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Joined 1 years ago

You ever drive down a rural road, and out the window you suddenly come across an old shuttered up house? The kind of house with five cars parked on the front lawn in various states of disrepair? With overgrown bushes pushing into the peeling paint of the wooden siding alongside a giant novelty bigfoot that seems to stare at you as you zip by down the road? The one with the chain link fence that's torn in five places and yellowed trailer up on blocks? The one with a dog tied to a post, barking it's head off outside, so you know someone actually lives there?

I imagine these threads are like a window into the lives of the people in those houses. It's like they're living in a whole different society, with their weird quirks and vaguely unsettling rituals.

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You know this is a good plan because all the orthodox hardliners on both the Israeli and Palestinian side would hate it.

Ya, if I remember right FiveThirtyEight had Trump at around 30% chance in 2016, so slightly unlikely but not exactly a crazy longshot.

Insane that this comment is downvoted. There are 1400 dead Israeli civilians and hundreds more still held hostage by Hamas. If they want peace so bad, maybe release the hostages?

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People make bad financial decisions all the time? I dunno why you're so angry about this. Like, would you say someone with $10,000 of debt, no house, making $13 an hour is not poor? I mean ya they aren't destitute and homeless but that person sure as fuck wouldn't call themselves rich, you know?

Gotta use the Dove original beauty bar, at the risk of sounding like a shill it's seriously the only bar soap that doesn't leave your skin feeling all weird and sticky

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Got one guy yelling that real poor people can't afford plane tickets and you're calling me stupid for the opposite reason. Meanwhile I'm here like, I never even took a position on the actual argument, I just wanted to make a distinction between poverty in wealthy countries vs poor countries. Yeesh

Starting to think you're just an antisemitic troll. Blocked.

You need to differentiate between poor in a wealthy country vs. globally poor. I know plenty of "poor" people in the US who can still scrape together enough cash for a plane ticket to go on vacation, but they're still in tons of debt with zero savings.

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Hamas explicitly uses those places to launch attacks because they don't give a fuck about Palestinians civilians and want Israel to bomb them so they look bad. The alternative is to let them launch rockets against Israel with impunity, which has worked so well for the past 20 years, hasn't it?

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If they were carpet bombing Gaza there would be 200,000 dead civilians.

Speaking as an American Jew, Hamas should release the hostages. Until they do, a ceasefire feels impossible.

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They'll downvote you, spout off some nonsense about Israel committing genocide, because any war is apparently genocide now, and then dance away without providing any concrete solution that doesn't involve Israel getting wiped off the map.

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First, there is zero information on the number of civilian deaths vs. Hamas deaths, they are all lumped together in that 10,000 number, so good job parroting Hamas propaganda. Second, here is what you sound like to me: "Thinking that murdering 500,000 innocent German civilians* is justified because the Nazi's murdered/kidnapped a few Jews is psychotic. Get help."

*The number killed in WW2, in case you're wondering.

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This headline is terrible journalism. Guess I shouldn't expect much from a random website from Morocco when it comes to unbiased reporting on Israel though.

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  1. They are tired of dealing with daily rocket attacks on their population centers and the killing of 1400 civilians made leaving a terrorist group in charge of the region untenable?
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