would have in earlier internet:

  • Paid forums. A one time payment for registration.

  • Strict rules and quick bans. But allow offenders to buy back in. Permaban for serious offenses. .

Why? Because if it costs you $10 or 15 to re-activate after screwing around, you're much more likely to read the room and not fuck around too much with others. It encourages users to point out bad behavior, and mods to act decisively. If the mods or management totally suck, then it can go sour, but that's true of any community.

In this case though it can at least partially help to offset costs from shitty users, and keep bots at bay by making them cost a registration fee.

I don't love it as a "solution", but when Facebook was small, people behaved better. But now people post the most unhinged shit ever under their full legal name, so no amount of daylight is going to put the proverbial trolls back in their cages. Just gotta lock them out of civil spaces.

You wanna talk about Honda engine tuning here with us? Don't be a fucking asshole, or get banned.

You wanna chat with fans of 50s cinema and the rise of modern camera film technique? Do it without brining up woke/trump/biden/Covid or get out.

I like that we have free stuff like lemmy and reddit for now, but bots are getting far, far worse.

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It sounds odd to say it, but before apps, when they were websites, these services were a lot more unique.

As apps, since match group owns them all, they all eventually degrade into Tindr but worse somehow.

The swiping for hot or not fundamentally is superficial and suited to hooking up. So why is it added to dozens of services claiming to make deeper connections?

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Yes. Because Microsoft lost an entire gigantic anti-trust case over building the Browser into the OS.

Of course it loaded faster when MS poisoning the well of open web standards with embrace and extend.

And we have the records to prove this.

Ob it's far stupider and more deadly: hooking up your personal little generator so you can backfeed electricity to your house during a power outage.

It's even more stupid and deadly than it sounds.

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I mean, this was also before video cards cost as much as some used cars or more than a month's rent for some people.

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