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Joined 3 weeks ago

You can see every moment a senior dev went to management and asked for time or money to develop a certain type of interaction and were told no every single time.

Trump and his followers are truth proclaimers, not truth seekers. They believe truth is dictated by consensus, volume, devotion, etc because that's what their religion and their narcissistic delusions teach them. Everyone else knows that truth is something to be analyzed and determined, not proclaimed.

So in general, yeah it's a waste of time paying attention to what their reaction is. They're a predictable bunch.

Because all of our current laws work so well at preventing access to addictive things. /s

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Don't waste your time feeding the troll

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If anyone in the future ends up going to prison or losing custody of their children because they bought them a cellphone or let them use social media, we will have officially failed as a society. That is dystopian as all hell.

It is not the government's place to parent people's children for them, much less the dysfunctional government we have.

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What's the evidence?