
1 Post – 51 Comments
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If they could, they would. Laws aren't passed because it makes sense, but because they benefit the rich.

Another right-wing bill that gives the rich power over poor, disguised as left-wing bill. All politicians in power are rich, which is why they always push for right-wing politics, democrat or republican, always end up against the working class. There is a good video about this.

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Trump is literarlly elected because Hilary's campaign elevated him in their piped piper strategy to make Republiacan candidate more extreme so more people vote for her. https://www.salon.com/2016/11/09/the-hillary-clinton-campaign-intentionally-created-donald-trump-with-its-pied-piper-strategy/

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Wait a minute, if we get rid of the Republican Party, wouldn't a two party system become a one party system? So if Trump is elected, end of democracy, if Republican party is destroyed, also end of democracy? Is there no way out? End of democracy either way?

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Biden didn't invent the alliance to Israel, but when the conflict increased during his term he side-stepped congress to give weapons to them faster, so they can kill more civilians as quick as possible.

Don't excuse for what he has done. Biden is a war criminal. And having NATO, most powerful minitarly alliance in the World, threatened is no comparison to genocide in Gaza. NATO is a problem just as well, but Israel needs to be stopped ASAP.

I am not against voting, but the metaphor is really wrong and it doesn't communicate how voting changes almost nothing.

The problem is that Hilary supported Trump in pied piper strategy to have an easier person to run against. This means that you are doing exactly what they want you to do and they are protecting Trump because they need him to be the other candidate so you are forced to support ice cream made of genocide.

Democrats are terrorists now, that hold the entire country hostage and demand murder of civilians in Gaza for their financial gain. We don't have democracy either way, we will have genocide, wars and poverty either way. There really isn't that big of a difference, because they support each other so they can win against us, the people. They are the same team, funded by same people, running on same campaigns, running the same narrative of lesser evil vs evil, while actually working together.

Their next move is for democrats to support same policies that republicans do now, and fund even more extreme republicans so that can be their candidate. The strategy clearly works. Whatever you are voting against this elections, you will be forced to vote for the next.

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When black panters were around, they would just carry the weapons, to show that if some white nationalist attack, they will not just sit there. Now whenever cops see someone marching with a gun, to protect the union strike or whatever, they can just arrest them, without any shooting even occurring. While anyone backed by the rich, will be able to pass by police with AR 15 with no problem. Just imagine two groups that started as a peacful protest being face to face, while one group is heavily armed and other is not.

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It keeps the rich safer from the working class to rebel against them. This bill only makes more of a gap and gives more power to the rich, over the poor.

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Oh no, he will be accused of being pro-Hamas. Just like when you criritize him you are accused of being pro-Trump, or if you critize evil NATO countries are doing, you are called pro-Russian. If people are that stupid to not see this clear tactic that everyone who critiques me must support my enemies, then you should maybe they shouldn't use the same tactic when it suits them.

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Yeah, this bill is stupid. It just gives rich more power than the poor, like all bills. No matter the topic in politics, it always ends up as something that hurts only the working class.

This is what happens when you start falling for right-wing ideas disguised as left-wing. The problem never was that constitution is allowing for people to hurt each other, the problem is that the working class is disproportionally hurt by shootings and now they will give even more power away from the poor and allow the rich kids to shoot at civil-rights protesters.

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This is how working class constantly loses power and rich constantly get more privileges. They complain about a policy that affects them more than the rich, some "left-wing" rich politician says "ok, we will change it, but only for the poor" and they are like "I guess it's the start" and the end goal never comes. Imagine if this was done during Black Panter movement, where now they can't arm themselves because the are disproportionly poorer. Gangs can still get illegal guns, shot unarmed civilians and make poor naigboorhoods even less safe, while rich kids can feel even safer to go armed and pick a fight with civil-rights protesters. Any law that affects the working class more negatively than the rich is making things worse, not better.

@mob expressed himself wrong. It doesn't really hurt the poor people directly, but it does transfer even more power to rich by allowing them to arm themselves and stopping anyone from working class to do so as well. It is ultimately a right-wing bill disguised as left-wing, as all laws end up being in the end.

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Then why not ban everybody? Why do rich people always get an exception? Nobody here is saying banning guns is a bad idea, we are saying that it is exactly right wing point of view that only passes a law that affects the poor. Now the rich republicans that use the anger of rural working class for their own benefit, don't have to be worried of that armed working class rebelling against them, when they fuck them over. Now they the rich can both keep the guns, get more power over poor and go and lie to rural working class that it is the left that took away their guns, and say nothing about how they were fine with it, because it doesn't affect them.

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He ain't gonna do shit. It would hurt his rich buddies.

This bill is making it legal to favor the rich. They can stop everyone and ask for papers, but those who represent the interest of the capitalist class will be able to have them, while the working class won't.

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I think it is done to pressure the regular people to overthrow the government. Showing how important the issue is and how much he sacrificed himself just to motivate people, that everybody else can sacrifice far less by risking arrest overthrowing the government.

It will be all for nothing if the people don't unite in demanding that US stops supporting genocide and if they have to, go to the streets and stop this war crime by force.

I just need one, being able to change if something in the code is against my interests.

I hope so, sounds very risky to get rid of Republican party first and then wait in a one party system until something changes. I am afraid that once you have someone with complete power, they will use it to stay in power forever.

