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Joined 13 months ago

They just don't know any better. And when you tell them about Brave's history, they just don't listen

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As a browser? Firefox. The answer is always just Firefox. It's not perfect by any means, but it's the best in terms of privacy and ethics. It's not shady like Brave is, it's not Chromium-based like any other browser, and Mozilla is actively engaged in making the web a better place.

I've had the chance to discuss numerous times with people about other browsers, and I honestly don't get why they always look elsewhere, when Firefox exists.

P.s.: sorry about the tirade, I obviously don't have anything against you. It's just that Firefox has existed for 21 years and it has been consistently user-focused and privacy-centric and I really don't understand why people don't just use it - maybe because it's not as new and thus does not look as attractive as other browsers

When I see this shit I lose all hope in the Fediverse's success

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I don't know what to think about this acquisition. What I do know is that the FTC should pick their battles in a different way. There are at least a couple of other tech companies (Google, Amazon) that should be broken up because they're monopolies and I don't know why nobody at the FTC seems to be looking at them.

7 more... make the fediverse useless, yes

There are controversies around Brave itself and also its CEO, Brendan Eich (also inventor of JavaScript and also former Mozilla CEO).

  • Brave was altering search results by adding crypto redirects to links. Source.

  • Eich was forced to resign from Mozilla CEO because he made donations against gay marriage. Also, he basically is a covid conspiracy theorist. Source

You might not care about a company's CEO behavior, as long as they do a good job. I usually do not. In this case, I can't help but feel that the whole project is kinda shady.

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Microwaves are just quicker and more convenient. That's their whole selling point

My thoughts exactly. The official announcement does not say anything.

IDK if that's really news. I went to the Wall with my (christian) family like 15 years ago and my mother, who was wearing a tiny cross necklace, was asked to hide it

See, this is what I think people get wrong about ad tech: the problem are not the ads themselves, but the tracking. I'm completely fine with ads, as long as I'm not tracked by their provider

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You had to name it like that, didn't you?

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Did not know about this, but it looks great! Wishlisting it

one of the test participants, who talked repeatedly about Volvo, did report that they were bombarded by advertising for the brand. This person did not even own a car, nor had they searched the Internet to buy a Volvo or any other kind of car.

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I reeeeeaally don't want to go into that, but no: masks have been proven to be effective, if worn correctly, even non-n95 ones. It's not a mystery that, if something is in the way of your spit, you're not going to infect as many people. As for the whole outbreak origin debate, scientists went back and forth between the "wet market" theory and the "lab escape" theory. The last research I've seen was pretty confident in the "wet market" theory. No Fauci involved there.

Services or applications. An instance is just a server.

Bu yeah, there are a lot more than those! See here

Lol I was about to say the same. If an idea has never been in a game maybe it's just because it sucks, lol

Matrix is not part of the Fediverse

It's an instance with all the EU governmental bodies. It's

Unfortunately you're right

I've been trying to get on Bluesky for ages. Unfortunately they're really stingy with invite links. I know it's gonna sound really bad, but... you don't happen to have one you could give away?

My bad! The article on my RSS reader was not paywalled

I'm currently using a Oneplus 5T. Released in 2017. Slapped LineageOS on it, and that bad boy is still my daily driver and one of my most prized possessions. I dread the day when it will break, but it's not yet showing any signs of weakness

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Wrong discussion

That was the idea. Now it's pretty much a ghost town, though. It never had a real breakthrough

You know, I used to be very skeptical about this whole thing, like you are. But this is not the first report of this type I see, and I'm not so sure about it being a coincidence anymore

with LineageOS from day 1

Same here! I had been living with degoogled ROMs since 2013-ish and I bought the OP5T with the specific intention of using Lineage from day 1.

Nowadays I struggle to find a potential successor: I need a headphone jack (so no Fairphone, unfortunately) and that makes it waaay more difficult. Sony Xperias are probably my best shot

Still, lots of people care about the NYT and Fox News. And I mean LOTS of them

Being more like myself and stop desperately trying to appeal to other people. You'd think that's easy, but noooope. Especially considering the fact that, after years of behaving like other people expect you to behave, you start forgetting who you really are.