
1 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

just your grouchy neighborhood non-binary goblin

and i'm testing the seven seas. arrr! 🏴‍☠️

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you've heard of beehaw, now get ready for kcaw

i wish the left could just pass a law banning harmful religion

i personally don’t care what you believe nor should freedom of religion go away, but this is exhausting

it’d be nice if we could just split into different countries; tired of dealing with these people. let them have their own fascist christian everyone-that’s-not-a-cishet-white-man-phobic country with zero taxes and fucked up roads and people realizing they have no choice but to hang themselves by their bootstraps when shit hits the fan. the rest of us will have a country where we take care of each other and don’t engage in harmful, childish drama.

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they won't

i tried to move my 100k subscriber sub to kbin (i also offered two different chatrooms)

6 came to kbin and people started attacking me for having the sub closed (one person even resorted to transphobia like jesus fucking christ) and being "political" and one person even made their own version of my subreddit

moving is too much work (it's actually not that much work, but since we now need two videos playing at the same time and can only watch those vids for 30 seconds, everything is "too much work"). that's why people are still on facebook, twitter, instagram, and tiktok.

i'm very glad there's an acceptable amount of activity on the "threadiverse" right now... but i just don't have hope that everyone will leave.

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the one downvote is from u/spez

i want to add - if you need to arm yourself but for some reason cannot have a gun, there are non-lethal weapons and guns out there. not perfect, but definitely better than going completely unarmed. if you are able to workout, that helps too. if you’re unarmed and a fast runner or a good fighter, that again is better than nothing at all.


how about UwUntu

agreed with @sab - we're making it active! i'm so happy kbin is so active!!!

but, it is true, our "job" is probably more fun!

cats when they do something wrong: :3c

hoping they don't remove me. i temporary privated my sub for mental health reasons because people were getting mad at me for joining the protest when i was opening back up

i made my sub during a very rough time in my life and i'd rather not lose it. i've been thinking about alternate ways of protesting but idk right now.

haven't used mineclone2, but i do want to echo minetest

making them pay

yes! what about the people currently all over the world who are lgbt and live in countries where being lgbt is fucking illegal? what are you doing for them?

yeah, it’s not a fucking joke, it’s spreading and we’re just sitting here complaining about it while it fucking gets worse. abortion rights out the window, lgbt rights out the window. it is already happening here. what’s your alternative?

kbin has seemed pretty chill so far

dark developers give me the forbidden kbin apps

might go to the gym tomorrow, but honestly hoping i don't unless i feel significantly better. past 2.5 weeks have been rough on my mind and body; feeling super scarily depressed and drained and exhausted, had a massive breakdown this morning. just hoping i can relax as much as possible and be gentle with myself. i know some may say the gym is good for mental health and all that, but for me it can be draining, especially if i'm already feeling low. and with my current level of dysregulation, i might feel more socially anxious/paranoid. if i do feel well enough, though, it'll be good to get back on track with that.

if any linux users would like to try and make me feel better - whyyyyyyyyyyy won't debian 12 boot, grub keeps whining about like 14 failed sectors????? but my ssd should be okay, it's only a year old and macos (mid-2012 macbook pro) is running fine on the other partition???????? i keep reinstalling linux and it just does not care, i tried update-grub and it does not caaaarrreeeeeeeeee

as someone who takes many medications and has had to deal with pharmacy nonsense for years... was this the pharmacist, or were they a pharm tech paid $7.50 an hour? not that that somehow justifies the denial. rather, it makes sense that when someone can get an "easier" position (easier in quotes because i've heard being a pharm tech is really difficult - but again, iirc, it's a job a lot of people can get) that they would end up in this situation where they choose to deny filling someone's medication. i imagine most actual pharmacists won't be denying medication (but it DOES happen, no denying that, just less likely imo).

if this was a pharm tech, i would have demanded to speak with the pharmacist. especially since THEY can decide whether or not i "need" a certain medication. if they won't get the pharmacist, get the walgreen's manager, or just shout for the pharmacist to come to the front. the actual pharmacists can be soooooooo busy, so they could easily be tuning out what's going on at the counter. lots of customers can be frustrated - what do you mean my insurance doesn't cover this? this doesn't look like my normal meds! i'm not paying that price, charge me less! etc etc. so any confrontation going on up front is just a regular part of the job, and can be something you just tune out.

also sharing this info so people know what to do, if they should find themselves in this unfortunate situation.

what are you currently doing for all the children in all the other countries where it isn’t safe to be lgbt? is your plan to take over those countries? what is your plan here now? if we don’t secede, what are we doing? the fascists are winning here. we can leave or we can let them win; we are doing nothing which is letting them win. you can’t save everyone.

nope. BPDmemes... which is just fucking sad because BPD is associated with identity issues including gender identity, so in some sense being transphobic can be ableist in that context as well.

i'm letting it go, they were probably just really dysregulated (as is the nature of this illness). but i did ban them for all of pride month.

however, my friend and i HAVE seen transphobia in the owl house community and we don't understand?????? there are literally multiple trans characters on the show like why would you be transphobic if you're a fan you. walnut

let me know if/when you make it; i’ll join

dark web 1.0 give me the forbidden catto

ye :)

people downvoting don't understand a parody account

so we allow them to continue to pass bigoted laws? because that’s what’s happening. i’m disabled, unable to work, and lgbt. i’ve got maybe $10 to last me for a month, not enough food stamps to cover food. this shit is scaring me. if i want to move to a progressive country i need to work there; they aren’t accepting people who will drain their resources. they’re killing us. let them kill themselves.

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like in an abusive relationship, the abused are not responsible for the shitty actions of the abuser. you don’t tell the abused to stay and wait for the abuser to have a change of heart, you get them the hell out of there.

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

they can move to our progressive country with zero barriers.

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