They can still claim self defence that they were attacked by a knife or a rock, changes nothing.

Right-wing politics is everything that promotes giving power of one group over the other. Giving the rich more power to own weapons, while taking it away from working class, is a right-wing idea, by definition. It is not right-wing to claim everybody should own weapons, it is right-wing to claim, only the rich, or only the state or only the white should own the weapons, while others are not allowed,

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I am not so sure it will delay it. If we get a democrat then they will move the goal post for worse, if we don't we will lose democracy we don't have. During Trump there where some good antigovernment riots due to George Floyd and American army moved out of Afghanistan. During Biden, we got war in Ukraine and increased genocide in Gaza. Altough they both have same goals, there are benefits to having an evil idiot instead of evil smarter person in power.

Either way, you can vote for whoever you want and It won't really hurt. But it definitely wont help either.

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It is only definition that makes sense. There is a good video about it. If you shift power back to the people that are a working class, or in other words, if it promotes equality in decision-making power, than it is a left-wing policy. If it is a law that gives more power to the ruling/capitalist/rich class, it is a right-wing policy.

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Great, if my child is shot dead in school by some rich kid, at least I get 300k to pay for child funeral. /s

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You are taking existing laws for granted. Car insurance has the same problem. Rich people drive cars, poor people don't. Then you defund public transport and give more power to the rich over the working class. In few years, people would take gun insurance for granted. It will be normal for rich people to own the guns are poor people to be defenseless. Just think about Black Panter movement and what this bill would mean if they were still around today.

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But that is the point, one group can own them legally, while others can't. Black Panters didn't go a out of their way to break the law. If they can do it legally, they would. They didn't want to give cops any reasons to arrest them. A lot of working class movements are perfectly legal, it is the ruling class that tries to think of excuses to either discredit them or simply arrest them or kill them. in the end it is the state that stopped Black Panters and frame them as some violent group. Their focus was on education., community run daycares and etc. They were attacked by white nationalists so they would legally arm themselves and patrol their areas. This was the only time that NRA supported gun control and Mulford Act was passed. It was never about right to have guns, no one really believes that. It is about the right for the powerful to have weapons to protect from the working class, and not the other way around.

So in the mean time, before this restructure, if it happens at all, there would be a period where one party would have unlimited power? Sounds like very risky, if it gets to that point, they can use that power to stay in power forever. I think we need ranked choice voting before we get rid of republicans or some sort of direct democracy.

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Didn't democrats vote in executive power for president during Obama administration so the president can act on their own? Kinda funny how democrats complain republicans are authoritarian, when they give presidents power of kings.

All presidents used executive power for lesser reasons. These are just PR games for naive voters.

Maybe people with bad credit scores? If everyone can afford it, why make it into a bill? Is it just marketing for politicains so they can just pretend they are doing something about it, or are they actively discriminating from the poor.

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Yeah, I don't think this article makes sense. I don't think Republican party will die until we change elections into ranked choice voting or direct democracy.

In countries with one party systems they also have winner-takes-all voting system. I think that without two parties at least, one party will take over complete power and use it to stay in power forever.

No, the rich corporations funded both and told them to support each other. It is not just a conspiracy theory, there are cryptographicaly signed emails about this, for which journalists when to jail for publishing. There are public records of major donors funding both sides. They are all puppets that play in theater of politics to pretend to be enemies while working for the same employer doing the same thing and getting votes by pretending they are against each other.

Trump is a democrat funded candidate in republican party. They both work for the same people and same interests.

He will always be here because democrats will support him so he can be a scarecrow for people to vote for them.

  1. They don't shift policies, they shift marketing. They will continue to support Israel because they are treating you with Trump and you have to vote for them whatever they do. So change is never going to happen.
  2. Either vote third party or don't waste your time voting. You are getting nothing better with democrats. Trump is a candidate that was placed there by the democrats so they can have a better chance in the elections. In next elections they will simply move the goal post and get someone even worse for Republican party and whatever you are voting against in these elections will be the democrat position in the next one.
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Videos from this channel, "What is politics?" exactly explain that those governments that are calling themselves left, where right wing rich politicians pretending to be left wing. And leftist at the time, called them out on it multiple times. But it just ended with them in jail. Every dictatorship is right wing by definition. Having an excuse that you will be a nice king, doesn't make a you a leftist. The excuse of those regimes was that they will only be there for a while, after which they will disolve the state completely. That autoritarianism is just temporary. Of course, that day never came and instead they focused on propaganda that redifined what being left is, which is very common in history.

honestly I wouldn't risk it to wait for an election or two. Once you have complete power you can use it to stay in power, gut everyone from the party that is not on your side. It is such a big risk to have a one party system, even for a short while, that risking your vote now for the third party is actually lower.

With medical insurance the money goes to paying the hospital bill. We need insurance to cover the costs. What do I get with a gun insurance? Cost for what? Free guns? If I get nothing in return, I should pay nothing.

Politicians have no real agency, it is the rich that control the entire political landscape. They liked Hilary and Trump, and they told them to support elevate each other so that no matter who wins, they get their way. They do this in every election, same major donors fund both sides.

Democrats and Republicans are just puppets that pretend they are against each other, but in reality they are on the same side working for the same employers and getting votes by bashing each other.

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