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I would love to see him in jail for this, but hear me out: I want to see him lose everything in New York first… and he didn’t actually break the gag order. Which makes me want to gag saying it, but here we are.

Trump’s strategy his entire life has been trying to find ways to flout the rules and make money. He thinks he’s “clever” by not paying people he owes and constantly fucking people over; that he’s a good businessman despite all the failures and obvious fraud.

The gag order specifically states that Trump can’t talk about the Judge’s staff. So he goes around that by going back to attacking the judge himself and the Letitia James… who aren’t covered by any gag order because they’re public officials, not court staff. Trump is once again just toeing the line of what could get him in actual trouble. He is genuinely a piece of shit.

All that being said, keep in mind that that the overall punishment is currently happening. It may not be Trump in jail, ever, because he’s a turd no one can seem to flush. But just, for a second, imagine a New York without the word Trump plastered on it. It will eat him alive for the rest of his life. And that’s not all that’s happening to him; I don’t think the rest of his life is going to be super fun for him. He seems miserable.

The dude desperately wanted to be accepted by New York’s elite; his dad owned shitty buildings in Queens (I think, someone can correct me if I’m wrong) so when Donald made it to Manhattan — where the ultra-wealthy live — it was huge for his ego. He’s been riding that ever since, except that high society still knows he’s dumb trash. His insecurity shows in how he acts, what he says, and how he talks about everything being so luxurious. He’s desperate to be accepted by the old world elite, but they despise him.

And now they’re scrubbing his entire legacy from New York. Not because they hate him, but because he’s very obviously a fraud. I don’t know if there could be a more direct rebuke to his actual “life’s work.” They’re erasing him.

Edited a typo

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Thank you!

I could keep going, I am here for Trump’s slow miserable downfall. I want him to definitely not be in politics ever again, but I’m currently enjoying watching him get his ass handed to him. Over and over again.

He’s still facing lots of felonies too. Imagine having to keep going to court, and you’re being photographed all slouching next to the only attorneys who will work with you.

Not good lawyers, either. He made a choice in 2020 to try to stay in power by any means necessary, which meant aligning himself with Rudy Giuliani and a bunch of other “crazies,” which is literally what Mike Pompeo called them. After that, lawyers wouldn’t go near him, which is why that group is kind of the last Trump lawyers you heard a ton of detail about. Now they change all the time because no one with a name will work with him. Not only does he have several huge cases coming up, he can’t even get good lawyers.

He already lost this case, that’s why he’s so upset. And he might be coming to terms with the next year or more of his life sitting in court and being told what to do. It’s gotta be kind of a slap in the face. AND to have to go to New York to do it, which he hates now.

If he doesn’t spend the rest of his life looking miserable in court, he will look miserable honking into a microphone, or next to his very obviously miserable wife. Without good lighting he looks like the melting guy from the end of Robocop.

I want to watch him be miserable until he dies, and all of this has to be complete hell for a narcissist like him.

Oh I just read about Disney doing that to the guy who wrote the original Star Wars novelizations, I think. They assumed all of Lucasfilm’s assets but not their liabilities, including royalty agreements.

It’s insane that this “works” for companies the size of Disney and Lucasfilm.

“I’ve been beaten into accepting it.”

Ooooh, I feel dumb that I didn’t pick up on this before.

I knew about movies (Top Gun and all) but not other things, for whatever reason.

If someone is releasing, say, a western XCom clone and expecting Baldur’s Gate 3 level success, they might have another thing coming… Since it would have a niche audience.

Like, obviously I’m not talking about games like Baldur’s Gate 3 here, I assumed that was obvious from context but I may not know what Lamplighter’s League is like!

I was assuming it was more like Hard West, or Wargroove, the Fire Emblem series, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics… there’s a difference between a specific genre and games that are turn-based and require strategy. Hopefully that makes sense.

Also half of the games you listed are pretty old (10+ years). Yeah, it’s a bit niche. But go off weirdo

There’s also the Mario + Rabbids series which is still pretty niche if you’re asking me.

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It is!!

Someone might assert that, “All toupees look fake. I've never seen a good toupee.” This is an example of neglecting the base rate because if I had seen good toupees, I wouldn't know it.

Thanks, I love learning names for these things when they come up!

This is an excellent question and I await the responses to see if anyone used other characters.

Peach was the character I used the most for sure.

This was immensely interesting, thanks for taking the time to put it together!

Oh damn cry-bully is so good

I just want to say, I don’t think you’re the village idiot. The fediverse is honestly pretty confusing right now and I would have expected what you used to work too.

This list is so comprehensive, I’ve been looking at it for quite a while and found lots of communities I hadn’t seen before. Thanks for posting it!

Haha! I read it as twenty-firth

You may like BroForce, a run-and-gun game where you unlock different characters as you go. I had a really good time with coop!

Whoa where’d you get a lightweight one??

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Not only that, but the insistence on seeing everything as zero-sum is fucking ridiculous.

“Well we didn’t even take down a massive corporation with an install base of hundreds of millions!! Hmph. Why even bother ☹️”

How old are these people? Are they for real? Lol

According to the Associated Press, the company that sold the lectern is Beckett Events, LLC. It’s an event planning company in Virginia founded by a former lobbyist.

Sometimes I feel like it’s nice to know that you got there. Even for a minute! I’ll take it. Haha

I think I have hope, too, that I’ll get back there.

