
0 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Shut the duck up you nazi

What the fuck mate.

Trump literally just said "time to finish the problem" regarding the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

I know it's a shit choice, but it's the choice between the status quo of global imperialism, or global imperialism AND domestic fascism.

I don't want either of these things, but I really don't want to get executed at home.

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From 'tater Dick to Dictator - Donald Trump's Tumultuous Struggle to Get It Up

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How is this defendable in any way?

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Keeping the same personality and opinions despite new experiences and perspectives is a giant red flag.

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Trump said he'd make the courts partisan and he did exactly that. Now we have some of the most extreme right wing federal courts, and an extremist christofascist supreme court.

Alabama declared that IVF embryos are children. A federal court is arguing that FDA overstepped in approval of mifeprostone, an abortifacient and uterotonic medication that is considered essential to first world medical care. Roe v. Wade overturned. Gay marriage on the docket. Interracial marriage in their sights.

Do you really want to have Gilead at home?

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"An exceptionally small minority of people..."

You dropped this.

Seriously, who calls it the Fourth Reich?

The demented level of factory farming had nothing to do with human overpopulation, but everything to do with human culture's demand for animal products that are entirely unnecessary for survival. If we change our culture to eliminate animal products, we will eliminate a huge source of wasted resources and labor. Think of how much less plant agriculture would be required if we didn't have to feed 33 billion chickens, almost two billion sheep, a billion and a half cattle, a billion pigs.

If we just grew food we can eat, instead of wasting land, effort, and resources both directly and indirectly supporting animal agra, we wouldn't have such huge problems.

"But baaaaaaconnnnnn." "I can't liiiiiive without eeeeegggggs." "Cheeseburgers taaaaaaaste too good give up" "it's because there's too many huuuuuumanssss"

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But alcohol is cool right? Tobacco?

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I look forward to buying an EV with a usb-c charging port.

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You don't speak for all leftists.

Signed, a leftist.

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Might also be the very American perception that you're a bitch if you drive anything smaller than a battle tank.

So dealers don't want to stock anything but Ford F150s

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Texas has made an issue over their independence and God-given right to be Texas, in defense of their the right to own chattel slavery since their first secession. From Mexico. In 1836.

Texas reconfirmed their desire to die on the hill of their divine right to own people, by seceding from the US in 1861.

After the civil war, Texas was a haven for the Confederates - and their ideology has been fomenting ever since

They've been talking of secession openly since at least the 1990s.

I think this is the first time since the civil war that other states have involved their national guards in support of a hotbed issue that could lead to a secession.

Edit: correction to grammatical error.

We're probably like 3 or 4 main timeline events away from this becoming a legitimate state policy - and it's not much longer before it is made into a reality TV show for public entertainment.

I am skeptical of such a "great wealth transfer."

This argument presupposes that a significant portion of boomers will actually have wealth to bequeath. Yes, boomers as a class control more of the wealth - but how evenly is this wealth distributed amongst individual boomers? Of the total wealth controlled by their class, how much is owned by any individual?

I suspect that the median boomer does not own very much as an individual. Think of this: How many boomers own their house/car(s) outright? Have a high value 401k, IRA, or a pension? (do pensions even exist anymore?) How many have anything saved for retirement? These are the things that constitute inheritance for most people, and I doubt that the majority are sitting on such a dragon's hoard of treasure, if you will.

What's worse, this argument must also presuppose that the collective wealth of boomers will be available to pass down - and will not be entirely consumed by medical debt, elder care costs, or a combination of the two.

Even if we set the first issue aside by making the (very generous) assumption that 98% of boomers have managed to obtain the highest tier middle class level of wealth - mortgage paid off, no other debts, solid retirement savings, max social security etc - how much will be left after years of paying for routine health maintenance, acute hospital admissions, general elder care, nursing home care, etc. How much goes to inheritance/estate taxes (in states that have it), legal fees that are common at end of life, ...and lest we forget, funeral costs?

For these reasons, I find it foolish to assume Gen X and Millennials will be economically buoyed by inheritance. Some will, sure. But most won't.

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Adguard and pihole rely on DNS redirects - googs has already implemented "secure DNS" for Chrome in Android, which circumvents network level/local DNS by connecting to a Google owned DNS, serving content using those listings instead.

They'll likely bring this to all flavors of Chrome.

Yes, one should use Firefox. Yes that could also avoid the android problem, but also no, because Google forces chrome at weird times (eg, some apps will load a minimal web viewer for hyperlinks links, without leaving the app - sometimes apps don't respect the default browser setting and instead just use chrome.


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Bruh - where'd anyone say there isn't a genocide happening in Ukraine?

Let me be clear: The question of Russia's genocide of Ukrainians is no less uncertain than Israel's genocide of Palestinians. If one is genocide, both are genocide.

