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The population is actually tipped to massively reduce on the next 100 years due to a large portion of people not have babies simply due to crappy economic conditions, inflation, war the lying flat movement in china and the ever increasing destruction of the middle class into the homeless poor. Aside from rich people destroying peoples ability to have happy lives, there's also the plastic problem that's quite literally made every male living thing have a reduced sperm count and it continues to drop as plastic is in the air, our clothes carpet and oceans. Endocrine disruptors in our bodies are being effected by chemicals found in vinyl products, thermal receipts and Tupperware releasing chemicals when heated in microwaves. These things are so small they enter the bloodstream and pass through the blood brain barrier.. Fuuuck

So if you want to save the future start by sniping off rich oligarchs and ban plastic completely

9 more...

Anytime a government mentions privatising something, it sells a public asset for pennys in the dollar, which cuts quality of service to make a profit and as a result drives up its cost as the government that sold it pockets a commission to use as a war chest against its opposition.

It basically privatises the profit and socialises the debt. So instead of government debt (which is easier to pay off as governments don't die like humans do and they get better rates of interest) it becomes public debt ie people become impoverished.

Recently economists in Australia have come to the realisation that inflation by in large isn't caused by regular citizens as much as it by large private profits from ceos and executive pay packets and tax avoidance of the companies in general.

Taxing the large corporate empires that sneak into Argentina and pay little to no tax would not only address the cause of Argentinas inflation it would reduce the debt and pay for vital services like medical, roads, education etc..

An example that comes to mind is all the foreign mining companies that literally steal the wealth out the ground of your country and pay nothing to the people that live there.

Like what currently happens in most countries with conservatard governments in power

But don't tell the Yanks they'll replace your government before you can whistle Yankee doodle Gough Whitlam! Cough cough

I would love this in Australia, all the private school soccer mums would revolt!

Was gonna leave a comment here, but everything I could have said has been. Its heart warming to see so many people using their brains and backbone to speak out against this kind of bullshit. Although it probably won't stop it being passed.

Unless you could pass a law to stop old people from voting as they have less skin in the game then a child does.

Its such bullshit that all the US jeebus freaks think its somehow gods will and "Christ like" to deny people that are starving most of which are kids btw. Denying aid which would be easy to pass honestly before a cease fire is fucking cruel. So much for "good guy" america

Time to kick the US to the curb. Fuck em and their Christian BS. Do what must be done rest of the world. Permanent trade sanctions for Israel!

Not that this is to do with image generation I've always thought translating legal jargon down to a single paragraph in English would be a good purpose for AI. Imagine bullet points of all the major things you're handing over when clicking "I agree" on a apple terms and agreement?

If discord supported activitypub protocol it'd be great to use open source chat platforms like matrix or Lemmy with however I wouldn't hold my breath. :/

Its not genocide when our friends do it

Perhaps look at distros that support gaming put of the box like Nobara or Pop-OS, my personal goto is Manjaro running KDE with Wayland display manager as it feels quite fast and snappy. But being an arch based distro mean you'd have to do a bit of tinkering (Which isn't really that hard tbh) then you can tell people "BTW I use Arch" heh heh

Go to terminal and type in top .. Maybe something like fs-miner is chewing CPU cycles? File indexing can sometimes do this.

Time to kick the US to the curb. Fuck em and their Christian BS. Do what must be done rest of the world. Permanent trade sanctions for Israel!

Why on earth is this picture showing the Truenas scale webgui?

Fighting over scraps really in a country where depopulation is reducing Italy to just a powerless retirement village full of old people

Passing laws that violate peoples privacy should only be passed by a vote from the people. This is bullshit

Give people a weeks notice that you're going to turn the whole of Israel, Gaza and everything else in this little religious hot hole into a glass bowl nuclear style. Repatriate the people all over the earth equally. They've fought over these silly little "holy" spots for too long. Its time to take their toys off them and make them sit in a corner.

A linux vpn gui that connects to a universal api for all vpns that reports load and location to allow automatic switching for fastest VPN speeds all the times. Possibly with the ability to multiplex the packets to two or more VPN providers for better obfuscation. And with a nice GUI that has presets for popular vpns

Jews, the new nazies

Is nixos very upstream? I kinda like the idea of creating an immutable script that assembles my os just how I like, configured installed and ready with flatpaks for apps so they're all sitting securely in their respective boxes. I think this is also Chris Fishers preference as well ;)

Vote for gun control if you're American, its worked in Australia and New Zealand. Or vote for any party that advocates for the intake of refugees. Beyond that build an iron man suit fly over and lay down the law :p

So its bad when Nazi's kill people indiscriminately, but when Jews do it to Palestinians that's totally fine?

Half of the Gaza strips population are kids under 15, this cunt deserve a slow torturous fucking death for what he's done.

If this fuck knuckle had an ounce of human decency, he could of simply annexed the Gaza strip to Egypt. Theyre at least tolerant of both Christians and Muslims.

Looks like pirating content won't just be for expensive streaming services yarrr

Australia would have had nationalised land and ocean resources like Denmark has right now. We would have been trillions in the black if it weren't for Richard Nixon and Queen Elizabeth dismissing the then Prime minister Gough Whitlam back in the day!

From memory I think Qt has ties to proprietary software which doesn't make it properly open source. I'm surprised the KDE team havnt looked at trying to move away from QT based on this

OK if no one else will say it.. David Cop-a-feel?

Ahh a win for hate and bigotry!

Torrent based software installs and updates, to reduce workloads on Linux servers

If only they could build housing underground, the need for heating or cooling greatly reduces. But this would require India to have decent infrastructure, planning and foresight. Hard to do with so much religous / political nonsense (caste system + modi ) standing in the way of progress

Could also look at tailscale, set it up on you home PCs and mobile devices, set the magic DNS to a home server or vps running pihole. If you don't like the aspect of tailscale being controlled by a third party you could self host that part using headscale on docker as well