I know that mango sticky rice is a popular Thai dessert, but I’m curious about other ways people eat it too!

I will say, as someone who used rTorrent some time ago to automate torrent downloading and whatnot, it was awesome. I’m glad to see it still going and gaining popularity.

Stable software doing its job out of the way is what I want.

When the original Walking Dead comic books came out around 2003 I was just getting back into comics and I remember reading Robert Kirkman’s ideas about what he wanted it to be.

This is exactly what he said. That the original classic zombie movies that he liked — mostly the Romero Living Dead ones — were stories about the people trying to survive. The zombies are secondary and, sometimes, even kind of ridiculous (see Dawn of the Dead, one of my favorite movies).

I thought the Walking Dead TV show and the comics after a certain point went into more gore porn, so I tuned out.

But you’re 100% right for me. George Romero made zombie movies to look at people. Not the zombies.

I started playing Monster Hunter Rise! I’ve played Monster Hunter: World before for a bit, so I understand something of how it works.

That didn’t stop me from trying to skip ahead in quests and getting pummeled a bunch of times though. Whoops!

I’m also finally trying to get a little further in American Truck Simulator. I’ve had it for a few years and have struggled to play consistently.

I just want to second saying you’d Google it in the interview if it comes up. I got my first job because of this in software engineering a long time ago.

Interviewer: “If you didn’t know how to solve a technical problem, what’s the first thing you’d do?” Me: “Well… to be honest, I’d probably Google it…” Interviewer: “Oh yeah that’s actually exactly what we want!”

It did feel stupid to say at the time but it made sense after.

They were advertising it on the Paradox launcher for a while on Cities Skylines and it seemed like kind of a large risk for Paradox but I don’t exactly know why I felt that way.

It seemed like too much advertising for a turn-based tactics game or something. I like turn-based tactics games but it’s certainty a niche genre.

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rClone is so awesome! It does so much that I wanted for so long.

Oh the OP repo is based on rClone, I didn’t realize. Even better!

A quote I think about is “a falling knife has no handle.”

I’ve never dropped a knife but I’m hoping if I do I’ll be prepared!

You might already know this, but I was curious. It seems you’ll if you eat a snail itself hiding in lettuce or something. So as long as you’re washing your lettuce and looking at your produce, you’re fine.

What a gross dare though. Lol

Oh hey, this was essentially my experience too, but with the Walking Dead comic! The TV series used plot points from the comic book and I think you can kinda tell where the TV series’ success started affecting the comic and the whole thing turned into an ouroboros of trying to maintain the success of a flashy zombie TV show.

I think maybe it was inevitable. Robert Kirkman’s original idea of a never-ending human drama surrounded by the pressures of zombies doesn’t seem profitable long-term without insane character deaths and (more) deliberate gore porn.

Unimportant fun fact, it’s actually “bury the lede,” but I’m here because I couldn’t remember why it was “lede” in the first place.

They spelled it “lede” to distinguish it from actual text to be printed so the ledes in the newspapers wouldn’t all accidentally be printed with “Lead: Mayor Opens New Waterslide.”

It was misspelled on purpose in the 1950s and now it’s a word that means something specific. Newspaper jargon is so interesting, like even “above the fold” and “slug” carried over to web development.

Anyway, great work OP! (With an extra fact)

  1. SimFarm was so much fun! I had a system using oranges that got me huge profitable farms but I haven’t played in quite a while so I don’t remember the specifics
  2. SimAnt, which I borrowed on 3.5” floppy and managed to “win,” which felt like an accomplishment.
  3. SimCity 2000 had such satisfying graphics and I loved building beautiful utopias with infinite money. Still do this with Cities: Skylines!
  4. SimCopter. I spent hundreds of hours flying around cities I built in SimCity 2000.
  5. SSX Tricky or SSX 3, with updated graphics.

I opened it just to see some of the photos, and my browser crashed. The photos aren’t even good, don’t even open the link.

I don’t think I realized Kotaku had gotten this bad. Yikes!

Any upgrade is a good upgrade with office chairs, I feel!

Sorry about the temporary downgrade though

SimAnt is a really good one! I never had SimEarth, but I played SimAnt and SimFarm to death

Kept meaning to come back to this thread and talk about OpenTTD! I’ve been a Transport Tycoon game since I was fourteen or so! I love getting sucked in to a new transportation empire.


I use it for everything I can. Config files, private text documents, MUD maps… everything I can put into source control goes into source control.

I don’t know what it is, I just love git.

I get it, I did an accidental rm -rf / something about twenty years ago and I’m still careful.

I caught it pretty quickly, but I had to spend a lot of time panicking and redownloading system files. I was in college at the time so it felt like changing parts on a speeding car.

I actually had a Zenith Space Command!! Lol

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Mine still worked through college I think! Mine was kind of small but nearly indestructible. Lasted from 1986 to at least 2004.

And I think I just left it by the street or something, still working. I can’t even remember!

Space commanders unite!

I’m always curious about how hard it is to make insane nonsense that’s hard to disprove. Like, 100% randomization seems like it could be easier to detect vs. more believable things added by people.

So then you have to spend time making it believable…

Lmao you’re so fixated on sim racing, you responded to it twice in the same post!

We can say that about anything, but lots of us choose not to because it’s more fun. You should try, it’s not hard.

“A flight simulator doesn’t feel like actually flying.” “Reading a book isn’t like actually being there.”


Are you playing Baldur’s Gate 3 as a monkey Putin, by any chance?