You're acting like this is some big-brained, "checkmate atheists" point you're making, but it completely falls apart when you consider who is and isn't getting help.

The US is arming Ukraine in it's defense against genocide.

The US is arming Israel in the perpetration of genocide.

If the US was arming Russia instead of Ukraine, you could bet your ass that "the kids" would be "whining" about it just the same, and you'd still be calling it manufactured outrage.

On the other hand - this all begs the question - would the US be so readily aiding Ukraine if the population weren't white and culturally similar? What if the Palestinians were white and christian?

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Out of complete ignorance - do Purdue or Tyson even run their own hatcheries/coops?

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Tell me you don't understand anarchism without telling me you don't understand anarchism.

I'm sorry, they did what? Out of the loop on this one, but that guy is fucking brain cancer

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I mean, being President should be a real job too, but that kind of ended in 2001 when we hired a moron. Obama would have done the job if the GOP had let him, instead of being so obsessed with his ethnicity.

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Microsoft ad is probably the real reason, but also Microsoft's search engine shares the last name of the character Matthew Perry played on friends.

Hey, if you're fortunate enough to have access to a toilet, you too can have a bidet. The toilet seat adapter kind can be had for around $30. Not nothing, but also not bank breaking.

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message of blaming other groups as problematic.

Blames other people.

Good for you for working towards eating less meat, and caring about your heart health! Meat is definitely not good for the cardiovascular system, but it's important to keep in mind that these meat alternative products are not healthier, even though they're plant-based. Those products should still be eaten in moderation, just as with red meats, because they're both really high in saturated fat and sodium. They, like meat, also tend to char when cooked, and char is loaded with carcinogens and oxidants. (even though that taste can be divine...)

Anyway - for me, meat alternatives were a helpful introduction to the plant-based/vegan diet, and emboldened me to try out other plant based recipes. "Vegan" can be such a loaded term, but there are a lot of good recipes out there with the term. Search for recipes incorporating tempeh as the protein source - it's a bit easier to cook than tofu, which often gets a bad rap for being bland when it's usually just been cooked incorrectly (it requires some preparation/a good marinade and sauce/specific handling and patience to cook it well, but I digress). Tempeh is more forgiving, in that it carries more flavors/textures of its own, which are complimented well by many sauces.

Thanks, did you know your username is a Dutch phrase meaning "headhunter"?

It could also be Norwegian, meaning "cup snails."

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What makes you think it's anti-CRT?

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Uh... not op... but, are you saying you're sitting at some console, browsing lemmy while waiting to get the go ahead to launch nukes?

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States' rights?

I really don't care, do u?

Guess you're against homebrew beer, wine, and meade too?

While you're at at, you should also propose bans on privately grown tobacco and coffee too.

These are all mind altering substances.

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That's...that's not where radios go...or phones for that matter...

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For real - is that a new car for ants?

Everyone in the neighborhood is now safer because that fucktard can't go blowing holes in his walls when he gets scared at night.

It doesn't matter.

Even if the third party candidate was literally the best candidate possible in the eyes of every American - they still wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell at getting elected under a first past the post system.

We must enact and enforce a ranked choice voting system nationally, otherwise it will always come back to red vs blue, and a third party vote is electoral masturbation.

Where are these "men's groups" you speak of? As a "man," I've not heard of any, at least none that aren't inherently linked to toxic masc MAN-man personality traits.

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I appreciate what you're saying here - people come in all shapes and sizes, with different abilities, limb counts, etc. Every one is a human being deserving respect and dignity.

But OP didn't say "a complete human being" - it said "a complete human skeleton."

If an individual is missing a limb, by birth or by accident, they don't have a complete skeleton. It's a plain fact. Doesn't mean they are any less human.

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"cOnSuMiNg MeAt Is nAtUrAl"

Setting aside the inherent ethnocentrism of this statement, which, in classic Western fashion, completely bulldozes the many cultures that have thrived on entirely plant-based diets for centuries, possibly millennia...

This is still a shit argument, when you realize that EVERYTHING humanity does aims to separate ourselves from "nature," and move beyond what is "natural."

If we actually lived according to nature, we wouldn't have plastics, cell phones, cars, airplanes, air conditioning, and all the other myriad things that make our soft squishy lives easier.

But you keep chowing down on your "aLl-NaTuRaL" chicken wings and Mountain Dew, you fucking neanderthal.

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I should have listened.

Don't be fooled like me - it starts out like eye bleach... But it suddenly turns horrific

Fentanyl is dangerous because it is exceptionally potent; for reference, it is cited to be between 50 and 100 times more potent than morphine. It's typically dosed in 100 microgram (mcg) increments, with a potentially fatal dose is around 2mg (2000 mcg).

Carfentanil is around 10000 times stronger than morphine, dosed at 1 mcg increments.

A fatal dose is essentially invisible to the naked eye.