
0 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

If you're making 150k and are living paycheck to paycheck you either live in a crazy expensive area or are a total fucking idiot when it comes to managing your money.

98 more...

I'll assume there is a long list of influential Americans that got paid.

6 more...

I don't know how this is a negotiation...big pharma overcharges the USA by a lot...we all know it. How is this not illegal? Why are they not held accountable for inflating prices for 1 group of people? Imagine if they did the to just a single race...black, white, Asian, whatever... Is t it the same thing?

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This guy was too honest to be a politician. Probably the best person to ever sit in the oval office.

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OK, I can't keep up, what's the 2 mean? LOL

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My work recently changed their policy, we get 48 hours sick time a year. If you use it it's counted as an occurrence against you. Three occurrences in a rolling year and you're put on disciplinary action.

Here's your new benefit ...but you better not use it.

You can't make shit like that up.

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It would be great for everyone if The USA and China didn't go to war.

8 more...

Good point, allow me to correct my statement.

She acts like that's the first chick she's ever eaten.

She acts like thats the first cock that's been in there..

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Politicians poor behavior is always swept under the rug. We should demand better behavior from all elected officials.

I think of Twitter , or X, does go away everyone's mental health will improve.

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Poking the UAW with a stick may not work the way Ford thinks it will.

The verbage they use to describe the molestation of a child when the victimizer is female is disgusting. This bitch was a devious, calculated child predator. Her acts should not be white washed because she's a female. Pathetic.

Can both the right and left agree to start electing people in their 40s or 50s for a change?

The UAW strike will hopefully inspire an expansion of union representation in the workforce.

I think having options is the best part of Linux. I've used XFCE for years, but if I ever get tired of it there are plenty of great options.

I'm really pulling down the average.

I switched to a safety razor. Zero plastic, cheap to own and use. It's not much, but it's a start.

I'm confused. Did he do either of these?

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Hollywood and those involved in the movie industry are a bunch of self righteous weirdos.

I'm sure this won't be a popular opinion, but how is this surprising? Gay marriage was voted down at the state level many times all across the country. Those voters are still out there and 5 supreme court justices didn't change their opinions on homosexuality.

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As an American I can say for sure I don't give a shit about that war. There is no scenario at all that if situations were reversed we would get the sort of support we've given from anyone.

Voting out of anger or protest is what got Obama elected twice, Trump and Biden once..so far.

A proposal. Woohoo.

You said voters minds have been poisoned .. ... then went on a they they they rant proving your point. You get that, right?

If someone voted against a topic like this so many feel so strongly about I think it would be hard to change their minds. What could I say to convince you otherwise on this topic?

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Yeah yeah yeah. Far left bullshit, that's all this is.

So someone buried in medical debt can continue burying themselves in other debt. This is American as it gets.

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Yes, I'm in the USA. The company just can't understand why their retention of younger talent is so low. Honestly this use to be a premier job in my area, but has been watered down to average or below. Can't wait to retire and have this mess in my rearview mirror.

Also, I added the first additional link I found as anyone can update Wikipedia without validity.

As if I need to. You are clearly a fucking idiot likely in debt over their head because you lack any common sense or self control. Enjoy your miserable existence.

Or a liberal. Liberals are the same.

Not at all, I said that people are on one side of this topic, and it showed in the actual votes they placed. Then with a 5/4 vote in the supreme Court the government told them their opinion didn't matter. That alone will make someone loath the decision and keep their opinions. I've made myself very clear, and I think everyone here understands my point perfectly, some don't agree with it, to them I say, whatever.

If you honestly believe that you are so full of hate your judgement is off.

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It won by such a large margin clearly abortion was supported by some Republican voters too. It won't be reversed.

It's a sad story. But I don't think money from the Treasury should pay someone's bills for up to a year. Our government handles money like an impulsive 6 year old.

Their mods.

That's a long winded way of saying I'm lazy.

I hope neither Biden or Trump are our next President.


That's a quick Google search. It barely made it through the supreme court, passing 5/4. I'm not sure where you are gathering your information, but it's skewed.

Another search https://www.dailysignal.com/2014/10/06/states-voted-gay-marriage-now-forced-upon/

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