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Joined 6 months ago

Alt for @olorin99 and @olorin99

Then Hello Games spent the next few years updating it so it was good. Yes they messed up but they don't deserve the hate some people throw their way.

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resume (cv/job application) more recently comes from french and is pronounced differently than resume (to continue). Ultimately they both come from the same latin word "resumere". https://www.etymonline.com/word/resume

The use of "horrible" in their comment isn't necessarily about the quality of the art. Judging from context it's probably more about the ethical considerations. So not really a contradiction.

Why would they not just buy some cheap shoes to destroy.

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Sorry yeah I've gotten so used to building android apps its probably more complicated than I think.

Open android studio. Select new project from version control. Enter the url of the github and click enter. This will download the source code and open it to view/edit. Android studio should then prepare dependencies etc, it will say something like "building gradle" in the bottom corner. Wait for that to finish then in the toolbar at the top of the screen there is a dropdown labeled build which has the different build options. There should be one called "build apk" this will build the app.

Now that I've written this out it does seem more complicated that I thought.

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800 microwatts would be 0.0008 watts so 4 orders of magnitude away from current phone power usage.

Also don't understand the "morally wrong" argument. Just because something is slightly more complicated than it could be doesn't make it "morally wrong".


Home is a noun, adverb, adjective, and a verb. Yes the statement is proper English.

I just opened it in android studio and clicked build.

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It comes from rhyming slang "septic tank = yank".

64-06-12 ??

Yes having equations written in a more straightforward way might make it easier for laypeople to understand but I think that the people who use their head for anything more complicated than a+b and don't just use a calculator can probably figure it out fine.

Pretty much. By splitting the platform into smaller chunks (instances) you reduce the effect any one instance has on the rest of the platform. The price for this is convenience however over time people will find solutions for this.

Because dogs are better than humans.

Neither is inherently better. It depends on what you need. Vulkan gives you more control which can be beneficial for advanced rendering techniques however comes at the cost of requiring more knowledge to use. OpenGL is simpler but generally has higher driver overhead.

The default Samsung calendar app has a widget which shows how long since/until a chosen calendar event. Its probably something like that.

I'm curious what counts as a decent instance for you?