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Joined 5 months ago

The most exciting result of scientific discovery is "well that's odd."

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Did narcissistic sociopaths use a crisis to pursue personal gain?

The SWAT team was looking for guns and other material related to a carjacking that had occurred that morning.

So it wasn't for the airpods themselves, but rather airpods being in the stolen car was how they attempted to find the carjackers. While the police definitely screwed up, the article author is going out of their way to create the most rage inducing headline possible.

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The fact that some people are surprised by this finding really shows the disconnect between the tech community and the rest of the population.

CEOs: AI will help us lower our carbon emissions!

CEOs when they actually get their hands on AI:

Seriously. They're actually betting against their own long term survival and it's baffling.

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Bring back support for Windows 7 and Windows 10 will die overnight.

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Requiem for a Dream is an incredibly powerful film that is worth watching once, then never again.

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That was always the point of digitizing the world. It's crazy to me that people didn't see it coming, but it's nice that people are actually taking notice now.

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Not doing so opens the doors to racketeering.

That's the idea.

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They "trust me," dumb fucks

Social media not being the focus of every government, advertising agency and activist organization in existence.

they haven’t done anything yet


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Eh... It's more than just paying, but that a lot of the stuff which is now a standard microtransaction used to be integrated into the total experience, so you'd unlock outfits and such for finding secrets or completing challenges. That sort of content was integral to the over all experience, not just an extra to tack on as an afterthought.

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Get this game. Endless Legend is a good deal at full price.

Makes you wonder about all those really poorly drawn animals from the middle ages.

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Well sure MS-13 may be a brutal trafficking gang known for extreme violence, but they haven't done anything to ME yet.

Plenty do. You just don't associate with that segment of society and it doesn't make headlines.

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Oh wow! Something beneficial to his case just randomly washed up at his home? God must be rewarding him for being such an honest lawyer.

How does not having a social media account keep people away from information? You can browse most social media sites without an account, and most actual information is hosted on other sites anyways.

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Started with Gen X, which is why the baby boomers retiring is creating such a desperate demographic crisis. Nobody wants to buy into such an obviously corrupt system, which has rewarded every consecutive generation with less and less compensation despite the abundantly obvious massive advances in productivity. People are realizing that most of their work is not at all about generating value, but instead is all about occupying their time and energy in an apparent attempt to reduce competition.

Because the only way most people interact with vegans is through activists using it as a bludgeon to project hate towards them.

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Before 2016 posts moved extremely fast. There used to be a joke that the entire front page was new every time you refreshed it. After The_Donald figured out how to game their algorithm to dominate the front page, reddit took advantage of the opportunity to neuter the algorithm completely so that it was more advertiser friendly. Now the front page remains static for most of the day, so sponsored advertiser posts get more exposure.

Whoa whoa whoa, have you been playing too many online games recently? Because your views are sounding a little bit extreme there...

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It's taking over everything that corporations touch. Despite all their attempts to hide and distract from their problems, they only keep mounting because they refuse to accept the fundamental truth that it is literally impossible to strictly control the entire population the way that their systems are designed to work. Computer technology and the Internet have ironically actually solved our problems, not by controlling what people do, but rather by accelerating the enshitification process to a pace where their bullshit becomes abundantly obvious to everyone.

Clearly a theoretical hyper-intelligent machine will think exactly the same way I do.


They can't make anything else because the creative types who can actually come up with interesting and compelling new ideas don't get along with the business types that aggressively invaded the video game industry the instant it started making lots of money.

You'd like to think that, but the entire industry is currently collapsing in upon itself because they've spent so long doubling and tripling down on things that nobody was buying already. They won't even think twice about driving beloved studios off a cliff in the pursuit of their corporate wet dreams.

Reminds me of when Bill Gates went to Saudi Arabia and argued for equal rights because it would double their workforce.

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Things like this make me wonder if the uncanny valley exists because we've previously developed computer technology in the past, and it destroyed civilization, taking with it everyone who couldn't easily distinguish between humans and AI.

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Installing democratic control

Unfortunately the nature of these enterprises makes that prohibitively difficult to accomplish, not only for regulating them, but also for protecting democratic controls elsewhere. One of the big difficulties in tech security is just how much is happening inside black boxes where nobody can actually verify the process.

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Far too many game studios came to view themselves as either a money printer or a political advocacy group first, and a game publisher only as a distant second, as a means to that end. Predictably, people have been losing interest in AAA gaming. Turns out that, whatever you want to say about the content of a game, creating a GOOD game that people genuinely enjoy playing is indeed an art, and a game planed and directed by a marketing research department has all the artistic appeal of a commercial.

Because games took a very noticeable turn for the worse when microtransactions were introduced. Go play some older games and they're full of secrets and unlockables. Not only did you get much of the very same content, for free, but it was usually a lot more fun and engaging to find/collect everything than just forking over some money. It's not just games either, the entire business model of declining quality so they can sell you the same things over and over again for more and more money is permeating everything in society and people are getting really ticked off.

It would be widely adopted already if it didn't have that one nasty side effect where it reveals how the artificial control structures implemented and enforced through a state monopoly on violence are based more upon maximizing profits and serving personal pet interests than actually attempting to build and maintain a robust and coherent society.

Completely different style of game though. The one thing that WoW has going for it is really good end game dungeon/raid content. Other games like GW2 and FFXIV have end game dungeons and raids, but the difference in quality is extreme.

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Looks like a Michael Jackson impersonator.

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It's hardly an idea that I only just formed from a headline. It's something I've been thinking about for a long time, which only seems to collect more support as time goes on. One of the most prominent events I can recall was when TwitchCon built a foam pit for people to jump into, with a single layer of foam blocks over solid concrete, then even after a girl broke her back in it they still kept going. Computers are doing something very weird to people's brains.

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Doesn't even take direct pressure from others. Getting published is one of the best ways to gain access to funds/resources, and just as with every other profession many will succumb to the temptation to take shortcuts or fudge the truth in the pursuit of money and/or prestige. I knew one woman who gave up on pursuing a career in cultural anthropology because she had come to believe that getting published was more of an exercise in creative writing than in actual science.